A is for Aden and Z is for Zanzabar

A is for Aden and Z is for Zanzibar... Now what is between? For the world wide classical era philatelist and stamp collector, a country specific philatelic survey is offered by the blog author, Jim Jackson, with two albums: Big Blue, aka Scott International Part 1 (checklists available), and Deep Blue, aka William Steiner's Stamp Album Web PDF pages. In addition, "Bud" offers commentary and a look at his completely filled Big Blue. Interested? So into the Blues...

Monday, March 24, 2014


1852 Scott 2 10c lake "King William III"
Quick History
The Netherlands- literally "Low Country"- made even more so by centuries of peat extraction, borders the North Sea, Belgium, and Germany. It is technically only part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (which includes Aruba, Curacao, and Sint Maarten, and the special municipalities of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba- all in the Caribbean). The Kingdom of the Netherlands existed during the 1815-1940 years, the period covered by this classical stamp blog. Even today, it is still a constitutional monarchy.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands
The Capital is Amsterdam, the Seat of Government is The Hague, and the population was 8,700,000 in 1939.

This blog post will concentrate on the European Netherlands, and any relevant stamp issues by the other countries of the Kingdom will be reviewed at another time.

After the French withdrew in 1813, the country became a Kingdom with the proclamation of William I as King on March 16, 1815. He also became hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg. When William III died in 1890 without any male heirs, the union between Luxembourg and the Netherlands was severed. Queen Wilhelmina ruled for the Netherlands, but Luxembourg laws required a male at the time. See my Luxembourg blog post for more specifics.

Stamps for the Netherlands were issued beginning in 1852 with the portrait of King William III.

1871 Scott 17 1/2c red brown "Coat of Arms"
Into the Deep Blue
The 2011 Scott Classic Specialized catalogue, for the Netherlands 1852-1941, has 256 regular, 133 semi-postal, 12 air post, 7 marine insurance, 79 postage due, and 19 official major stamp descriptions. Total = 506. Of those, 307 are CV <$1-$1+, or 61%. The Netherlands is reasonably affordable for a European country.

I am going to split the discussion of the Netherlands into two blog posts.

The next blog post will feature a selection of the many and wonderful semi-postals that have been issued by the Netherlands.

This blog post will cover the rest. ;-)

However, I will mainly focus on the classical regular issues of 1852-1922.

A closer look at the stamps and issues
100 Cents = 1 Gulden
(Guilder or Florin)
1852 Scott 1 5c blue "King William III"
Wmk 158 - "Posthorn", Imperforate
In 1852, Netherlands issued three imperforate stamps - the 5c blue, the 10c lake, and the 15c orange yellow. King William III's image was in the vignette. A "posthorn" watermark was used on the paper- and it appears that the 1852 issue is the only one with that watermark. The paper is thick- almost like postcard. The stamp, in addition, has many minor numbers in Scott due to shades in color- Four for the 5c, four for the 10c, and two for the 15c. CV ranges from $20+-$100+.

1864 Scott 6 15c orange "King William III"
Unwmk, Perforated
In 1864, a new three stamp issue was produced on unwatermarked paper in the same colors and denominations- albeit perforated. CV is $8-$100.

One sees many of the early Netherlands issues with a "FRANCO" postmark stamp.

1869-70 Scott 8 10c lake "William III"
Perforation 14
Between 1867-70, a six stamp issue was produced of "William III", as shown.  These were issued with five different perforations, so Scott has many minor numbers for these stamps. CV ranges from $2+-$160 for the major numbers.
1869-70 Scott 9a 15c orange brown "William III"
Perforation 14
One will note here the 15c perforation 14 stamp is a minor number, while the 10c perforation 14 stamp shown before is a  major number. The 15c, 20c, 25c, 50c denominations are listed as Perf 12 3/4 X 11 3/4 for the major number.
1869 Scott 18 1c black "Coat of Arms"
The "Coat of Arms" design was used for the 1869-71 issue- some six stamps. CV ranges from $2+ to $70+.
1872 Scott 27 15c brown orange "William III"
Then between 1872-88, an eleven stamp issue was produced with, yet again, the portrait of William III.

William III was the son of William II and Anna Pavlovna of Russia. He succeeded to the throne in 1849. He initially married his first cousin Sophie, a liberal intellectual. William III was conservative, and admired the military.  Queen Victoria ( of the United Kingdom) considered him an "uneducated farmer". He was also notorious for his appetite for extramarital affairs.

