Sunday, November 29, 2009


Early this year, in March 9, 2009 to be specific, I posted a blog entitled "Entrecard, Hacked?" In that post, I exposed the attempt by someone who injected a CPC ad into our inboxes.  I discovered the ad  when, in the course of making my daily drops, I clicked on the EC card and the landing page led me to a site which happens to be a cpc ad on Social Sparks. I raised the impropriety of the matter with Entrecard and Social Sparks, both of whom denied any knowledge of the matter. Social Sparks immediately promised to ban whoever was behind it while Entrecard apparently pulled the plug on it. I never saw the ad again in my inbox.(Read my post on this!)

Today, it is happenning again...and this time, it appears it is with the blessing of the Entrecard Administration if not done by themselves. For the past two days, an EC card which uses an image of a sexy girl, has been appearing on my drop inbox several times in one day ( 2 times so far on November 28 and 4 times on November 27). The landing page of this EC card goes to "Blog Production:Software" which is clearly a network marketing site and has a lot of cpc and cpa ads on it. I checked the site out on Entrecard and it does not exist. That is probably the reason why the site does not display an EC widget.

The most disturbing thing is the ad can appear more than once in your drops inbox. Legitimate members of Entrecard can drop only once on any EC member's site. So apparently, this can only be done by EC Administrators or with their blessings.

This is my inbox on November 28: (Notice the ad appearing twice)

This is part of my Inbox for November 27:(notice the ad appearing 3 times)  It appeared again on the next page of my November 27 inbox for a total of 4 appearances in one single day.

The suspicious EC card leads to this landing page which is a network marketing site:

There are network marketeers who are legitimate members of Entrecard. There is nothing wrong with that. They drop on your sites and we reciprocate the drops they make. But for a non-member's link to appear on your inbox, and more than once at that.....something is terribly wrong. If this link is a cpc (cost per click) ad, then whoever placed the link must be making loads of money from the clicks made by unsuspecting EC members who merely wanted to reciprocate the drops made on them. If this is a cpa (cost per action) ad, then it is getting free advertising. And if any unsuspecting EC member happens to subscribe to any product or service in the landing page, then whoever placed that link will be making loads of money!

I recieved a lot of flak from some of my Entrecard friends when I defended Entrecard in the issue of sposored ads before. My contention then was Entrecard needs to earn revenue for the upkeep of their servers and other maintenance work and services. But to hoodwink its members by slipping cpc and cpa ads into the inboxes is totally unacceptable.

I am prepared to be banned by Entrecard because of this expose. Never the less, I am exhorting all Entrecarders to be vigilant against this scrupulous scheme and expose all Entrecards which are mere cpc ads!

For now don't click on this card when you see it on your inbox:
If you come across others like this, please let me know and send me the details so I can expose it here. Better still, expose them yourself by making a similar blog post like this. Help me expose this Entrecard scam. Email this post to every Entrecarder you know.  Spread the word around.
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Monday, November 23, 2009

9 Trading Tips To Become A Successful Forex Trader

9 Professional Trading Tips You Need To Know! (From eToro)

To help you get more out of your trades we've put together a few insights to help you avoid the common trading mistakes people make when they start trading Forex. Taking just a few minutes to read through this list could help you learn to sidestep crucial trading errors which can stand in the way of your trading success and cost you money.

1.Accept that a part of successful trading is knowing when to cut your losses.Every trader sees the market go against them sometimes. Successful traders know that profits are achieved  by owning up to your mistakes quickly in order to keep your losses in check. Dropping your failed trades will free you to focus your attention on looking for the next successful trade to let run.

2.Focus on money management.  Only enter a trade once you know how much of your margin you are willing to risk from the trade and how much you're hoping to profit. Figuring out this calculation will help you develop your very own risk/reward ratio for your trade, the first step in a successful trading plan. Over time, the difference between successful traders and unsuccessful ones is that the former always enter the market with a trading plan and the latter never do.

3. Take personal responsibility for your trades. Great traders accept personal responsibility for everything they do. Remember that you're the one who is pulling the trigger. Great traders know that they are responsible for all the trades they make, either good or bad. Blaming the market or bad luck can cause a trader to lose focus on their ability to learn from their trading errors and apply their lessons to improve their trading in the future.

