Showing posts with label The Humans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Humans. Show all posts

Sunday, November 2, 2008

We got visitors!!!

We had a steamboat dinner last Sunday and we took some photos.

Dogs & Humans that came: Rudolf & Goofy, their mom, Huskee's mom, dad and maid.

Baby was sulking the whole night because she missed Huskee (evil mama and MIL that seperate them)

Mama, Huskee's mom and maid was busy peeling mushrooms.

Goofy was waiting for some food to drop.

The FOOD!!!!

And some BBM love that was going on...

It was so much FUN!!!! Not the BBM, the dinner we mean...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Good News!

We are feeling very happy. Mama has got a new job!!! Actually she had two offers but she has made up her mind and she will be starting at the new place on the 15th. So basically now, she is serving her notice period and doing the handover in her stupid present company.

And the good thing about the new job is that

- 20% pay increment
- 27 days of leave per year
- 30 days of medical leave per year
- and lots of other good stuff

We will let you know again after she starts and hopefully when all settle down, we will have time to visit all our friends. We miss you, guys.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Our blog will be suspended.

Boy n Baby:
Just to let you all know that we will not be updating our blog anytime soon, at least for a while. The thing is our mama is feeling pissed with her company (she worked there for 4years now) and she finally, decided 'Enough is Enough' and so she fired her company last week. She is now busy looking for a job while serving her notice period and with all the news of about the economy is not doing well, she is a little worried. We will update if we have any good news.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Our little sister turns 3 today.

Boy n Baby:


Sunday, April 13, 2008

He is Twinkle, He is my Brother.

Meet Twinkle... He is Ben Ben's pain. (I am sure Ben Ben loves him deep down)

He asked me whether he could be my BIG brother and i say why not, isnt it nice to have another BIG brother that can protect me and dote on me.

See, even our side view look so alike.

On another note:
Mama has just finish reading this book and she feels that if any of you hoomans out there love to read, this is one book that you ahould not miss.

You can find out more about this book here. Mama is also willing to lend this book to anyone who is keen to read it. Just leave us your email in our comments and we will contact you for your address.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Our pawrents are dumping us.

Boy n Baby:
Our pawrents are dumping us. Yes, you dogs read it right...

They are going off for a week to Bangkok for a holiday without us. How much FUN can a holiday be when there is NO us. We wont be able to blog and wont get to visit our friends' blogs too. We will miss all of you.

This is how sad we are feeling now.

Boy n Baby

Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Secret Dinner?

Boy n Baby:
We found that our mama had a secret dinner with some of our friends' hoomans.

Hmmm, from this paw paw photo of theirs we can guess who she had dinner with. They must be HM (Chiyo), Eil (Girl Girl), J (Jay), GG (BooBoo & Bond), S (Huskee's mom) & B (Huskee's maid). Well, we are not JEALOUS! After all a party without us will be so boring.

Mama: They were wrong. We had a lot of fun during dinner. We talk about many stuff and we all feel that we should this more often meaning leave the furkids at home..haha

But all were forgiven when we saw mama bringing this home for us.

These are specially home made meat patties done by Huskee's maid.

Baby: Look at my tongue!

And jus a few seconds later, this is all that is left...

It is super duper yummy licious!

Boy: And of top of that, I received a 'Get Well' pressie from Huskee. Two pack of Doggie Chocolates!!!

I dont feel so sick anymore!

Boy n Baby