A is for Aden and Z is for Zanzabar

A is for Aden and Z is for Zanzibar... Now what is between? For the world wide classical era philatelist and stamp collector, a country specific philatelic survey is offered by the blog author, Jim Jackson, with two albums: Big Blue, aka Scott International Part 1 (checklists available), and Deep Blue, aka William Steiner's Stamp Album Web PDF pages. In addition, "Bud" offers commentary and a look at his completely filled Big Blue. Interested? So into the Blues...

Thursday, March 6, 2014


1870 Scott 38 1p red "Queen Victoria"
Overprinted in Black
Quick History
Natal was a British crown colony in south-eastern Africa between 1843-1910. The Capital was Pietermartizburg, and the population was 1,200,000 in 1908.

South Africa region in 1884-Natal in yellow
The British had annexed the Boer colony of Natalia in 1843, not without some misgivings by the Boer settlers, and administered Natal from Cape Colony until 1856. Population growth was initially small, at least in part because of the powerful Zulu presence.

Stamps for Natal were issued from 1857-1909.

A sugar industry were established in Natal, and over 150,000 indentured Indians arrived in Durban harbor to work the plantations. When Mahatma Gandhi arrived in Durban in 1893, Whites were outnumbered by Indians in the colony.

For a good overview of the complexities of the South Africa area, I recommend the South Africa Area Transition Chart of the Dead Countries Stamps website. Thanks Michael!

In 1910, Natal was united with Cape of Good Hope, Orange Free State, and Transvaal to form the Union of South Africa.
1884 Scott 67 1p rose , wmk 2
Into the Deep Blue
The 2011 Scott Classic Specialized catalogue has, for Natal 1857-1909, 132 major stamp descriptions. Of those, 13 are CV <$1-$1+ (10 %). Raising the bar to $5, yields 28 stamps, or 21%. Clearly, Natal is on the expensive side.

A closer look at the stamps and issues
12 Pence = 1 Shilling
20 Shillings = 1 Pound
1862 Scott 12 3p blue "Queen Victoria"
Rough Perf 14 to 16
The first seven stamps of Natal (1857-58) are embossed and unique...and expensive.

Beginning in 1860, the image of Queen Victoria is seen, as shown above. The earlier issues (1860-62, seven stamps) are found with various perforations

1864 Scott 16 6p violet "Victoria"
Wmk 1
The 1864 issue has wmk 1- "Crown and C C". It is found as a 6p violet ( In the example above, the perfs were trimmed by scissors), and the 1p carmine red. The 1p will need to be distinguished from the 1862 wmk 5- "Small Star" 1p rose, and the previous unwmk varieties.

1870 Scott 43 1sh green
Overprinted "Postage" in green
Beginning in 1869, and continuing through 1875, some 44 stamps were overprinted "Postage" in various ways. Almost all are somewhat expensive to expensive.

Here, one can see a green overprint (CV $10+) on a 1sh green, issued in 1870. The overprint is also found in red (CV $4000+!) and black (CV $1,500+) on this stamp. 

1875 Scott 49 6p violet "Victoria"
Overprint 14 1/2 mm
The "Postage" overprint can be found vertical, horizontal, in various script, and length. Consult Scott for details, and be prepared to open the wallet. ;-)

1874 Scott 54 6p violet "Victoria"
Wmk 1, Perf 14
Between 1874-78, a eight stamp issue was produced with four "Victoria" designs. They are distinguished by wmk 1 ( Crown and C C), and various perforations.

1882 Scott 70 4p brown "Victoria"
Wmk 2, Perf 14
Then between 1882-89, four stamps were issued in the 1874-78 designs, but with wmk 2 ( Crown and C A),. The watermarking tray will be needed. ;-)

1887 Scott 74 2p olive green, Die B
(Two examples)
In 1887, a 2p olive green "Victoria" was issued (CV $1+). Of interest, this stamp is part of the British Colonial Die A/ Die B varieties. I though I had one of each, but on closer inspection, they appear to be both Die B varieties. ;-) The vertical color line will stop at the eighth line of shading of the neck ( Die B), rather than the sixth line ( Die A).

For a detailed review of the Die A/Die B differences, see the Cyprus blog post.

1888 Scott 76 1sh orange "Victoria"
Type of 1867 overprinted "Postage" in Red
Between 1877-1895, another group of stamps (12)  were overprinted "Postage" and/or surcharged. 

1895 Scott 80 1/2p on 1p rose, black surcharge
Wmk 2, perf 14
This 1895 issue (CV $2+) is part of the surcharge group.

1902-03 Scott 86 3p gray & red violet "Edward VII"
Wmk 2, Perf 14
Between 1902-03 a "King Edward VII" issue was produced. Thirteen stamps had the design, as illustrated, with wmk 2 ( Crown and C A). Another seven stamps for the higher denominations were in a larger format design, with wmk 1 ( Crown and C C).

