Friday, May 21, 2010

Please read...

My webshop has a new name, now it's called

Blanc & Caramel

(... the colors we love...)

and I have a new address:

Please update your favorites!

Those who were so kind to add my link and/or button to their blog, it would be very appreciated if you could replace it with the new one (and those who haven't grabbed it yet, feel welcome to do so!):

Thank you so much for your support!

The Etsy shop name change will be done soon as well.

My blog name will stay the same.

Have a wonderful day! Here, the weather is perfect and finally summer arrived! I feel like on summer vacation ;)


Monday, May 17, 2010

We have a winner!

I got so many nice comments that I would have loved to send everyone a prize... Thanks again so much everyone who participated. Every sweet comment, blog post or whatever you did for me was really appreciated and made me really happy.
Sooooo.... tatadadada...
Our lucky winner is...

m ^..^ from Tales from an OC Cottage! Congrats! You will soon get mail from Paris!
Everyone else, don't be sad, I will have soon another giveaway on my blog.



PS: You might wonder why there were 214 comments on my giveaway post, but 239 on the random number generator: Some of you didn't leave enough comments even though you had additional entries, like those who bought something. So I added those entries for you.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oh why can I never find an interesting title??

The shop name and link changed. I corrected them below:
I'm so surprised that so many of you participate on my giveaway... and I'm so flattered about all your sweet words. Thank you very much! This makes me so happy!

For those who have not yet entered, the giveaway will be open until Saturday night (May 15th). Please scroll down to the giveaway post, don't comment on this post in order to enter the giveaway.

I don't know yet when I'm going to announce the winner. We will probably go for a long weekend to the seaside (yeah!) and we'll have a holiday next week. I'll do my best :)

I've been a busy bee as always and I have added a few new things to the main Blanc & Caramel shop. Take a look at a few of them:

Talking about giveaways, I've been lucky, too! Look what I got from Rhonda at A Little Bit French: The win was wrapped so beautifully...

I've received one of her cute mini canvas! Rhonda, you don't know how I love those old French labels at the moment! This canvas is amazing! Thanks so much!

I decorated it on my white Greek birdcage. I've found those rose-shaped pinecones in the park in front of our house.

You can find so many romantic French inspired things in Rhonda's shop Parisgal56. And if you would like to try to win something of her treasures too, don't miss her French Friday on her blog ;)

And I won again! I got the sweetest necklace ever from Nicole who makes hand-stamped jewelry. She sells them in her gorgeous shop Sweet Tea Shoppe for a good cause. Isn't that amazing??

She personalized my necklace with the names of our little family. Of course this, too, was wrapped in the cutest little box with a bow! I adore this necklace and have worn it everyday since I got it.

Take a look at Nicole's blog 60 Piggies, she is an amazing photographer as well.
Nicole, thank you so much for the necklace!

As if I haven't got enough new treasures, I went Etsy shopping and found some lovely Americana bowl fillers. Isn't it funny how you always want what you don't have: I want American stuff and Americans want French stuff!

The bowl fillers have been coffee-stained with vanilla, they smell so good!

I love the tag, it's all hand-drawn!

So... promised, I'll be back blogging as soon as possible!



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blanc & Caramel shop opening and give away!

The shop name and link have changed. I corrected them below:
I'm so happy and excited to announce the opening of Blanc & Caramel's webshop!

It was worth all the work in the last few months, and it wasn't easy not to reveal on my blog too much too early... so now, enjoy your visit!

Ever since, I've loved crafting and creating and it has always been my dream to run my own business, realize my own creations and make others happy with them. Blanc & Caramel (French for White and Caramel) makes this dream come true.

All my own creations are handmade in my Paris crafting studio with carefully selected and mainly French materials. My work is influenced by my everyday life in Paris, brocantes and flea markets to find unique and antique vintage items to work with. My love for country style items is inspired from the nature in the Swiss countryside where I grew up and beautiful places I've visited like the south of France or the United States.

My main shop with the entire collection is here, and I have another shop with a small but beautiful choice of items on Etsy as well.

