Monday, March 01, 2021

A heck of a climb!

Via Misanthropic Humanitarian

What are we facing?

Victor Davis Hanson writes in American Greatness,
...When we reach the now politically incorrect, taboo term “herd immunity” through vaccinations and antibodies, and when the virus ceases to be a pandemic, the lethal tally may have exceeded 600,000 Americans.
If so, the nation will have lost more countrymen than were killed in World War I and World War II combined—with thousands more suffering disabilities, from “long haul Covid” to stress and psychological impairment from losing livelihoods and lockdown cabin fever.
Americans have additionally suffered likely over $15 trillion or so in economic damage from the lockdowns, lost labor, soaring healthcare costs, and the silent killers of substance, familial, and spousal abuse, along with missed medical procedures and surgeries, aborted K-12 schooling, depression, and suicides. It will take years and millions of hours of scholarship to tally all the losses and damage.
The strangest thing about the origins of the virus was its Wuhan birthplace—both next to an experimental viral laboratory engaged in dangerous research and a “wet” market that allegedly served as a petri dish for exotic new viruses. Or perhaps stranger was the second phase of the Chinese Communist Party’s exegeses of the pandemic: they transmogrified from momentary contrition to braggadocio about the superior reaction to the pandemic by totalitarians to a defiant “shut up—and what are you going to do about it anyway?”
At home, we find similar paradoxes. Joe Biden has only begun to interrupt the deregulation and tax policies that sparked the historic Trump economic boom of 2017-19 prompting unemployment to reach near-record peacetime lows. It will take time for new taxes, regulations, and elements of the New Green Deal to undermine the foundations of a robust economy.
All the talk of a dismal Trump response to the virus will soon and reluctantly wane, as our vaccination rate, our prior national leadership in creating vaccines, and our earlier end to the pandemic will be positively compared with other nations, especially those in Europe. As a result, Biden will transmogrify from a shrill critic of what he inherited to a plagiarist of that recovery.
If Biden and his team get what they wish—a neo-socialist, big government transformation—we will enter tough times. But not yet and perhaps not until after 2022.
Read more here.

I think he has had enough!

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Key points made by Trump today

Joe Biden sold out America's children to the teachers' unions. The Biden adminstration has put the vile coyotes back in business. $500 million a year going to El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatamala. Biden has failed in his number one responsibility: enforcing America's laws. Get America's children back in school immediately! Keep the sanctions and negotiate! Biden decides to go back into the World Health Organization for $500 million. China pays $39 million. Energy prices are going to go through the roof! We must protect the integrity of women's sports! The Republican Party is becoming a party of love! America must come first. Trumpism means great deals, low taxes, strong borders, law enforcement, strong protection of the Second Amendment, a strong military, Space Force, good jobs, support for veterans. The mission of the Democrats is Socialism, leading to Communism. We take great pride in our country, its flag. We had 504 billion dollars in deficits with China. We must ensure fair, honest and secure elections! The Supreme Court didn't have the guts or courage to make the right decision. We need one election day. Voter I.D. Verify citizenship. The time has come to break up big tech monopolies and restore competition! HR 1 cannot be allowed to pass. We will persist and we will prevail!

President Trump' speech begins at 1:19 in this livestream from today's CPAC

"We took the American path."

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem's recent speech at CPAc.

What do you think the chances are they will find something?

CNN gleefully reports,
Tax records that former President Donald Trump tried to keep secret for years are now in the hands of the New York district attorney.
Read the whole thing here.

What is your sport of choice?

Did you know that the higher you go on the corporate ladder, the smaller your balls become? No, really! Misanthropic Humaitarian has the true story here.

We lie to you news!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

A tribute to Rush Limbaugh by Victor Davis Hanson

In American Greatness, Victor Davis Hanson gives us his thoughts about Rush Limbaugh. Read the whole thing here.

Biden directs U.S. military strikes against Iranian-backed militia groups

Reuters reports,
President Joe Biden on Thursday directed U.S. military air strikes in eastern Syria against facilities belonging to what the Pentagon said were Iran-backed militia, in a calibrated response to rocket attacks against U.S. targets in Iraq.
Read more here.

Dropping bombs

via Lucianne

The safety of women in the public sphere

Jordan Peterson interviews Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

The Pelosi Payoff

Via Sundance

And, no mask!

How worried is Gavin Newsome about being recalled as California Governor? Not at all! Collin Anderson reports in the Free Beacon,
California governor Gavin Newsom held an indoor bill-signing ceremony at a restau here.rant that is unable to offer indoor dining under the Democrat's coronavirus restrictions.
Read much more here.

The Five speak out on the charges against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo