Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Magnolia Pearl Plantation

I worked with Robin and John and their wonderful crew and beautiful models Krista and Nichole yesterday on a photo shoot to launch their new Plantation line of clothing. The fabulous Amy Boland of Amy Boland Photography got some great shots. Watch Magnolia Pearl's website for the reveal!!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Wonderful Saturday

This is the first time I have posted from my phone. And i'm not sure how to get the pictures where I want them to be.

What a wonderful saturday I had!!! After hitting a few sales and scoring some fabulous funk for the shop I headed over to Robin's for the second day of her Magnolia Pearl antique sale. I was so thrilled to receive a pair of bloomers that Robin had made from some vintage barkcloth that she bought from me the first time we met. Such a sentimental and sweet gesture. To the delight of all who were there a magical sort of wise man , I might even go so far as call him a wizard ,appeared. He enlightened us with his philosophy and thoughts. He told us that life is a gift from God that too many of us take for granted and that beauty and justice are eternal. I hope to get to visit with him again.

Then after that I went to Fredericksburg Trade Days. Theresa Canoe and her husband Cruz had great stuff. And of course Sister 's treasures always has a nice selection.

I was gifted a Folk magazine by my dear friend Anne Lorys which features her charming farm house.

Then I came home and took a nap and spent a nice evening with Dream man.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wow has it really been that long since I posted?  Well here's a little bit of what I've been doing. Since the Magnolia Pearl Fashion Imaginarium:

Which was fabulous and beautiful, and which I was so busy I didn't get many pictures of, at the Incredible Carol Hicks Bolton's Labratoire de Design.

We took a little trip to Cloudcroft New Mexico to play in the snow:

 And visit the space museum in Alamagorda:

Took silly pictures
 Worked on a photo shoot with Anne Lorys ( which will be published later this year.  I'll give you the details later.

Catch and release minnows on the Beautiful Llano River

wached the butterflys on the wisteria

Watched the sunset on the Spring Equinox

Found some pretty garden stuff for the Store:

Took hundreds of bluebonnet pictures

3 generations got a group pedicure
Invetoried the Easter Loot

Dream man and I produced and decorated (my mom, my daughter Jesika and I made the decorations that hung from the 20 ft. ceilings) the Llano Spring Fashion Show, a benefit for the Llano Main Street Program, which featured 9 of Llano's clothing merchants including Binky la Faye.

Cleaned up my studio for a photo shoot with Amy Boland - which is scheduled to be in an upcoming issue of Where Women Create. (so excited)


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Warrenton, Round Top, Marburger

I'meading east early tommorow morning. I have visions of old and crusty, aged and rusty, well loved and dusty. Can't wait to get to "The Greatest Show on Earth"!!! I'll let you know what I find!!!

Carol Hicks Bolton is going to be at Marburger!!! I got a glimpse of some of the things she is taking to her booth there, and it will be fabulous!!! Imagine, Carol Bolton and Robin Brown both  showing their wares in one place!!!!

And Carol is doing a Bloger's Lucheon at Royer's Cafe on April 2, if you're anywhere near Round Top, Texas on that day, make sure to attend. I tried to attach a copy of the invite, but couldn't do it. You can email for more info. or call Royer's Cafe.

Since the Magnolia Pearl Fashion Imaginarium, we have done a photo shoot of a darling home here in Llano, with Anne Lorys of Watch my blog for news of which magazine will publish it.

We designed and built display pieces for Mary Rose Monroe's accecories line, Johnny loves Rosie, for her New York show room.

We are working on the Llano Spring Fashion Show, a fundraising event for the Llano Main Street Program.

We have fluffed and redone the store, found some great new stuff for the store, but most importantly we have done what we love the most and that is to be with FAMILY.  We took a little trip to Cloudcroft New Mexico with Jesika, Mike and the Boys to play in  the snow, went to the Boy's talent show at school, caught minnows at the river, played hide and seek, put legos together, ect. ect.