He was not particularly happy that he was saddled with a constitution agreed to by his father,William II. He would rather have governed as an enlightened despot.

In 1877, Queen Sophie died, and he married Princess Emma- 41 years his junior- of the small German Principality, Waldeck and Pyrmont. ( He really wanted to marry a French opera singer, but society disapproved too much for him to succeed with that idea.)

But the marriage was happy, and Wilhelmina was born in 1880. She became the heiress presumptive in 1884, when the last of his sons died from the previous marriage.

1894 Scott 48 25c dull violet 
"Princess Wilhelmina"
Between 1891-94, an eleven stamp set was produced with Princess Wilhelmina's visage portrait. Her father, William III, had died in 1890. As Wilhelmina had not yet reached age 18 (which occurred in 1898), her mother Emma was appointed regent. Note that the portrait shows Wilhelmina when she was eleven years old. ;-)
1896 Scott 52 1g gray violet
"Princess Wilhelmina"
Between 1893-96, a similar bi-colored issue was produced for the four higher denominations. CV for the entire "Princess Wilhelmina" 1891-96 issue ranges from <$1-$20+, save for three stamps.

As the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg could only be inherited through the House of Nassau male line, Wilhelmina could not succeed as ruler there. Instead, Adolphe, Duke of Nassau, who was William's 17th cousin, once removed, assumed the title! His branch still governs the Grand Duchy today.

1920 Scott 79 40c green & orange
"Queen Wilhelmina"
Wilhelmina Helen Pauline Maria then became Queen from 1890-1948- some 58 years!

A new portrait stamp of the (now 18 year old) Queen was first issued in 1898, and continued through 1924. The 27 stamp issue featured the queen, as shown: many are in bi-colors. CV ranges from <$1-$10+.

I should mention that the six lower denominations have a "numeral of value" design-shown elsewhere on the blog post.
1899 Scott 85 5g claret "Queen Wilhelmina"
Four higher values were also issued between 1898-1905, and had this design, as illustrated. The 1g, 2 1/2g, and the 5g are a modest CV <$1-$5+, but the 10g is CV $600+. ! And, be on the lookout for a "Type I" 1g, which has a more robust "1" size numeral, and has a CV of $100+. !

1907 Scott 89 2 1/2c vermilion "
"Admiral M.A. de Ruyter and Fleet"
The first commemorative set- three stamps- for the Netherlands was issued in 1907. The set  honored Admiral De Ruyter (1607-1676), who was a naval hero during the Anglo-Dutch wars.

1913 Scott 96 25c pale blue "King William I"
For the centenary of Dutch independence, a 12 stamp issue was released with  portraits of King William I, II, III, and Queen Wilhelmina. CV ranges from <$1-$40+ for all stamps, save one.

William I ruled the Netherlands ( and Luxembourg) beginning in 1813, and proclaimed himself King of the Netherlands in 1815. He was quite conservative, and when a constitution was forced upon him in 1840, he could not abide, and he abdicated. His eldest son, William II, then acceded to the throne.

1919 Scott 103 60c on 30c , black overprint
Between 1919-21, five stamps of the "Queen Wilhelmina" variety were surcharged in various ways.  Some are quite inexpensive ($1+-$3+), but several others are $80+-$100: rather pricey indeed.

1922 Scott 111 5c carmine rose, Imperforate
"Queen Wilhelmina"
In 1922, several imperforate stamps (5c gray, 10c carmine rose), and a 5c gray perforate stamp of the 1898 Queen type were issued. The imperforate stamps should pose no problems for identification, but what about the 5c that is found perforated? I don't have an  illustration here, but the 5c gray (both perforate and imperforate) are drawn with the horizontal lines behind the queen's head much wider apart. ;-)

In the next blog post, which will concentrate on the semi-postals, perhaps I will say more about Queen Wilhelmina, especially during the trying WW II years. Stay tuned. :-)

Deep Blue
1898-1924 "Queen Wilhelmina" issue in Deep Blue
Deep Blue (Steiner) has 39 pages for the Netherlands. All of the major Scott numbers have a space. In addition, Steiner provides spaces for the many minor number syncopated perforations- a bit overkill for the classical generalist, but no doubt welcomed by the Netherlands specialist.

