Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Four years ago this past week, Bountiful Home opened.... and what a ride it has been. Recreated in what was The Weed Lady house, Bountiful Home has found it's place...a modest and cozy shop filled with Old World Home Decor and Nursery. Throughout the past few years the shop has had some huge successes and a few failures along the way....but I'd rather rest on the good things which spur me on each day. Garden festivals and Junk Markets have exploded across the Nursery and scattered the front lawn. Classes up stairs in the attic have warmed the house with laughter and movement and exposes many to the shop. Vintage Markets, away from the shop continued to grow the shop with new friends and more opportunities.
The leaning back porch of the shop is my makeshift office with an incredible inspiration wall. Upon this wall sits business cards and ads, Thank yous and Invites, pages from torn magazines, badges, gift tags, awards and posters. These are all great reminders of where I have come from and ideas to spur me on to where I will go. As I write, the preparations for this weekends 4th Anniversary of Bountiful Home are under way. I'm excited. So drop in on Friday and Saturday and enjoy some tea and cookies and help me celebrate this wonderful weekend.
A dear friend wrote to me in a card the day four years ago, on the eve of Bountiful Home's opening.... "Its twilight outside....and its sparkling inside. As I turned off the lights and walked through for the last time ( before the hoards of people come running in ) I paused and realized I had just walked through YOUR dream come true. Its true I'm living my Dream....please come by and enjoy it with me. Best, Todd

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A little Shakespeare

Blow Blow Thy Winter Wind
Thou art not so unkind
As man's ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude.

Heigh-ho, sing, heigh-ho, Unto the green holly:
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then heigh-ho the holly,
This life is most jolly.

Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,
Thou dost not bite so nigh
As benefits forgot:
Though thou the waters warp,
Thy sting is not so sharp
As friend remembered not.

Then heigh-ho the holly
This life is most jolly. William Shakespeare

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Christmas Jar of Twigs

After a lovely day off, I returned to the shop in the stillness of the morning to find a dear friend had dropped off a wonderful bags filled with treasures. Nestled proudly into a brown bag was a trove of eyes delight. Savoring the moment, I pulled the polka dot glittered tissue aside.... my eyes smiled. I lifted a well loved Kerr jar from the bag to rest on my desk. Filling the jar were Hollyhocks stems dried lovingly by the sun. Their creamy fuzzy pods cracking open while still holding the desired seeds of one of my favorite flower. Birch twigs held tiny images of blue birds and smaller wires wrapped tightly around branches held miniature silver snowflakes, now dancing in my vision. Old ephemera books laid under the treasures. My eyes focused on the many findings entrapped with in the jar....shells, leaves, more seeds and small terracotta pots began to blur as my eyes, now swollen with tears, blended them back to their watering home.
I was taken back by my response to the little jar filled with the promise of Spring....but moreover the thought and action from which it came. I have been blessed by some truly lovely friends.... I added a few tiny rose hips and some stray pheasant feathers to the already brimming jar of Christmas cheer. Bits of drift wood and shells, pods and leaves took my thoughts back to where they came from...the garden now at rest! The sender knows me well and she captured the art of giving more then she knows. This simple jar....what a JOY! Bound with a sumptuous striped ribbon, I will enjoy and await the moment this Spring when I can once again return the gift from the Christmas Jar of Twigs.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Traditions....Simply Abundant

The Thanksgiving cornucopia, spilling over with the fruits of the harvest, reigns an icon of autumn. Derived from the Latin for "horn of plenty," this basket is the most traditional of Thanksgiving centerpieces. Classically, it overflows with fruits, vegetables, gourds and Indian corn. But don't confine this iconic embellishment to the dining table. Cornucopias are warm, welcoming arrangements in a front hall or guest room or on a broad kitcken window sill. Smaller versions.... loaded perhaps with cookies, jams, chocolates, teas or coffees....make a much appreciated gifts.
Although the tradition of the cornucopia is ancient, it's meaning is still relevant today. Because it symbolizes the bounty of life, it can help remind us of the bounty of blessings we've received throughout the year.
I am blessed to be able to do what I love.
Blessings find you this coming season of Thanks. Todd @ Bountiful Home

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Although the calendar still says it's fall, by the time Thanksgiving arrives the chill of winter has usually settled in. And we have done the same. Thanksgiving always draws us close to home and family. The day itself finds our homes dressed in full finery. Candles lit. Silver polished. Center piece built. Linens pressed to crisp perfection. Amid the fall splendor, there's also a nod to winters pending appearance. We draw the drapes at night to fight the evening chill. There's a quilt on every bed and a warming fire crackling in the hearth.
Sandwiched between two spirited holidays, Thanksgiving is the quiet reflective one. Ideally it involves no major agendas or grand performances, save that of the cook. Rather it gives us that rare relaxed moment to focus on the blessings we've received in the past year and to welcome family and close friends for the sheer pleasure of their company. Before time consumes me again....Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Beautiful Hydrangeas

Well, its been some time since my last post. Life here at Bountiful Home is moving forward with many new prospects and events that have carried me to this Fall. After a very successful retail show at Ruffles and Rust in Monroe, I returned to the shop to begin the Holiday Decor set up. But it is this season of repose, one of rest and change that I really crave. Autumn is truly my favorite of all seasons. Rich color floats under foot and the rustle of the leaves make the walks in the park more desirable. In my garden, it is the hydrangeas that were spectacular this year. Today before the rain set in I clipped and bundled the beauties so to share them with those who desire the same. Grab a cup of tea and go for a stroll in your own garden....You'll be amazed at what beatiful treasures you will find...perhaps even some Hydrangeas.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Silent Beauties

I'm not sure how often we really slow down during our days, and recognize that we are people with great passions and loves. What are your favorite things? Some will acknowledge foods or sports but I will always tell you that my favorite things lie in the garden, the earth, surrounded by growing plants and flowering trees and vines... These are my silent beauties!