Sometimes Life Just Sucks

Monday, January 22, 2018


Sometimes our struggles seem almost more than we can bear. They definitely test our faith and leave us wondering WHY. 

On June 12, 2017 my 10 year old son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. We went to the doctor because he was feeling unwell. From there he was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance where he spent 5 days, two in the pediatric ICU. 

NO you can NOT fix type 1 with diet and exercise or weight loss. There is NOTHING you do to get it and there is NOTHING you can do to take it away. You have to count every carb you take in and counter it with insulin. Yes shots! For EVERY meal and snack per your carb ratio and at bedtime. It will NEVER go away! It's a life sentence! It needs a cure!

WHY my child?
WHY can't I take this instead?
WHY any child for that matter?
WHY is there not a cure for this?
WHY does my baby have to cry himself to sleep about this sometimes?
WHY so many pokes to get blood for blood sugar checks?
WHY does he have to get shots just to eat?
WHY does he have to carry an emergency injection in case his blood sugar drops too low and passes out?
WHY does he have to depend on others to know what to do in that situation?
WHY has the joy been sucked from my happy go lucky boy?
WHY does my once happy little character now seem so down all of the time?
WHY does this mama shed more tears now?
WHY do so many know so little about this?
Why why WHY???!!!!!!!!!! 
Almost more than we can bear.

I thank God for an appointment within 30 minutes of me calling.
I thank God for a doctor that knew exactly what to check for. 
I thank God for local medical care.

If you want to learn more about type 1, PLEASE do. If you have something to share with us about it (we are still learning) AWESOME! If you want to pray for us, YES we will accept every bit of prayer you want to offer up for us.
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New Year - New Look

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

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This new year brings a new look for us! Though the website has a new look we are still the same Cap Creations! Come by and check out the newly updated website and HaPpY NeW YeAr!!!

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