1926-27 Scott 173a 6c orange brown "Wilhelmina"
Syncopated Perforations Type A ( 2 sides), 12 1/2
Speaking of syncopated perforations, I thought I should show an example. ;-) They were used on issues during 1925-33, and were for use in stamp vending machines They come in three types: Type A (2 sides), Type B (4 sides), and Type C ( 2 sides-corners only). They are given minor numbers in the Scott catalogue. They generally are valued more than the ordinary perforated stamp issues.

The 1941 "Gull type of 1924-26" issue is found in the Scott Classic catalogue, but not in the "classic' Steiner pages. One can either use a quadrilled page, or "borrow" the pages from the "regular" Steiner pages.

1894 Scott 37 2 1/2c violet
"Numeral of Value"
Big Blue
Big Blue "69, on 10 pages ( Five for the semi-postals), has 140 spaces for regular, 7 air post, 35 postage due, and 125 semi-postal spaces. Of interest, BB only misses 8 semi-postal spaces.

Total = 307
Total coverage = 61%.

Of the expensive stamps in BB, there is one (1891 Scott 50 1g gray violet ($77+) ) that crosses the $35 threshold, and 21 between $10-$30+.  Of those, eleven are semi-postals. See the "comments" section for specifics.





17,18 or 19, 21,




1896-98 (actually 1899)

Next Page

1899-1921 (actually 1922)




Next Page



164, 142 or 165, 166,
143 or 168a or 168, 144,145or 169,146 or 171,
147,148,149,175,150 or 176,151 or 177,178,152 or 179,
180,153 or 181,182,154 or 183,184,155 or 187,188,
156 or 189,157 or 190,158 or 191,159 or 192,160,193,

Next Page








Next Page

Air Post





Postage Due

J13 or J44, J45,J46,J47,J48,J49,J50,J51,





Next Page






Next Page





Next Page









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Next Page




A) Expensive stamps ($10 threshold):
1852 Scott 1 5c blue ($30+)
1952 Scott 2 10c lake ($20+)
1864 Scott 4 5c blue ($10+)
1867 Scott 10 20c dark green ($20+)
1869 Scott 21 2c buff ($10+)
1888 Scott 24 7 1/2c red brown ($10+)
1872 Scott 31 50c bister ($10+)
1894 Scott 49 50c yellow brown ($20)
1891 Scott 50 1g gray violet ($77+)
1896 Scott 51 50c emerald & yellow brown ($10+)
1896 Scott 52 1g brown & olive green ($20+)
1906 Scott B2 3c (+3c) pale olive green ($10+)
1906 Scott B3 5c (+5c) gray ($10)
1932 Scott B48 1 1/2c (+1 1/2c) blue green ($10+)
1931 Scott B49 6c (+4c) carmine rose ($10+)
1931 Scott B53 12 1/2c (+3 1/2c) ultramarine & deep orange ($20+)
1932 Scott B56 7 1/2c (+3 1/2c) bright red & black ($10+)
1932 Scott B57 12 1/2c (+2 1/2c) ultramarine & black ($10+)
1932 Scott B61 12 1/2c (+3 1/2c) ocher & ultramarine ($10+)
1933 Scott B65 12 1/2c (+3 1/2c) ultramarine ($10+)
1933 Scott B69 12 1/2c (+3 1/2c) dark blue & silver ($10+)
1934 Scott B76 12 1/2c (+3 1/2c) ultramarine ($10+)
B) (  ) around a number indicates a blank space choice.
C) * 1867- there are also many minor numbers for Scott 7,8,10, based on different perforations.
D) *45- is yellow brown. BB asks for "orange brown"- 45a.
E) *1924-29- choices are unwmk vs wmk 202 "Circles".
1898 Scott 59 2c yellow brown "Numeral of Value"
Out of the Blue
The Netherlands classical issues, unlike some other European nations, are quite reasonable in price- considering they are indeed classics. And, to my eye, they are attractive indeed.

And, the Netherlands also issued many quite attractive semi-postals. We will have a look at those with the next entry.

Note: Map appears to be in the public domain.