Give Away

The giveaway is CLOSED now.

Let's celebrate the shop opening together! I've chosen a lovely package of various Blanc & Caramel items for you, all going to one single lucky winner.

So let's see what you will receive...

A cute French Petit Beurre biscuit ornament made of linen. So shabby chic!

Lovely earrings with cream pearls and delicate old lace bows.

Some gorgeous hand-stamped vintage inspired Paris ribbon.

A set of six amazing PARIS queen bee tags with twine that you can use as note cards, attach them on gifts or just keep them for yourself ;)

A dragonfly clip, a coffee-stained Tour Eiffel tag, a stencil number mini tag, a glitter star, a few vintage buttons...

... and some old French book pages of "L'Histoire de France" (The History of France) for your own crafting projects.

How to be entered in the Blanc & Caramel give away:

You have 7 chances to be entered. Please leave a seperate comment for each of them.


1. 1 entry: Visit Blanc & Caramel and leave a comment what your favorite item is AND follow this blog (leave only one comment both). Thank you!


2. 1 additional entry: Post about the give away (please leave me the link) or add the give away picture to your side bar and link it back to

Here it is:

3. 1 additional entry: Become Blanc & Caramel's fan on Facebook.

4. 1 additional entry: Post my shop button to your sidebar and link it to

Here it is:
(scroll a few posts up to get the new button)

5. 3 additional entries: Buy something from Blanc & Caramel or Blanc & Caramel on Etsy.

The give away is open to all countries.

Don't forget to leave a contact email, either by including your address in your comment or making sure you have it added to your blog profile.

The give away closes on May 15, midnight in Paris ;)

Good luck!


Ich habe diesmal aus Zeitgründen keine deutsche Übersetzung angefügt, aber ich habe ein paar Nachfragen wegen den Spielregeln bekommen, also liefer ich die jetzt gerne noch nach:

Ihr habt 7 mögliche Gewinnchancen. Bitte hinterlässt einen separaten Kommentar für jede davon (damit der Zufallsgenerator auch die richtige Anzahl Einträge zu bearbeiten bekommt... oder naja, vielleicht spielt mein kleiner Sohn ja auch mal gerne Glücksfee)


1. 1 Gewinnchance: Besucht Blanc & Caramel und schreibt mir, was euer Lieblingsprodukt ist UND trägt euch bei diesem Blog als Leser ein (bitte nur einen Kommentar für diese beiden Sachen hinterlassen)).

Zusätzlich & freiwillig:

2. 1 zusätzliche Gewinnchance: Schreibt auf eurem Blog über den Give away (bitte hinterlässt mir den Link) oder setzt das Give Away-Bild auf euere Seiteleiste und verlinkt es mit

Hier ist es:

3. 1 zusätzliche Gewinnchance: Werdet Blanc & Caramel's Fan auf Facebook.

4. 1 zusätzliche Gewinnchance: Setzt meinen Shop-Button auf eure Seitenleiste und verlinkt ihn mit

Hier ist der Button:
(wenn ihr den neuen Button möchtet, scrollt ein paar Blogposts nach oben)

5. 3 zusätzliche Gewinnchancen: Kauft etwas bei Blanc & Caramel oder Blanc & Caramel on Etsy.

Ich verschicke überall hin.

Bitte denkt daran, dass ich eine Möglichkeit haben muss, mit euch in Fall einens Gewinns in Kontakt zu treten. Also bitte Email hinterlassen oder ähnliches.

Der Give away dauert bis am 15. Mai, Mitternacht in Paris ;)
Viel Glück!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mon petit olivier

My little olive tree... isn't it adorable? I got it last week. I decided that the plam trees, avocado trees and whatever else I grew in our living room, had to be moved to the hallway outside the apartment. A destiny that most of our plants got anyway a few months ago, because our little boy aka hurricane was a little bit too interested in them ;) I love my new little olive tree, it gives the room something so summerly and reminds me of the Provence. I hope it will grow fast!

