Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros sharing the first paragraph or two, from a book I'm reading or will be reading soon.
Harmony; Carolyn Parkhurst
Pamela Dorman Books/Viking - 2016
"In another world, you make it work. In another world, you never even hear the name 'Scott Bean.' Or you do, and you maybe even subscribe to his newsletter, but on the night that he comes to speak at a library not far from your house, Iris is sent home from school with a stomach bug, or Josh is out of town and you don't want to hire a sitter. You figure you can catch him next time. Later, when you hear his name on the news and it sounds familiar, you shake your head and think, 'What a wacko.' It doesn't even occur to you to say, 'That could have been me.' Because you know yourself, and it goes without saying. You would never get mixed up in something like that. End of story."
Based on this intro, would you read more or pass on this book?
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