Comments are always welcomed.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


1937 Scott 25a 6p dark violet "Freighter"
Quick History
What can we say about tiny isolated Nauru?

This little oval shaped phosphate rock encrusted coral atoll is only 8 square miles in area, and is located in the South Pacific Ocean on the equator south of the Marshall Islands. It is surrounded by a coral reef, so only small boats may access the island.

Location of Nauru in the Pacific Ocean
The original settlers were Micronesian and Polynesian. The island was annexed by Germany in 1888, and attached to the Marshall Islands.

As luck would have it- or curse-, Phosphate (From seabird guano) was discovered on Nauru in 1900, and eventually, 80% of the island was strip-mined.

Map of Nauru
At the beginning of WW I in 1914, the island was captured by Australian forces. After WW I, the island was mandated by the League of Nations to Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom jointly. Naturally, they also took over the phosphate mining.

Overprinted British stamps were introduced for Nauru, beginning in 1916. ( "North West Pacific Islands" overprinted Australian stamps were also used in Nauru during the occupation of WWI. )

The population was 2,600 in 1941, and the Yaren district is where the parliament building is located.

During WW II, Nauru was occupied by the Japanese, and was not liberated until 1945.

Nauru became independent in 1968 and joined the Commonwealth of Nations.

It relies on Australia for military defense- in fact, for significant economic aid.

Limestone shard remnants after phosphate removed
• Nauru was originally called "Pleasant Island". But the phosphate stripping has left an environmental disaster. Few native plants, birds, or animals remain. The entire interior of the island is off-limits to human habitation.
• The equatorial climate is hot and humid, with temperatures ranging from 72 degrees F at night to 95 degrees F during the day.
• Literacy is reported to be 96%, although the unemployment rate (since the demise of the phosphate industry) is quite high.
1937 Scott 36 2p dull orange "George VI"
Into the Deep Blue
The 2011 Scott Classic Specialized catalogue has, for Nauru 1916-48, 38 major descriptions. In addition, there are 14 bolded minor descriptions for the 1937-48 glazed surface white paper "Freighter" issue. With the major descriptions, there are only five stamps with CV of <$1-$1+ (13%). Raising the bar to up to $5, and including the bolded minor numbers, there are 26 stamps (50%). Clearly, Nauru is somewhat expensive for the WW classical collector.

A closer look at the stamps and issues
12 Pence = 1 Shilling
1916 Scott 10 6p dull violet "George V"
1912-13 Great Britain stamps overprinted at bottom
Between 1916-23, the stamps of 1912-13 Great Britain were overprinted, as shown, at the foot of the stamp. There are 12 stamps in the set, and CV ranges from $2+-$10+ for 11 stamps.

These are really "occupation stamps" because the Mandate from the League of Nations did not begin until 1923.

There are also seven stamps issued  with the overprint centered on the stamp. The CV is much more expensive, and I don't have any. ;-)

1924 Scott 19 1 1/2p red "Freighter"
Unsurfaced grayish paper
Beginning in 1924, and continuing through 1934, fourteen stamps were issued on unsurfaced grayish paper. The image shows a "Freighter" off the shores of Nauru. One needed to actually use a small craft to land on Nauru, because of  the outer coral reefs.

The Scott catalogue gives this issue major numbers. CV is $2-$10+ for 11 stamps.

1948 Scott 21a 2 1/2p blue "Freighter"
Glazed surface white paper
Then, between 1937 and 1948, the fourteen stamp issue was continued, except the paper used was glazed surface white paper. This change in paper is given bolded minor numbers in Scott. The colors of the major and minor issue is the same, except the 3p pale blue major stamp is a 3p greenish gray color in the minor stamp.

CV is $1+-$9 for 9 stamps.
1935 Scott 34 1sh brown red, glazed paper
25th anniversary of the reign of George V
Of interest, Nauru did not receive one of the "Silver Jubilee" omnibus issues produced for most British colonies. Perhaps, that is because it was a mandated territory, shared by Australia and New Zealand.

A four stamp overprinted issue on glazed paper was produced, however, in 1935, to mark the occasion.

1937 Scott 38 1sh brown violet "George VI"
Coronation of King George VI
Nauru did produce a four stamp set in 1937 to mark the occasion of the enthronement of King George VI.

This set must have been widely distributed by the philatelic trade, as these stamps appear commonly in my feeder albums.

