



Landon has been sick for a little over a month and a half since Feb. 3rd til March 19th. He has had a constant wheeze in his throat. Dr. Guthrie at first thought it was croup but it wasn't going away. He got a few steroid shots in the leg and was on a oral steroid with a breathing machine. Dr. Guthrie was thing it was maybe congenital strider (which is basically the same thing that he was diagnosed with) So he sent me to a Ears, Nose and Throat specialist which took a month to get into. He had his appt. this lat Monday the 26th. Of course last Monday he finally sounded normal again for the most part (still catch a little wheeze here and there) So we went in and saw a great specialist Dr. Mancuso, he stuck a little scope up his nose and down his throat to check things out. Of course Landon hated it a screamed the whole time poor baby. This is what he diagnosised him with: Mild Laryngomalacia which is: Laryngomalacia is best described as floppy tissue above the vocal cords that fa...

My Celebrity Look-alikes

My cool celebrity look-alike collage from . Get one for yourself.

Does this guy look like my mom or what?

My cool celebrity look-alike collage from . Get one for yourself.

My Celebrity Look-alikes

I'm still hot!


Cutie Gaige
