
Showing posts from January, 2009

Little Princess

Kindy had this sweet little princess 3 days after Carsten. Her name is Briley Alice Hardy Is she not the sweetest little baby? What a cute little pose too :) Congrats Nate and Kindy on you sweet little princess! P.S. Kasey isn't that a cute bracelet she's wearing??)


I went to a friends on Tuesday and made this super cute craft! Don't you just love it? Because I do!!

What does your name mean?

Last night I was thinking it would be fun to do a post about what your name means. SO I went to this website: Baby names and looked up my family's names. It was fun to see what each one meant. I especially love Carsten's I didn't know that is what his name meant. I like Brendan's because he IS my Prince :) What do your family's names mean?? Brendan: Prince Katie: Pure Kiley: Boomerang Gaige: Measurer Landon: Long hill Carsten: Follower of Christ

Oh Gaige! :)

Today after church we were waiting by the Bishops office because they asked us to :) In which I found out I have just received a 2ND calling in my ward, which doesn't surprise me with how small our ward is getting. Our ward has been the hardest hit in the stake with foreclosures. Anywho, I wasn't posting to write about that. While we were waiting Brother Pew was teasing Gaige and acting like he was going to take him home to live with him so, as he is pulling Gaige toward the door Gaige says 'I toot a lot!' It was hilarious and yet a little embarrassing. Anyway I wanted to write it down so I wouldn't forget what a funny boy I have and YES he does toot A LOT !!

Which one?

I am trying to decide which one to get an 8x10 in to put up on my wall. I want your opinion even though I may not take take it :) My only concern is with the black and white. All the pics on my wall are color, how weird would that look if I did B&W ? #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Thanks once again to Aleia and her great pictures! :)

What's next!?!?!?

I was helping my cousin on the computer and Landon knows exactly when to get into things :S Little stink tweed! Oh by the way the whole jello thing we some how were very lucky it was all over the carpet but we were able to vacuum it up with no mess left behind

Look who's still up to no good

Landon decided to get into a jello packet while I was on the phone with qwest trying to get the internet to work. He was coved head to toe and had it all over the living room floor and my lazy boy which happens to be red thank heavens, he then proceeded to the bathroom where he flooded the counter top then decided it would be fun to play in the tub. So lots of red ALL over!:S * * So our kids bathroom toilet was clogged we believe the suspect in none other than our sweet little Landon. Kiley had her gloves in the bathroom and one is missing so until that shows up we guessing that was it. Poor Brendan had to mess with poo that didn't get flushed :S Our first plunger decided to 'poop' out on us so Brendan had to go buy anther one that didn't even work with the way the toilet was shaped so we went with the garden hose to flush it out. I had the job of turning on the water full blast and the thing you twist to turn it on came off and we soaked the neighbors house (he's ...

Before and After

These were taken right before their haircut today and right after their baths. My boys have ears :) Thanks to my friend Brandi I love the cuts!

Cookie Recipe

I got this off my friends website and the cookies sound really yummy! Let's let them have it! THIS IS A TRUE STORY! My daughter and I had just finished a salad at a Neiman-Marcus Cafe In Dallas, and we decided to have a small dessert. Because both of us are such cookie lovers, we decided to try the 'Neiman-Marcus cookie.' It was So excellent that I asked if they would give me the recipe, and the waitress said with a small frown,'I'm afraid not, but you can buy The Recipe.' Well, I asked how much, and she responded,' Only two fifty - it's a Great deal!' I agreed to that, and told her to just add it to my Tab. Thirty days later, I received my VISA statement, and the Neiman-Marcus Charge was $285.00! I looked again, and I remembered I had only spent $9.95 for two salads and about $20.00 for a scarf. As I glanced at the bottom of the statement, it said, 'Cookie Recipe-$250.00.' That was Outrageous! I called Neiman's Accounting Department and ...

Look who's stuck AGAIN!



First things first, my cousin Aleia took some super cute pics of Carsten for me. She has a couple on her photo blog check the out if you want. She takes great pics so if you ever need to photos taken she's the gal! Here is her site : Aleia's Photo Blog * * Ok I know I am grown and all but I LOVE to color. Whenever the kids get new coloring books I am right down there with them coloring. Last year when they got new ones my sister would call and be like what ya doin and seriously for that whole week it was 'Coloring' :) Right Sariah :) She thought I was a little odd I think :) Anyway I was quite proud of my creation. * * Here is a video I took of Landon repeating what I say. The first time I was serious until he repeated me so I got out the camera to see if he would keep repeating me. So this is us having a little fun going back and forth. He is getting really good at repeating so I need to be careful what I say :) * * I finally got a pic of Carsten smiling. Ever ti...

Pacer Lincoln Rogers

My brother Josh and his wife just had their 2nd child on the 31st. He was 6 lbs 14 oz which is 1 oz bigger then when Carsten was born. I am sure when I put Carsten next to him he will seem huge. It will be fun to see what a month does in growth. I haven't seen Pacer yet due to a cold!!! I am super bummed but am feeling better everyday which is a plus!!I I just need to get rid of the coughing part! I didn't get to see Brooklyn(their first kid) for like a week either because I had a cold. It seems like every time I have family that has a baby I always have a cold. Seriously this is the 5th time I have not been able to go see a niece or nephew at the hospital. Oh well I get to see them  eventually :) Congrats Josh and Meagan!