Mt. Graham
We went camping(in a cabin) this last weekend up at Mt. Graham. Brendan's parents have a little cabin up there that we love to go to each year. This was out first time getting away and doing something as a family this summer. It was nice to just relax for a couple days. We went riding on Brendan's Dad's 'Razor', Raspberry picking(picked a TON), gooseberry picking, built a fort, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, went on some 'Nature Walks' as the kids call them and lots of other nice things. * Off we go to explore * Carsten had fun driving us around for a bit, it was so cute! * Kiley picking some Yummy Raspberry's * This gooseberry got me good!! This was my first time picking them can you tell?! * The kids fort * Chilling by the fire after dinner * my little sweet cheeks * Landon's camping outfit, isn't it cute? I didn't do very well at packing warm stuff so we had to layer :) * One of our 'Nature Walks' * We brought the kitty too so ...