Deep Blue
1916-23 British Issues of 1912-13 overprinted at Foot in Deep Blue
The Deep Blue album (Steiner) has four pages for 1916-48 Nauru. All the major Scott numbers are given a space. But the bolded minor numbers for the 1937-48 glazed surface white paper "Freighter" issue- some 14 spaces- are not given a space. Pity. I needed a quadrilled page for that issue.

1935 Scott 32 2p orange 
"His Majesty's Jubilee"
Big Blue
Big Blue '69, on one page, has 22 stamp spaces for Nauru. Coverage (major numbers only) is 58%. Nauru is located after Natal in the '69, and after Mozambique Company ( and on the same page as Nevis) in the '47  edition.

Of interest , the '69 provides nine spaces for the first 1916-23 issue, while the '47 only has seven spaces.

• There are two stamps with CV >$10. But, a number of the other stamps are in the $2-$6 category, so a bit more expensive to fill for the BB completest.
• One could put either the unsurfaced (1924-34) or glazed stamps (1937-48) in the "1924" "Freighter" issue spaces. The unsurfaced stamps are, though, more "true" to the intentions of BB. See the Comments section for an elaboration.







A) Expensive stamps ($10 threshold):
1916 Scott 10 6p dull violet ($10)
1916 (Scott 12) 1sh bister ($10+)
B) (  ) around a number indicates a blank space choice.
C) *1924 -This is the issue on unsurfaced grayish paper issued between 1924-34. If one wishes to be true to the BB dates, then only the unsurfaced issue would be put in. But there is also the minor number 1937-48 glazed surface white paper issue, which, since the issue only has minor numbers, is also allowed in. And some of the 1937-48 stamps are several dollars cheaper. Your choice. ;-)
1916 Scott 11 9p black brown "George V"
1912-13 Stamps of Great Britian, overprinted at bottom
Out of the Blue
A coral atoll in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean would be an image of paradise for many of us.

The reality, with the phosphate dust hanging in the air, is, well,.....reality.

And little Nauru, the world's smallest republic, with the desperate lack of jobs, could use a little tourism.


Note: Maps and pics of the island appear to be in the public domain.


Thursday, March 6, 2014


1870 Scott 38 1p red "Queen Victoria"
Overprinted in Black
Quick History
Natal was a British crown colony in south-eastern Africa between 1843-1910. The Capital was Pietermartizburg, and the population was 1,200,000 in 1908.

South Africa region in 1884-Natal in yellow
The British had annexed the Boer colony of Natalia in 1843, not without some misgivings by the Boer settlers, and administered Natal from Cape Colony until 1856. Population growth was initially small, at least in part because of the powerful Zulu presence.

Stamps for Natal were issued from 1857-1909.

A sugar industry were established in Natal, and over 150,000 indentured Indians arrived in Durban harbor to work the plantations. When Mahatma Gandhi arrived in Durban in 1893, Whites were outnumbered by Indians in the colony.

For a good overview of the complexities of the South Africa area, I recommend the South Africa Area Transition Chart of the Dead Countries Stamps website. Thanks Michael!

In 1910, Natal was united with Cape of Good Hope, Orange Free State, and Transvaal to form the Union of South Africa.
1884 Scott 67 1p rose , wmk 2
Into the Deep Blue
The 2011 Scott Classic Specialized catalogue has, for Natal 1857-1909, 132 major stamp descriptions. Of those, 13 are CV <$1-$1+ (10 %). Raising the bar to $5, yields 28 stamps, or 21%. Clearly, Natal is on the expensive side.

A closer look at the stamps and issues
12 Pence = 1 Shilling
20 Shillings = 1 Pound
1862 Scott 12 3p blue "Queen Victoria"
Rough Perf 14 to 16
The first seven stamps of Natal (1857-58) are embossed and unique...and expensive.

Beginning in 1860, the image of Queen Victoria is seen, as shown above. The earlier issues (1860-62, seven stamps) are found with various perforations

1864 Scott 16 6p violet "Victoria"
Wmk 1
The 1864 issue has wmk 1- "Crown and C C". It is found as a 6p violet ( In the example above, the perfs were trimmed by scissors), and the 1p carmine red. The 1p will need to be distinguished from the 1862 wmk 5- "Small Star" 1p rose, and the previous unwmk varieties.

