
Showing posts from August, 2009

Mt. Graham

We went camping(in a cabin) this last weekend up at Mt. Graham. Brendan's parents have a little cabin up there that we love to go to each year. This was out first time getting away and doing something as a family this summer. It was nice to just relax for a couple days. We went riding on Brendan's Dad's 'Razor', Raspberry picking(picked a TON), gooseberry picking, built a fort, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, went on some 'Nature Walks' as the kids call them and lots of other nice things. * Off we go to explore * Carsten had fun driving us around for a bit, it was so cute! * Kiley picking some Yummy Raspberry's * This gooseberry got me good!! This was my first time picking them can you tell?! * The kids fort * Chilling by the fire after dinner * my little sweet cheeks * Landon's camping outfit, isn't it cute? I didn't do very well at packing warm stuff so we had to layer :) * One of our 'Nature Walks' * We brought the kitty too so ...

Our new found friend

This is our new friend Hoppy. You may think he is an ordinary frog but think again! * * * * * * * * * * * * You have to remember we moved out into the middle of nowhere where things just aren't the same as they are in the city. * Landon was still awake so we let him check it out. I love Landon's face! And yes we did wash our hands! (at least Brendan and Landon did that is, I didn't touch the thing!)

kitten and pic

I guess my last post had problems with these pics so here they are again. Anyway LOVE this pic of Landon. Love his big blue eyes! * This is the newest addition to the family. Have any name suggestions? Need help people. I am leaning a little towards Lucy .

What we found and other stuff.....

So when me and Brendan were out on the porch Friday night this gecko ran by me and freaked me out because at first I thought it was a huge scorpion so after I realized what it was I was like 'Brendan come check out this gecko' It had run off the porch into the dirt. So we go to look at it and all of the sudden it starts to jerk around all over so, I ran and grabbed a flashlight and this baby RATTLESNAKE had got it and wrapped itself around the gecko which was twice it's size. This snake was on like 6-7 inches long and skinner than a pencil. So while it was bust Brendan scooped it up in a jar and took 'care' of it the next day. Now we are wondering where it's sibling are?!?! Our neighbor already got the mom(at least we hope it was) Brendan had almost stepped on it a couple weeks ago prior to moving in :S We told the neighbors about it and their 15 year old got it for us the next day. * Kiley and Gaige's first day of school and if you take notice this is Kile...

Friday, Saturday, Monday!!!!!

Sienna fell outside and sliced her shin about 1/4 inch, could have used stitches , took care of it myself ! * Saturday morning Gaige fell when a log he was walking across broke, got a 1/2 inch slice on the chin, could have used stitches once again took care of it myself !! * Notice anything missing ?!?!?!? All Landon wants for C h r i s t m a s now is his two front teeth which unfortunately won't happen for about FOUR 1/2 years!!! Did I mention 4 1/2 years!!!! He fell today ( Gaige was chasing him) and just happened to be carrying a wood rod from the closet that holds your clothes. Anyway, to make a long story short broke both of the roots of his 2 front teeth and had to have them pulled if ya didn't notice!! Do I feel like screaming and bawling at the same time?? The answer is YES !!!!! (oh and don't even get me started on what we caught Friday night just off our porch !! The story and pic is soon to come!)

Still Alive!

Barely! Thing are going well just trying to get the old house renter friendly. Had some ladies from my old ward come help clean tonight we had a lot of fun! At least I did (Thanks Tracy, Steph and Sarah!) Kiley got glasses today that she will be wearing full time! She looks super cute and I let her pick out the ones she wanted(I had to approve of course) I will post pics later when I have my camera. Other news I went in today to Eduprize(A school out by my house) to get on the list and they called me an hour later and both were in so they are starting school today! (it is midnight right now) Anyway it is only 5 min from my house! Ben Franklin would have been a good 15 min drive one way and having Gaige in kindergarten was going to be crazy, I was not looking forward to that! Anyways, I better go home and get to bed. (I am at my old house. We are having issues with getting internet out to our house) :S