Oops! A whole week just flew on by without me blogging. Hmmm...seems to happen often!
Last Thursday the kids and I went to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm with some friends of ours. This has been a tradition each year (2009 & 2010) and we really wanted to make sure to squeeze it in this year, but the weather has been so off and on (OK, mostly just rainy...it's Oregon!) and it has been difficult to coordinate a time to go with Mikayla being in pre-school three days a week. But, we knew the farm was only open until the 7th, so my friend Kim and I finally set a date to go and there was no other choice.
Wouldn't you know it that the day before was sunny and gorgeous and the day we had planned to go, we woke up to rain? But, that was not going to stop us because we really wanted to go!! We decided to push our departure time back a little and didn't leave until 2 hours from when we were supposed to, but we still packed a lunch and our kids into the car and were on our way! The whole way there, we kept seeing raindrops on the windshield, but we just talked our way through it, ignoring the weather. It was a fun drive...despite the THREE stops we made before hitting the freeway. It was kind of like a comedy of errors and there was some good laughs between us!
The afternoon ended up being just right! It was a little cool, but it had stopped drizzling after we ate our lunch, which was the first thing we did when we got there. The sun even peeked through the clouds a little (as you can tell by some of the pictures with the kids squinting!)