1870 Scott 43 1sh green
Overprinted "Postage" in green
Beginning in 1869, and continuing through 1875, some 44 stamps were overprinted "Postage" in various ways. Almost all are somewhat expensive to expensive.

Here, one can see a green overprint (CV $10+) on a 1sh green, issued in 1870. The overprint is also found in red (CV $4000+!) and black (CV $1,500+) on this stamp. 

1875 Scott 49 6p violet "Victoria"
Overprint 14 1/2 mm
The "Postage" overprint can be found vertical, horizontal, in various script, and length. Consult Scott for details, and be prepared to open the wallet. ;-)

1874 Scott 54 6p violet "Victoria"
Wmk 1, Perf 14
Between 1874-78, a eight stamp issue was produced with four "Victoria" designs. They are distinguished by wmk 1 ( Crown and C C), and various perforations.

1882 Scott 70 4p brown "Victoria"
Wmk 2, Perf 14
Then between 1882-89, four stamps were issued in the 1874-78 designs, but with wmk 2 ( Crown and C A),. The watermarking tray will be needed. ;-)

1887 Scott 74 2p olive green, Die B
(Two examples)
In 1887, a 2p olive green "Victoria" was issued (CV $1+). Of interest, this stamp is part of the British Colonial Die A/ Die B varieties. I though I had one of each, but on closer inspection, they appear to be both Die B varieties. ;-) The vertical color line will stop at the eighth line of shading of the neck ( Die B), rather than the sixth line ( Die A).

For a detailed review of the Die A/Die B differences, see the Cyprus blog post.

1888 Scott 76 1sh orange "Victoria"
Type of 1867 overprinted "Postage" in Red
Between 1877-1895, another group of stamps (12)  were overprinted "Postage" and/or surcharged. 

1895 Scott 80 1/2p on 1p rose, black surcharge
Wmk 2, perf 14
This 1895 issue (CV $2+) is part of the surcharge group.

1902-03 Scott 86 3p gray & red violet "Edward VII"
Wmk 2, Perf 14
Between 1902-03 a "King Edward VII" issue was produced. Thirteen stamps had the design, as illustrated, with wmk 2 ( Crown and C A). Another seven stamps for the higher denominations were in a larger format design, with wmk 1 ( Crown and C C).

1904-08 Scott 103 2p olive green & scarlet "Edward VII"
Wmk 3
Then, between 1904-08, another nine stamps were issued, as shown, but with wmk 3 ( Crown and multiple C A). One can never be very far from a watermarking tray with the British colonials. ;-)

Official 1904 Scott O1 1/2p blue green
Overprinted "Official", Wmk 3, Perf 14
In 1904, there was a six stamp Official issue produced. One will note the "official" overprint.

In 1910, the stamps of Natal were superceded with the issues of the Union of South Africa.

Deep Blue
Deep Blue (Steiner) has nine pages, and all the major Scott numbers have a space.

1895 Scott 79 1/2p on 6p violet, red surcharge
Big Blue
Big Blue '69, on one page, has 25 spaces. Coverage is 19%.

Natal is located between Mozambique Company and Nauru. in the '69 BB.

Two stamps reach the $35 CV threshold.


One Penny (illustrated): 8 or 10($35) or 14 or 15
Blank space- ( 6p - 13 or 16 ($35)) or (3p-9 or 11 or 12 ($40))

64 or 65 or 66, 51 or 67, 52 or 68 or 69, 53 or 70, 54 or 71,



81 or 101,82 or 102,83,84 or 103,85,86,87 or 104,89,
110,(88 or 105),(90 or 106),

Official Stamps


A) Expensive stamps ($10 threshold):
1863 Scott 10 1p red ($35)
1864 (Scott 16 6p violet ($35))
B) (   ) around a space indicates a blank space choice
C) * 1874-89- choices include wmk 1 or wmk 2, and color
D) *1902-08- choices are wmk 2 or wmk 3

1902-03 Scott 89 6p maroon & blue green 
"Edward VII", wmk 2
Out of the Blue
All of the colonies of British South Africa are philatelically interesting, and Natal is certainly among the group. A representative collection can be developed by the WW classical collector, albeit with some holes, unless one is willing to devote more money, because of philatelic interest,  into the region.

Note: Permission was obtained from  Joaquin de Salas Vara de Rey  to use the 1884 South Africa Area map found at http://desalas.org/ . Thanks Joaquin!
