Monday, March 11, 2013


thank you everyone for all the great comments they really keep me pushing on

today i weighed in at 207 feeling great and its nice to be back to a size 18 instead of 24

cant wait to see what the future has in store for me

started running and trianing for my 5k in may
today i ran 4 miles

want to get better and better time wise so i will just keep on training ....probably every other day
hope everyone else is doing great and making the best choices

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

honestly doing it and doing it well 208

i cant believe it but i am actually losing weight and keeping it off again
i lost another 3 pounds last month to put me at 208 right now
i work very hard for it
i started running to train for a 5k
2 miles a day
i do jillian workouts
and i bike while watching tv
cant wait to get back to onderland and feel like me again :-)