Monday, November 14, 2005

Wet Willies.....

Have you ever had a good friend who just loves to bug you? And do you have that one thing, just ONE thing in this world that absolutely grosses you out? Now the true question is, has that one person ever figured out that one thing that grosses you out? Unfortunately for me, I had this experience this past weekend.

While sitting at the BYU volleyball game (which BYU lost unfortunately), my dear friend Joshua discovered that when a wet finger is shoved into my ear, and twisted around at a rapid pace, I tend to act a little strange... ok that is an understatement... I FREAK OUT! Getting a wet willy is that one thing in this world that absolutely grosses me out! I shudder at even the thought of receiving a wet willy! I mean, what person in their right mind would really want somebody else's finger, which has been who knows where, covered in that person's saliva shoved into their ear? Then just in case that isn't gross enough, that person continues to twist their saliva-covered finger deeper into the victim's ear! GROSS!
As gross as actually receiving the wet willy from Josh was, the main problem, is that I was surrounded by Aaron and Trevor who also love to know what drives me insane, and they both love to use those insanity drivers against me!! Needless to say, I doubt I will EVER be able to travel back up to the good ol' town of Orem again without receiving atleast ONE wet willie....
Thanks Josh!!!! ;)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Conformity..... Isn't it grand?

Isn't it sad how we all tend to conform when all of our friends do something? Remember when e-mail first became an option for us in 7th grade, or when Instant Messanging became the lastest craze? How about text messaging?I immediately jumped right on those bandwagons so as to keep in touch with my friends which was rather pathetic seeing as there really isnt that much to talk about it Junior High, and well, in high school you see eachother every hour so texting really isnt necessary (I can't believe I just said that) but that is beside the point. Once again, I find myself conforming to the latest communication tool.... The Blog!

anywho.... just thought I would let you all know I have FINALLY become a blogger!
Love You All

ReBeCcA jOy