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Kosu no To


[Schule]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[Komponiert]Minezaki Kōtō - Shamisen

Geschichte (Tomiyama Seikin II):

Outside the bamboo blind

A concise, beautiful composition by Minezaki Koto. The title Kosunoto is a misreading of Osunoto which has the same meaning. It is a short amatory story set in summer: a woman has fallen in love with a man who eased her stomach pains with his strong arms. They are about to hang a mosquito net together.

Kosu no To spielt auf den folgenden Alben

Album Künstler

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 18 (三曲合奏大全集18) Shakuhachi : Yokoyama Katsuya
Koto : Yanagisawa Moein
Stimme : Suzuki Hakuin
Shamisen : Suzuki Hakuin

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 16 Stimme : Tomiyama Seikin I
Shamisen : Tomiyama Seikin I
Play ButtonTomiyama Kiyotaka's World Stimme : Tomiyama Seikin II
Shamisen : Tomiyama Seikin II
Outside the bamboo blind

A concise, beautiful composition by Minezaki Koto. The title Kosunoto is a misreading of Osunoto which has the same meaning. It is a short amatory story set in summer: a woman has fallen in love with a man who eased her stomach pains with his strong arms. They are about to hang a mosquito net together.

Traditional Music of Japan, The - 02 Stimme : Tomiyama Seikin I
Shamisen : Tomiyama Seikin I
This is representative of the short songs of the Jiuta genre describing the amorous scene of lovers. The title, meaning a bamboo screen door for summer, does not occur in the text, but represents the summer season and also the shaded and refined expression of sentences for the love scene. The great refinement is the basic aesthetic of the song, although the style and atmosphere of the music is more archaic and subtle than Ko-uta of a later period, based upon the same aesthetics. The text was written by a Geisha of Osaka and the music was composed by Minezaki Koto (ca 1760- ca 1800) who composed masterpieces of the Tegoto style. This record was made in a specific way. The performer first sang accompanying himself with Sangen. Then he played the Kokyu by listening to the tape of his previously recorded singing and Sangen. The Shamisen is tuned in Honchoshi.

Zoku Sō-Sangen-Shakuhachi ni yoru Mei Senshū - volume 4 Stimme : Matsuo Keiko
Shamisen : Matsuo Keiko