4. Don't become greedy. When traders have an open trade that is making them profit they often forget their pre-determined target for the trade, as they are sure that the trade will continue to make them profits. Remember that the markets are dynamic and that no trend lasts forever. If the price reaches your target, bank the profits or move your stop-loss forward to prevent a loss.
Most of the really dramatic moves in the Forex market occur around important news events. Trading volume increases in advance of news releases and the resulting moves are normally significant: allowing traders to grab pips from rapid market movements. News-traders will often make only one trade a day due to the large potential profits involved by correctly trading important news releases.

7.Never trade on wishful thinking. If you place a trade and it's not working out for you, get out! Don't compound your mistake by staying in and hoping for a reversal.

8.Psychological Factor.  Uncontrolled emotions are the number one cause of trading losses. Don't let your emotions sway you, stick to your trading plan and remember to set (and stick to) your Stop Loss orders

9.The Trend is Your Friend"  -When trading in the direction of a trend you're trading with the majority in the Forex market. As a result you're trading results will generally improve.

Follow these guidelines and you should start to see an improvement in your trades immediately. But remember, the key to becoming a successful trader is discipline and the ability to stick to a set of rules.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Earth,Wind, and Fire..Live in Davao!

Yup! For the first time in the history of that famed city of the south, residents there got the thrill of their lives when a band of known international fame and caliber, the highly popular Earth, Wind and Fire did a live performance at the sprawling parking lot of SM Davao City.
The city celebrates its famous annual thanksgiving festival called "Kadayawan Festival" at about this time of the year. It is a yearly festival to celebrate and showcase the bountiful harvests and other blessings that the almighty has bestowed on the residents. Aside from the regular colorful street dancing competitions, this year's celebrations will be the most remembered because the undying and truly adored group that has entertained the world for decades now, the Earth, Wind and Fire, joined the festivities and performed live in the city.

But hey, I have an even better scoop for you. There were fans who could not afford the stiff Php2,500 ticket per head for the concert, so they settled (and at least they were allowed) to watch at the back of the walled venue. Since the stage was elevated, the ecstatic fans were still able to get glimpses of the night's highly anticipated concert. And you know what, the band members took notice of the poor fans at the back portion of stage who were yelling, and dancing, and singing along as the group performed on stage. So, they would occasionally turn towards them all throughout the night's performance, to the satisfaction and delight of this backstage crowd. My whole family and some of our neighbors were there with that crowd to try to get a free view of the concert. They got more than what they expected!
Here now is the biggest scoop of the night!
What must have been a planned picture taking session with the fans after the concert wasEarth,Wind & Fire in Chile,Viña 2008,Tonka Tomicic botched...but not after a concert staff made a call for some of the backstage fans to come in for some pics... and hey, not after my youngest daughter, Carlota, on hearing the call, made an immediate bee line to where the band members where standing. It was too late for anyone to stop her 'coz she was already hugging no less than Philip Bailey, one of the lead singers of Earth, Wind, and Fire. And guess what? She got her picture taken with the guy! Out of the thousands of fans who were there that night, Carlota was the only fan lucky enough to get a picture taken with Philip, also the only photo session of the group that night at the concert venue. This is one memory thread that my daughter will be so proud to recall for the rest of her life. On coming home, she got into the computer and excitedly sent me these pictures via ym photoshare.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Video Enthusiasts And Video Bloggers - Don't Pass Off This Chance To Win $5,000 !

Yup! You read it right! $5,000 dollars grand prize to the winner of  “You Gotta See This” Video Contest! - A cool and easy way for video bloggers and videographers to win extra money for Christmas shopping! And that's not ordinary extra money - it's a cool $5,000, more than enough for whatever it is you've been wanting to buy for a long time now, but ou've been holding back due to recession.

Abbott Medical Optics Inc. (AMO), a global leader in laser vision correction,  is sponsoring this iLASIK Video Contest called “You Gotta See This” Video Contest. They are inviting
anyone who is interested to make a video showing the impact of improved vision, for a chance to win cash and prizes. People have already submitted original music videos,  videos on boxing and swimming, videos that just show how their daily lives would improve.

The subject of your video must fall under any of the following categories:

• “My contacts are getting in the way of my good time”
• “My favorite sport or activity would be so much cooler with better vision”
• “You should see life after the iLASIK® Procedure”

This is a good chance for video enthusiasts and video bloggers to earn some shopping money, or win other valuable stuff. It is very rare for such an opportunity to prop up in the web, so don't waste time and start doing what you've always loved to do...creating videos and publishing them. Create one right now and submit it to After you've submitted your video, campaign among your friends and fellow bloggers to vote for your video. Votes are one of the key factors in determining which videos win a prize.

