We were able to have a family reunion with all my siblings and their families in July and had a GREAT time! We all met up in Salt Lake for a couple days and had a fun time we went to a horse parade that was right in front of the hotel then we caught the tram to Temple square, we went to the old tabernacle, the Joseph Smith movie and walked around it was a fun time. The kids also went swimming at the pool. When Kiley was heading back to our room she was with my 4 year old niece Kaelsy and the elevator broke down, they were stuck in there for about 15 minutes. Kiley did ok but was a little distraught and Kaelsy about peed her pants lol. We were glad the elevator decided to work on it’s own because the maintenance didn’t have a clue what to do they were ready to open it with a crowbar but were having a hard time locating it. Sunday morning Brendan, Kiley and some other family members went to The Spoken Word. Kiley loved it and got the conductors autograph. Carsten was quite happy to get...