
Showing posts from June, 2009

which one?

I have been having a lot of fun doing different layouts. That aren't boring like bloggers. What template is your favorite for my blog? The one that I have right now? Or this one: Template p.s. I also redid my sisters blog today and it turned out super cute! Check it out: Sariah's blog


Ok I am going to get this post out of the way! I have been wanting to really post for ever not just a little short takes me a second to publish type post. Ok first a quick catch up of the latest that is going on because it is probably confusing to some why I have an extra kid on my header. That is Sienna . She is my niece who has been living with me since Easter. Sienna is 3 1/2 years old and is actually a twin. Her and her sister Kaelsy are both little/BIG handfuls, so me and my sis-in-law who has her sister had no other option but to split them other wise we would go SUPER crazy(I go crazy sometimes with just her and couldn't imagine adding her sister on to the household) We don't like the idea of splitting up twins but they are both doing great and thriving. Especially because she has Landon to act in Kaelsy's stead and get into trouble constantly with him! And Kaelsy has my niece Brooklyn who is the same age as Landon. I get a lot of people who judge me/us about ...

So Sweet

Love this pic.... * * * * * * and this one too :) p.s. more pics and info. to come from Memorial weekend

vinyl giveaway

My friend Heidi who sells vinyl is doing a giveaway so go check it out! Mellow Yellow giveaway

photo session giveaway

Hey come check out this giveaway for a free session I have been following this site on my Google reader for a while because I love all the pictures they take and the are doing a giveaway for a free session and she is doing one here in Phoenix in Nov. click here to check it out Blue lily

New Moon Trailer

Looks like it is going to be good! I get chills every time I watch it! Can't wait!