Monday, 12 July 2010

Time to think!

My lovely family left this morning and instead of sorting out bedrooms etc went straight to my workroom to gloat over yesterdays fleamarket purchases. I was so lucky to find one person's table overflowing with things i just had to buy. I had begun to make an altered art journal, I bought 2 new plain card books especially to use. I wasn't at all sure what you did, I still don't know,just keep trying different ways. When I saw several old books on the table a penny dropped, they would be perfect for altered book art and became carried awy and bought too many. Then my eyes lit on an old battered school atlas dated 1898, it was in an awful state but there were still pages and pages of usable maps.I added that to my pile when I noticed a pile of black and white illustrations stuffed inside the covers of a huge book dated 1884. There were still a few pages attatched inside the book that matched the loose ones, what joy! so I bought that as well. More was found , a set of wooden primting blocks all the letter M, each slightly different and a pile of tiny printing blocks of flowers.Now I don't know what to do,continue with my first journal attempt on the modern book or start again with one of the old books? Certainly I have too much and too many things so am going to ask Tony to put some on our eBay site. My workroom is geting out of control, I know I need to let go of things, but it is so difficult.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Bad photos

I am sorry for such dark photos, I have some how managed to down load the photos I rejected. The dolls skirt is much lighter and her hair a pretty light heathery mixture. The cut out flowers are a bright white. Its still early morning perhaps I should have stayed in bed longer?

Getting there!

Yesterday I finally made myself finish the doll. I had taken off her head and was going to give her another one but instead changed her hair and added the decorations to link with the colour of the flowers on her dress.I may still give her something to hold but thats for another day when I haven't so many other projects on my mind.

I spent some time yesterday playing with a large dirty and full of holes, piece of material I had bought weeks ago. I felt it would become worse if I put it through the washing machine so decided to cut it up into small bits and waslh those by hand.I then ironed on some light weight bonderweb and cut out the flowers. Not sure yet how I will use them but am pleased with the results

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Lots and lots of little bears and my first ATC swap.

We have family staying at the moment and spent some time yesterday sorting out the spare room for my sister to sleep in. I dusted my collection of little bears then decided I would post a photo of them. I bought all of them here in France over several years. I have no idea how old they are, the bigger whiter one has been a little eaten by moth and the others have shabby worn coats, they must of been played with and loved for many years.

In the post yesterday I received my first ATC swap, it was such a good feeling to open the little packet. Debbie had kindly also writton lots of info on how she made hers and sent me some bits to help me on my way with new ideas

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Too hot to think!

This week has been wonderful, hot and sunny day after day,it has made me feel very lazy. I was so pleased to receive a much wanted new camera for my birthday and have taken loads of photos. Much despair has followed as there was no disc in the box ,no problem said a kind friend and explained that you just do this and that and all will be ok.Well how I have tried! and have to face up to the fact that its too difficult and I have reverted to my old camera for the time being.I'm hoping it was the hot weather that caused my brain to refuse to function but I'm not to sure.
I have finished another doll except for shoes, I may add some later. I have been offered two lots of exibition space, and must finish so many things in the next few weeks.I am not altogether pleased with the new doll and know that I did rush to finish her so if I have the time I will probably change a few things and you will see her again.