Mein kleiner Olivenbaum... ist er nicht wunderbar? Ich habe ihn letzte Woche gekauft. Und beschlossen, dass die Palmen, Avocadobäumchen und was auch immer ich in meinem Wohnzimmer gehabt habe, raus in den Gang vor die Wohnungstür mussten. Dieses Schicksal haben sowieso die meisten Pflanzen schon vor ein paar Monaten erfahren, weil unser kleiner Junge aka "Hurrikan", sich etwas zu sehr dafür interessiert hat ;) Ich liebe meinen neuen kleinen Olivenbaum, er gibt dem Raum etwas sommerliches und erinnert mich an die Provence. Ich hoffe, er wächst ganz schnell!

Have I ever told you that I've had a soft spot for Americana for years now? I was so happy that I've found this great pillow. In a French shop! I think it goes perfectly with the green of my olive tree.

Love, Chani

Habe ich euch schon erzählt, dass ich schon seit Jahren eine Schwäche für Americana habe? Ich war so glücklich, als ich dieses tolle Kissen entdeckt habe. In einem französischen Laden! Es passt perfekt zum Grün von meinem Olivenbäumchen.

Bis bald, Chani

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Locket Love

I'm so happy I won a beautiful locket necklace chez poetic Jacqleen Bleu! I was incredibly impatient until it arrived here. Isn't it lovely?

I'm freue mich so, dass ich bei der poetischen Jacqleen Bleu eine wunderschöne Medaillonkette gewonnen habe! Ich war so ungeduldig, bis die Kette ankam. Ist sie nicht toll?

She is so talented, an exceptional artist: She has not only one of the most beautiful shops on Etsy, SeaUnicorn (awarded with the best Etsy product pictures)...

Sie hat so viel Talent, eine ganz unglaubliche Künstlerin: Sie hat nicht nur einen der schönsten Shops auf Etsy, SeaUnicorn (der für die "besten Produktebilder" ausgezeichnet wurde)...

This is what I fancy!

... but is also an amazing photographer. Just look at JacqleenBleu. Oh I LOVE this art photography style... I'm enchanted!

... sondern ist auch eine fantastische Fotografin. Schaut nur mal auf JacqleenBleu. Oh ich LIEBE diesen Stil... ich bin verzaubert!

I love your comments, thanks for each of them. However, I know also that sometimes it takes just too much time to comment all the time. You can now just tick the box under my posts if you liked them, just like on Facebook. But don't forget to say hi anyway as often as possible! I hope I don't get less comments now, rather some more "likes" :)

Ich liebe eure Kommentare, vielen Dank dafür! Ich weiss aber, dass oft die Zeit knapp ist und man nicht immer kommentieren kann. Ihr könnt nun einfach das "Like"-Kästchen unter den Posts anklicken, so ähnlich wie auf Facebook. Sagt aber trotzdem so oft wie möglich hallo! Ich hoffe, ich bekomme nun nicht weniger Kommentare, sondern einfach mehr "likes" :)

Love, Chani

A collage with amazing artsy vintage photography (including one of my favorite singers, Aviv Geffen):

Eine Collage mit fantastischen Vintage-Kunstfotografien (einer meiner Lieblingssänger, Aviv Geffen, inbegriffen):

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Blossoms

Have you also had such a beautiful and sunny day today where you live? It was gorgeous here. It was the last day of passover and we had some great family time together.

I'm so happy that in the last few days I reached 100 followers, thank you so much for stopping by and reading regularly my blog. Soon there will be a give away, so watch out!

Love, Chani

War bei euch heute auch so schönes sonniges Wetter? Hier wars einfach wunderbar! Es war ausserdem der letzte Tag von Pessach und wir haben eine tolle Zeit mit unserer Familie verbracht.

Ich bin so glücklich, dass ich in den letzten Tagen die "100 Leser-Marke" erreicht habe, vielen Dank fürs Vorbeikommen und regelmässige Lesen. Bald gibts einen Give Away!

Alles Liebe, Chani