Monday, December 31, 2012

wii zumba core = love

i am loving my new wii zumba core workouts

however i thought i was going to die the last 10 mins i was so exhausted

666 calories today ......made my fat cryyyyyyyyyyy lol

2013 * 223

weighed in at 223 today 3 pound gain..... cant wait to lose it again but slow and steady wins the race right

today i will be shoveling snow
working out to my new wii zumba core game
and then spending a lovely new years eve with friends and family

cant wait

happy new years everyone!!!!!!!! <3 p="p">

Sunday, December 30, 2012

holiday fun

had a little too much holiday fun the past 2 weeks and gained 2 pounds with all the great food but i will be back on track tomorrow or at least the workout will be getting done no more excuses like i did the last couple days

Friday, December 28, 2012

9 more miles

biked 9 miles today and did 30 mins of turbo fire
feeling great today
worked out about 80 mins total
hope everyone is having a great day as well

Thursday, December 27, 2012

workin it out

got off my bootay and did wii just dance 4 for 20 mins
and did an hour bike ride
13 and a half miles in my winter jammies tonight lol
love my new k swiss shoes they made the bike ride so easy today

why oh why

wondering how i was so good christmas eve at the holiday buffet on the table and then christmas and the 26th all i have done is eat
4 lean pockets 5 small bags of cheese doodles fudge
yuck yuck yuck

what is wrong with me

feelin horrible need to get back on track i cant fall off now 16 pounds lost last month but now binging really its so frustrating that i am sabotaging myself once again

lets see if i can workout and snap out of this today

Saturday, December 22, 2012

baby its cold outside 220

it is freezing outside and inside but i didnt seem to mind when i was doing my bob harpers extreme cardio workout dvd an hour workout mind you that is very very extreme lol
i was shaking by the end but i feel great now that its done cold but great

hope everyone else is doing well too .....havent heard for some in awhile and am a lil worried

lets make some great healthy choices over this holiday season guys

and have a great time too <3 p="p"> 

Friday, December 21, 2012

220 a 3 pound loss :-)

its been a busy week
i kept busy i watched what i was eating and kept in a good calorie range
and i am happy to say i lost more weight 3 pounds

which makes it 16 pounds this month
by just not overeating and exercising and staying busy and not getting so stresssed out over little things

Thursday, December 20, 2012


well it was a long night last night ....i tossed and turned most of the night woke up went to work half asleep made it all day and went to somewhere before going home and hit a curb .....embarrassing but not as embarrasing as realizing you tore your bumper halfway off your car too

needless to say im exhausted and it was a stressful day

but i plan on biking tonight and relieving some stress

so far

i have eaten


hummus and celery

and a hebrew national  97% fat free hot dog

so i think i am doing good calorie wise today and im not starving or anything

oh and i feel like im getting a cold so i tried to drink some super c lol hopefully it helps

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

food @ 223

need to start journaling what i am eating again
so here goes nothing

yogurt 100 cals
pea chips and salsa 200 cals
turkey bacon 3 slices 250 cals
hebrew national 97% fat free hot dog  250 cals
small bowl of edys slow churned pumpkin ice cream 200 cals
shared half a candy cane with my lil man 100 cals

i believe this was all today
so i'll try guesstimating calories

1100 cals

wow not to bad today at all


hopefully will be losing more weight soon

and i worked out too

did jillian michaels ripped in 30 level 1

Monday, December 17, 2012

655 cals

so i only got in 655 cals today so far going to have to have some dessert tonight lol

biked 5 more miles and did the dvd bob harpers totally ripped core ....omgooodness i forgot how hard bob harper dvds are to do
was shaky and felt like i was going to puke halfway through

hows everyone else doing??????

Saturday, December 15, 2012

223 lost another pound

so excited the scale is going down lately
been putting in alot of hard work
took a rest day yesterday and today i biked 10 miles in an hour
which i am proud of because i have only been biking for a couple weeks now so i'm still getting the hang of it and how to fast to go and how to pace myself exactly but im learning

hoping everyone is making healthy choices too

have a great weekend

Thursday, December 13, 2012

biked 16 miles today
feeling good

taking a rest day fri and sat :-)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

biking is my new love

have been biking alot recently

today i biked 26.50 miles

i call  it my marathon day

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

4 pound loss ~ 224

 Excited i have finally figured out how to lose weight for good.  I bike every day 10-15 miles and i just eat less.  Eat less move more it really does work.  Hopefully i can keep this weight off for good this time.  That what i am afraid of ive lost 65 pounds before and gained it back but this time it is seeming easier maybe because i struggled for the last year to get back on track maybe i am appreciating the struggle and realizing it isnt going to be easy but in a way it is easier this time because i know maybe what has to be done and how to do it. It is a lifestyle change not a for a year change.  I know i have to make a change forever and that is great with me now.  I want the change


never giving up this time
I know why i need to do it this time i have something motivating me this time
LIFE and wanting to live and be happy and healthy

Saturday, December 8, 2012

228 and happy

so i noticed i last posted mid october and now its begining of december ....oh my goodness were does the time fly

i have lost weight not as much as i wanted to but i havent gained so i am proud of myself

i went from last post 233 to 228 today

5 pounds in about 2 months not horrible but not great

ive been stepping it up lately and biking and i bike anywhere from 10-20 miles a day

today was 13 miles in an hour

well i plan on blogging at least once a month and hopefully losing 4 pounds a month

well here goes nothing lol