Sunday, July 20, 2008

Colorado Trip

Jessie and I had an excellent trip to Colorado. We were able to visit family, hike, rock climb, bumper boat, go-cart ride, and celebrate birthdays all within a 36 hour period. What an excellent weekend! The company was great and the food was excellent; atleast Connor thought so.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Parade and Fireworks

The Orem City festival was lots of fun watching the parade, partaking of the carnival atmosphere and food, and then enjoying some amazing fireworks for the finale. What a great day!

Take me out to the ball game!

Jessie and I had a great time at the ball park watching the Salt Lake Bees come back and beat the Colorado something-or-others. It was a beautiful night and it was nice having the prettiest girl by side as well.


Cruising is the way to go! Jessie and I loved our honeymoon cruise to Mexico. We loved chilling on deck or taking in a fun game of mini-golf. Dressing up all nice for the dinners was fun and the food was endless and delicious. Jessie enjoyed the anticipation of what "towel animal" friend was going to welcome us home for the night. The beaches were gorgeous and our on shore activities of zip-lining, kayaking, jet-skiing, and resort dining were loads of fun. One of our favorite things to do was to take pictures of the many pictures they would take of us professionally as you exited the ship or around the ship. I think I included one of Jessie and I exiting for Mazatlan. The Carnival Pride was an excellent home for a week and I'm sure we wouldn't hesitate to do it again whenever the means and opportunity presents itself again.

Marriage is Wonderful!!

Jessie and I's wedding day was eventful, fantastic, and loads of fun! The temple was, of course, a tremendous experience and I couldn't have asked for a better luncheon and receptions. It was fabulous to have family and friends together to share in our experience. Thanks so much to all who blessed us with so many generous gifts! You have helped start us off on the right foot. Thanks to all who sacrificed so much time, energy, and money in our behalf. We are truly blessed!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Check it out

Jessie has a blog at Check it out.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


A couple of weeks ago jessie and I took a trip to Ephraim to visit Joe, Kjirsten, and family and had a great time. We also had the fabulous chance of going snowmobiling, being pampered, and being fed gourmet meals daily. We are glad joe let us go have some fun with him. It was lots of fun and we enjoyed every second.