Here are the complete list of prizes for this contest:
• One Grand Prize winner will win $5,000 — selected from all submitted videos
• Three First Prize winners will win an HDTV package(a $2,500 value) — one per video category
• Three Second Prize winners will win the Flip UltraHD camcorder (a $199.99 value) — one per video category

The contest is still open for more entries. So, don't dilly dally now!  Go and create your winning video and submit it pronto. You need not be a professional videographer to enter the contest. You need not have expensive equipment to win! In fact, the contest site has a link for you which you can use to convert your raw video into a contest video. You've got nothing to lose here and everything to gain...doing what you've always loved doing...creating videos!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Manny wins by TKO on the 12th Round

Manny Pacquiao made history today winning via a TKO on the 12th round against Miguel Cotto, and in the process rewriting boxing history by becoming the first fighter to win 7 championships in 7 different weight divisions. Here are some highlights of the fight. (I will post the full fight video soon as I can get my hands on one.)

A sad footnote though to Pacquiao's victory .... a Pacquiao fan died of a heart attack after watching the fight at the SM Megamall Cinema. The guy, a Filipino 'balikbayan' was just here for a short vacation when his nephew invited him to watch the fight at the SM cinema in Mandaluyong city. The excitement of Pacquiao's victory must have heightened the guy's emotions and with it his blood pressure. He collapsed at the mall's foodcourt as he was about to take lunch with his nephew immediately after the fight. He was rushed to the medical clinic at the second floor of the mall. I was there for my scheduled medical check up when the guy was rushed in. All the available doctors hurriedly helped revived the guy...but it was all too late. As of press time last night, a total of 10 others were reported to have died of heart attack while watching or after watching the Pacquiao fight in the Philippines.

Death, indeed, like a thief in the night, will strike anywhere on anyone without notice or indication. And so, as I said a little prayer of thanksgiving for Pacquiao's victory, I also said a prayer for the repose of the guy's well as another short prayer to my Maker for keeping me healthy and safe throughout these years.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pacquiao Vs. Cotto - Live Stream

Click here for the link to the Pacquia-Cotto Fight!
Best free link so far -

I will be posting and tweeting more links as I stumble upon them.

Additional links, in case, the above link gets screwed up:
Latest working link:


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Great news for all you Travel Bugs out there! British Airways is having  a great Seat Sale from November 10 untill November 19 to 17 choice destinations worldwide. If you are planning a vacation, or going on a business trip between November 17 to March 28, 2009, you better take this unqiue offer from British Airways!

British Airways World Sale offers great fares to a variety of exciting destinations.And if you combine your flight with one of the carefully selected hotels or car rental deals to create a package, you can save even more. Customize a package to fit with your holiday, and receive 2,000 bonus BA miles when you book.
Hurry, this offer ends November 19, 2009.

British Airways is a great way to fly to London, Cairo, New Delhi, Dubai, Entebbe, Hongkong, Istanbul, Johannesburg, Madrid, Maldives, Mauritius, Milan, Mumbai, Nairobi, Rome, Paris, Tel Aviv, and many other choice locations. Combine low fares with great hotel packages or car rental services carefully selected specially for you, and you get an unbeatable travel package where you get to save a lot. However, you need to book no later than November 19, 2009 to take advantage of these low fares and unique travel packages. Conditions apply as is usual in all travel arrangements.

Travel period: November 17, 2009 - March 28, 2010 (excluding December 21-23 2009) and March 29 - May 23, 2010, except for travel to India where the travel periods are November 17 - December 10, 2009 and December 25, 2009 - May 23, 2010.Limited availability to select cities between December 9, 2009 and January 8, 2010. Government taxes and fees are extra. Package prices are based on round-trip purchase and require double occupancy and minimum 3-nights stay for travel November 17, 2009 to March 28, 2010. Government taxes and fees are extra. Subject to availability.

Watch this video for the low price packages. See, for example the rate from New York to London, it is only $ 229 one way. If you want a round trip ticket, it comes with a 3 night, double occupancy hotel accomodation at Royal National for a low package price of only $659.  Spend some winter nights in London with this great package! See the other exciting destinations.

Note: One way  fares shown on the video are based on round-trip rates from New York. Round-trip fares  are also based from New York and includes double occupancy and 3-night stay.
Government taxes and fees extra for both. Terms and conditions apply. If you wish to compute travel packages from a different origin, visit the World Sale site here.

Click Here
