Hard to believe I'm posting again
already - it hasn't been quite a
year yet. This is a bumper year for
us grandparents: three new
grandbaby boys. Brandon and
Steph's little Jack, born in May,
Bryant and Bonnie's little Bennett,
born in July, and Cam and Kasey
are expecting a boy in December.
This summer has gone fast - way
too much to recap, but highlights
included a cruise to the Bahamas
in May with Sherell and Larry, the
grandkids reunion in June, and
our family reunion in July. All so
fun! We look forward to a vacation
in Hawaii in January to visit Jared
and Steph's family, now residents
there. We have been on the golf
course a number of times, and our
scores just keep climbing - Nice!
We still love working on our little
three acre (farm); as dad would
say, we just need a few pigs to
complete it.