Bethany said something the other day that I keep going back to because it just cracked me up. First let me give a little bit of background.
On a normal basis after dinner is made it is left on the counter or stove and we serve our plates there and take it to the table. This usually means that someone has to get up multiple times to get something for someone. I think we have done this because if the hot pans go on the table then the kids will touch the pan and burn themselves.
Well, with my lack of energy by the time dinner rolls around I have been loading the table with anything and everything that I could possibly need for that meal so that I don't have to get up the second I sit down (Adam is usually at work during dinner time.) One time a few weeks ago there was so much stuff on the table Bethany said in a "what's going on" voice, "Is it Thanksgiving." I could help but laugh. It was really funny. I couldn't help myself, I had to laugh. I then explained that we would never have Thanksgiving dinner without Dad and we still needed to have Halloween before Thanksgiving time was here. Then I helped her remember that last year it snowed and just isn't cold enough outside to snow or even wear a sweater in the middle of the day. She is such a cutie and I love her funny insight.
Another thing that she says has been somewhat the motto around here.
Ever since I've been pregnant, Colten has gotten really clingy and wants me carry him up the stairs or into the grocery store or anywhere. This boy must know that he will no longer be the baby, because before he wanted to climb the stairs all by himself and walk into the store with just holding hands. Since I hadn't been feeling good the kids hear me say, "Mommy's not feeling very good," quite a bit. Not only is Mommy not feeling good, but Colten is almost 2 and doesn't weigh 10 pounds anymore, or even 20 pounds. He weighs in the 30+ lbs range. That is just too much for me right now.
Well, the other day Bethany, Colten and I were walking from the car to an office building (the walk wasn't very far because we got a close parking spot) and Colten did not want to walk. He kept running in front of me holding his hands up and would cry wanting me to pick him up and carry him in. It wasn't going to happen and I made him walk. With Colten still crying Bethany grabbed his hand and said in a "sweet big sister" voice, "It's OK, Mamma's not feeling good." At that moment I was feeling fine, but it made Colten stop crying.
So all in all Bethany is sweet and understand that I can't do everything right when she asks and can explain to Colten that he's just going to have to deal with it and have lots of cuddle time on the couch.
Sorry this is another long post, but I had to post about my silly kids and the things Bethany says. Colten doesn't say too many real words, but when he tries, you can definitely tell the point that he is trying to get across. Thanks goodness for kids, they make us sane and insane at the same time.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
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