
Showing posts from June, 2010

Another before and after

I decided and Kiley agreed that it was time for a summer hair cut. I LOVED her hair long but it starts to get really old trying to comb it everyday. What a CHORE!  And she screams every time so we had Aunt Marie come cut it for us. We measured it to make sure we got at least 10 inches for Locks of Love before we chopped it. I believe we ended up cutting 11 inches off. Kiley loves her new do and so do I thanks Marie! We took this one to send to locks of love for their Gallery The girl has some great hair! Lucky thing! Lots of it! :)

Before and After

So I decided to redo my old 50’s radio that I was given as a gift when I got married. I have been following my friend’s blog called ‘Better After’ for awhile and when I saw this redo and turquoise color on her blog I knew I had to have that for my radio. The pictures don’t do the color justice it is closer to the one I copied it from. I also wanted to do my wall chocolate brown and couldn’t do that with the color the radio was. I found the perfect material to replace the old stuff that the kids had put holes in. And I kept the original knobs because they are as vintage as it gets. Anyway I LOVE it! If you want to be inspired by people before and afters then I suggest you go to her blog :) Thx LNDZ!    

New Animals around the Cluff Farm

So we have had a few new additions around here. First we got these three adorable kitties(Our other cat ‘Cat’ fell prey to coyotes, she was in heat and we think she was off wondering and meowing like they do when in heat and called them right to her) The calico is Kiley’s and her name is Abby, the darker one is Gaige’s and he is Astro and the little one is Landon’s she is Pippi (like Pippi Longstalking she has a bright orange patch right on top of her head oh so cute) Anyway, they keep themselves entertained and the kids too. Carsten loves to squeeze on them and hold them upside down etc.. poor things :) Pippi with a milk moustache silly girl :) Our next additions are a couple of ducks a boy and girl. Brendan just had to have them :S The kids went swimming with them and had a blast. The girl is Daisy and I am still trying to convince Gaige the boy should be Donald don’t you agree? And last but not least ok they aren’t real but if you haven’t noticed on my blog header I have ...