Tuesday, May 3, 2011

As of May something...

Sometimes I really hate blogger. It is next to impossible for me to get it to do the simplest of things- like get the text I am currently writing, above the picture it is below. It doesn't matter- but I'd like the text above, and it won't let me- so it is frustrating. Blogging for me is ALWAYS frustrating. It's takes an eternity to load pictures, and it is for all these reasons I only do it once in 3 or 4 months. But that's okay.

The title of this post reads, " As of May Something." What is the date anyway? Meh. I don't care enough to check. But here are some pictures of the yahoos being adorable in the last few months. I apologize that there are hardly any of Melvin- it's not for lack of trying. He is too busy for pictures. Whenever I ask him to smile and say cheese he says a beautiful long, "CHEEEEEEESE" as he runs away from me to do something else. :) What a cutie.

Also, I forgot once again that the first picture will be the last, so this is all chronological backwards. I'm sure you'd catch on to that, but by way of heads up.

Aren't these two precious? Our family has really hit a sweet spot. I almost say that apologetically! We all have moments in the rain, and in the sun... and even though it's done nothing but rain for two months in Ohio, I feel so wonderful and happy about life. Melvin is ... I can't even say. THE BEST, THE SWEETEST, THE FUNNEST, MOST ENTHUSED, and I can't get enough time with him. I love where we're at with him. To see the world in his eyes, at this season... wonderful. Blossoms, bird nests, worms, books, letters, numbers, belly buttons, EVERYTHING is fascinating, intriguing, exciting. Oh my goodness. I love this boy.

And the two of the them together? My favorite ever. :) No kidding. There is such a wonderful give and take between the two. I could sit and watch them together for hours. That is not to say that Melvin doesn' t love stealing her toys and such... but that's all a part of the fun. :)
We just put up a trampoline last weekend. Mel was beside himself trying to help us. He came up with this all by himself- walking around hanging springs from the mat. Actually very helpful! Then all we had to do was hook them to the metal ring stand thinger. :) He surprises me with his good ideas and problem solving. He really is getting big. :(

They had a lot of fun playing with Geni's birthday party decorations for about a week after the thing happened... then I took it all down. :) In these pictures Mel is doing the dishes and blowing bubbles, as Geni walks up and down the kitchen carrying all these balloons. (They were attached with string).
Easter. Mel LOVED everything about it of course, and really got into "Gooster Eggs." I'm not sure where he came up with that, but he's still talking about them. Geni liked it too.... of course.

Geni's First birthday party ever. We kept the uno shirt tradition alive, and she looked way more spectacular than these picture show.

She was nervous when we sang happy birthday to her, and even more nervous about the cupcake... but when we encouraged her to EAT it? Too much. She cried and cried. She finally nibbled at frosting once I held her, and let her feed me. :) She is a sweetheart.

This is Geni on her actual birthday, a few days before the party, in as much of her birthday suit as I was comfortable putting on the internet. :) Idn't she somethin'?
She does this a lot.
She LOVES accessories, especially necklaces, and things material, like

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Les photos

It has been like...FOREVER!!!. Most of these have been posted on facebook.... But for you nonfacebookers, here are some of my favorite photos from fall till now. That's all I'm going to say.