Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Addiction: Minimizing and denying the existence of Satan and the Devil, or at least to minimize and deny the reality of the phenomenon that these mythic images represent.

Mark Judge writes in that our therapeutic culture downplays the evil of addiction. Read the whole thing here. CoachSpringer comments in Instapundit,
Spiritual or medical? Don't tie one hand behind your back. Addiction will take your life and ruin other life it touches. And then it kills. Spiritual and physical, I say. Soul, corruption, redemption.
Ditzyblond comments in Instapundit,
I know people who don't think they have a problem, but their families do. And being an addict, the addict brushes all that away by blaming the others. The families have fallen silent because they know it won't do any good, and speaking up will endanger their access to the kids. Just because the others in your life don't say anything, it doesn't mean they think you're fine. For every addict who thinks he doesn't have a problem, you can find a half dozen people who silently recognize there is a problem.
Old School Conservative53 comments in Instapundit,
No, it is not a competition, but if you check the statistics you will find that faith based programs like AA succeed at a FAR greater rate. Their success rate is not great, but the success rates of gubmint run programs, and most private non-faith based programs, is absolutely dismal. I've seen that proved, up close and personal. That said, if a person has an alcohol problem, it seems to me that person would want the best chance of success in controlling the disease.
dhsimmons comments in Instapundit,
I agree that the problem of addiction is a moral problem, but I take a slightly less demonic approach than Judge. I think that most of what is labeled addiction is simply unfettered appetite given the opportunity to claim pathology as an excuse. The reason that people who do drugs or gamble continue to do drugs or gamble is because they like doing it, and as long as they still have resources they haven't expended on those activities yet they are not going to stop. They will pay lip service to the notion that they "should" stop, but they don't really think it or believe it. Most of the time, when they run through tearful apologies talking about their struggle with addiction and how they want to change, it's simply a ploy to buy time or procrastinate, or a manipulation to continue to gather resources to devote to the enjoyable activity. In other words, what we call addiction is simply good old greed, gluttony and dishonesty - but we've empowered people engaging in those three activities to employ the excuse that they're "sick" and "can't help it".
Addicts may be able to convince their therapists that they're not simply lying and self-indulgent weaklings who are simply doing what they prefer to do, because they value short-term indulgence over long-term benefits, but they will have a hard time convincing me.

A boondoggle for federal bureaucrats and Nancy Pelosi

Isaac Schorr writes in the New York Post about the boondoggle known as the Covid Aid Bill. Read the whole thing here.

"Cuomo’s Fatal Nursing Home Order May Be Payback For Major Campaign Donations"

Jeff Dunetz reports in lidblog,
Campaign donations of over a million dollars from a hospital trade association may have been behind NY Gov. Cuomo’s infamous nursing home order, resulting in thousands of Nursing Home deaths.
Read more here.

A Christian looks at racism

I wonder who paid for the tee shirts

Sundance reports in the Last Refuge,
More than 100 illegal immigrants who tested positive for the coronavirus — after their arrival in Texas ​​since late January — have been released by the Border Patrol into the Lone Star State ​and are free to travel to other parts of the US, according to reports.
Felipe Romero, a spokesman for the border city of Brownsville, told Fox News that they are telling the migrants who tested positive to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to quarantine and maintain social distance, but that Brownsville doesn’t have the authority to stop them from traveling to the rest of the country.Read more here.
Read more here.

Why now?

In the Federalist, Christopher Bedford tries to figure out the reason New York Democrats are coming after Andrew Cuomo.
What’s most striking is that de Blasio’s call to “revoke the governor’s emergency powers” comes after nearly an entire year of Cuomo publicly wielding his power to destroy his own state, closing schools, banning businesses, shuttering churches, prosecuting religion, and allowing rioters to run roughshod over citizens and police. So after all that, the abuse of power that cannot — will not — be tolerated is sexual harassment having nothing to do with those emergency powers? Is that the line we’re drawing here? Would the crushing of New York be OK if not for this latest revelation?
Read more here.

From the heart

Via Oregon Muse

Self quarantine. On their honor as illegal immigrants!

Ace of Spades has this story:
Illegal Immigrants Test Positive for Covid But Are Sent On Their Way Into the Interior of the Country —Ace They seem to have the "Black Lives Matter Variant" that is noncontagious.

Tucker continues to stand up for what is right

How many days did they wait before having a press conference? Biden has already set a record!

via Ace of Spades

Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Will we lose the battle over Dr. Seuss?

Bride leaving her recently bombed home to get married, London, Nov 4 1940

via pbird in the MOTUS blog

Coming to America!

South Vietnamese babies on a flight from Saigon, South Vietnam to San Francisco, United States, during Operation Babylift, the mass evacuation of children from South Vietnam at the end of the Vietnam War - 1975
via pbird in the MOTUS blog


25 people were in the SUV. 13 of them died. The driver of the SUV was a Mexican. It happened in California near the Mexican border. Read more here.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has her stomach in a knot because of what is happening in the Pelosi "District of Communism."

Can physics prove if God exists?

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." from Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett. Read more here.

March 2020 to March 2021 Covid Cases

via Drudge Report

First lawsuit against forced vaccination

Here in New Mexico,
A Doña Ana County Detention Center officer facing termination for declining a COVID-19 vaccination is suing county manager Fernando Macias and detention center officials over the mandate.
Read more here.

Monday, March 01, 2021

Kavanaugh and Barrett share the shame

In American Greatness, Julie Kelly writes about Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett.
The Trump-appointed justices’ alliance with the liberal wing of the Supreme Court is not a betrayal of Republicans or the president who appointed them. It’s a betrayal of the Constitution.
Read more here.