1904-08 Scott 103 2p olive green & scarlet "Edward VII"
Wmk 3
Then, between 1904-08, another nine stamps were issued, as shown, but with wmk 3 ( Crown and multiple C A). One can never be very far from a watermarking tray with the British colonials. ;-)

Official 1904 Scott O1 1/2p blue green
Overprinted "Official", Wmk 3, Perf 14
In 1904, there was a six stamp Official issue produced. One will note the "official" overprint.

In 1910, the stamps of Natal were superceded with the issues of the Union of South Africa.

Deep Blue
Deep Blue (Steiner) has nine pages, and all the major Scott numbers have a space.

1895 Scott 79 1/2p on 6p violet, red surcharge
Big Blue
Big Blue '69, on one page, has 25 spaces. Coverage is 19%.

Natal is located between Mozambique Company and Nauru. in the '69 BB.

Two stamps reach the $35 CV threshold.


One Penny (illustrated): 8 or 10($35) or 14 or 15
Blank space- ( 6p - 13 or 16 ($35)) or (3p-9 or 11 or 12 ($40))

64 or 65 or 66, 51 or 67, 52 or 68 or 69, 53 or 70, 54 or 71,



81 or 101,82 or 102,83,84 or 103,85,86,87 or 104,89,
110,(88 or 105),(90 or 106),

Official Stamps


A) Expensive stamps ($10 threshold):
1863 Scott 10 1p red ($35)
1864 (Scott 16 6p violet ($35))
B) (   ) around a space indicates a blank space choice
C) * 1874-89- choices include wmk 1 or wmk 2, and color
D) *1902-08- choices are wmk 2 or wmk 3

1902-03 Scott 89 6p maroon & blue green 
"Edward VII", wmk 2
Out of the Blue
All of the colonies of British South Africa are philatelically interesting, and Natal is certainly among the group. A representative collection can be developed by the WW classical collector, albeit with some holes, unless one is willing to devote more money, because of philatelic interest,  into the region.

Note: Permission was obtained from  Joaquin de Salas Vara de Rey  to use the 1884 South Africa Area map found at http://desalas.org/ . Thanks Joaquin!


Friday, February 28, 2014

The Pictorials of Mozambique Company

1918 Scott 108 1/4c brown & yellow green
"Native and Village"
Quick History
The reality is the Mozambique Company did little to develop the (present) provinces of Manica and Sofala. But, through using forced labor (Chibalo system) for the plantations, and the right to tax, they persisted for the 50 year concession lease from 1891-1941. Rebellions occurred in 1902 and 1917, mainly because of resistance to forced labor, and required interventions by the Portuguese.

Manica and Sofala provinces,
Northern section of Gaza and Inhamban:
Former Mozambique Company lands
But the Mozambique Company did  produce unusually nice stamps for a Portuguese colony.  And that is where they left their mark for WW classical collectors. Mainly two issues, the 1918-31 37 stamp issue, and the 1937 19 stamp issue, are wonderful bi-color pictorials engraved in London, and available today for little financial outlay.

1918 Scott 115 2 1/2c lilac & black
"Buzi River Scene"
Into the Deep Blue
As we already covered the Mozambique Company in a general way in the preceding blog post, we are free to concentrate on the Pictorials of 1918-31 and 1937.

2018 Update: Reader Dave Humphreys has this comment (and offer!) about the MC Pictorials -

 "For Mozambique Company, I found that there were quite extensive perforation varieties listed in Gibbons. I was able to add varieties to the first 9 pages for that country, plus some postage dues. 

Scott has since added the Ceres perforation varieties for the Portuguese Colonies. The Company issues are still listed as one, as far as I know. It made sense for me to break them down, especially the first long pictorial issue, as the perforation changes were often accompanied by colour/shade changes."

So Dave has modified album pages to reflect the various perforations found for the MC pictorials. If the reader would like to obtain his modified pages (in PDF) for the MC pictorials, send him a request via email.

...and now some words to confuse email bots..

Because of copyright concerns, Dave requests that the reader have already bought a Stamp Albums Web (Steiner) CD and/or is a Stamp Albums Web (Steiner) subscription holder.

Thanks Dave!

A closer look at the stamps and issues
My commentary for these issues will, at times, range beyond the stamp pictorial itself to how the pictorial subject is connected to the Mozambique of today.

1918 Scott 110 1/2c black "Man and Ivory Tusks"
Beautiful stamp. Horrible subject. Even today, poaching is only a misdemeanor, and Mozambique, (along with Laos and Vietnam), do the least to control trading in animal parts. In 2011, a survey of the Niassa National Reserve found 2,667 elephant carcasses.

1918 Scott 112 1 1/2c black & green
"Tapping Rubber Tree"
Mozambique is still interested in planting rubber trees for economic development.

Tapping a Rubber tree
A recent picture of Rubber tree tapping in Mozambique is shown here.

1918 Scott 113 2c carmine & black
"Sugar Refinery"
The sugar industry in Mozambique today employs 35,000 people, and accounts for 25% of the total agricultural exports.
1923 Scott 115 3c ocher & black "Corn"
Based on the pictorial image, the corn (maize) must be 12 feet high. ;-)

1921 Scott 117 4c green & brown "Tobacco Field"
The cultivation of tobacco is still ongoing in Mozambique. In fact, a recent concern is the replacement by farmers of food crops for tobacco crops.

1925 Scott 122 6c lilac & black
"Coffee Plantation"
Living in the Pacific Northwest, I am partial to good coffee. ;-) Although there may be some coffee beans grown in Mozambique, my internet research only yielded the use of instant coffee with the addition of some chicory.
1923 Scott 123 7c ultramarine & black
"Scene on Beira Railroad"
The Beira Railroad established a link to Salisbury (Harare) in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in 1899.

Steam Engine- Beira Railway
Here is a pic of the Class F2 two foot rail gauge steam locomotive of the Beira railway.

1918 Scott 124 7 1/2c orange & green
"Orange Tree"
The 1918-31 thirty-seven  stamp issue was engraved/produced in London. I'm not sure which printing firm- although the 1937 set was produced by Waterlow & Sons.

1923 Scott 128 12c brown & black"Cotton Field"
About 8% of the world's cotton is produced in Sub-Saharan Africa. Most of it is grown by smallholder farmers. One can help by buying "Cotton made in Africa"- An Aid by Trade Foundation Initiative.

1918 Scott 132 30c red brown & black
"Coconut Palm"
Copra is the dried meat of the coconut. Coconut oil is extracted from it, and the remaining coconut-oil cake is mostly used for livestock feed.

1925 Scott 136 40c greenish blue & black "Mangroves"
Mangrove swamps are found in the deltas of the Zambezi river.

1918 Scott 137 50c orange & black "Cattle"
Today there is about 1.2 million head of cattle in Mozambique. The northern provinces, though, are affected by the tsetse fly.
1925 Scott 141 80c carmine & black
"Sisal Plantation"
One can find Sisal fiber rugs from Mozambique with a little internet sleuthing.

Mozambique Sisal Fiber Rugs
Sisal is a a type of agave plant that yields a fiber that is used in making twine and rope.

1925 Scott 143 1e blue & black
"Company Arms"
The last pictorial that I will show for the 1918-31 issue has the Mozambique Company "Arms". The issue must have been readily available to the dealer trade, as all stamps are CV <$1.

1937 Scott 175 1c yellow green & violet "Giraffe"
An agreement to transfer some Giraffes from Kruger National Park in South Africa to just across the border into Limpopo National Park in Mozambique is helping to repopulate a wildlife area decimated by civil wars and poaching.
1937 Scott 176 5c blue & yellow green 
"Thatched huts"
A scene still found in Mozambique.

1937 Scott 177 10c vermilion & ultramarine "Dhow"
A Dhow (Arabic derivation)  is a vessel with lateen sails, and could be found in the Indian Ocean, and down the coast of East Africa.

1937 Scott 178 15c carmine & black
"St. Caetano Fortress, Sofala"
The Fortress was built in 1505 by the Portuguese on the Sofala Bank in the (now) Province of Sofala in Mozambique. 
The Sofala Fortress in 1666
The stones were imported from Europe, and were subsequently used to build the Beira Cathedral.

1937 Scott 179 20c green & ultramarine "Zebra"
The Plains zebra is found throughout East Africa in game reserves. What a beautiful stamp!

1937 Scott 182 45c blue & brown "Lion"
It is estimated that there are about 800-1,000 lions within the boundaries of the Niassa National Reserve.

1937 Scott 184 60c carmine & blue "Leopard"
About 50% of the Mozambique land area is suitable for leopard habitat. It is thought there is perhaps about 20,000 leopards in Mozambique.

1937 Scott 185 70c yellow brown & pale green
"Mozambique woman"
Most natives are of Bantu origin, and a number (>10!) of  Bantu languages are spoken.  (Portuguese is the official language, but only 40% of the population is fluent.)

1937 Scott 186 80c carmine & pale green
The rivers, specifically the Zambezi, have hippopotamus.

Distribution of the Hippopotamus in Africa
There are perhaps about 16,000 in Mozambique.

Deep Blue
1918-31 Views of Mozambique issue in Deep Blue
The pictorials in this blog are found spread over four pages in Deep Blue (Steiner).

925 Scott 145 2e lilac & black
"View of Beira"
Big Blue
Twenty-nine of the thirty-seven stamps of the 1918-31 issue, and twelve of the nineteen stamps of the 1937 Pictorial issue are found in BB. I suppose I should feel grateful. ;-)

1937 Scott 188 1e deep blue & black 
"Man in canoe"
Out of the Blue
Reviewing the classic pictorials of Mozambique Company- what fun!

Note: Map, and pics appear to be in the public domain.
