Wednesday, January 29, 2014

snow babe

we got a few inches of snow overnight so 
here's cailin frolicking around the backyard.  
we are not well equipped here
in richmond for snow so school is canceled
and this is the heaviest "coat" i have for
this little lady.  also, those snow pants
are size 18 months.  good thing she has short legs.

Monday, December 30, 2013


since i've been a little MIA on the blogging front, 
here are several pictures of things we've been up 
to in the past couple months according to my iphone.

ice cream cones from chick fil a 

we went to williamsburg where we got to 
pet horses and...

took a little family picture.
 cailin wearing BIG GIRL boots.
 practicing her baby carrying skills
 my little face drawer
 cheeeeese.  hiding in a log
 daddy and cailin climbed a tree.
 matty's kangaroo baby
 we played a little softball
 and snuggled with daddy while playing 
games on his surface.
 more tree climbing
 halloween fun.  princess sofia
 apple picking and eating
 tea party with daddy
 drew daddy on the ipad
 my 2 loves
 my little shopper
 modeling her new kitty hat.
 ginger bread house making
 lunch date with nana for daddy's birthday

 she wanted to have glasses like daddy so
i broke a pair of her sunglasses.  the star is just 
an extra accessory.
 shoe organizing
 and riding her new scooter.  

Thursday, December 26, 2013

merry christmas

we had a marvelous christmas season this year. 
it was quiet, low key, and spent together.
i love my little family and am excited to add
 one more come march. 

here's my little shopper helping me 
pick out gifts at a nearby mall earlier in the month.

our visit to santa was a success.

christmas morning

she was very happy with her gifts.

christmas at nana's (brady's mom) was done mid-month
because she is in utah right now with brady's sister.

 i love these two!!!

and here's our annual family photo to be added to 
our andersen family frame. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

pumpkin patch

we went out to a really fun pumpkin
patch yesterday.  it was out in the middle of no
where at lloyd's family farm.

here's my crazy girl all excited before we left.
 she thinks she's so funny. 

she liked that one.

 on the hayride

 feeding the "baby horse".

and let the chubby pregnant face begin.

i only threw this one in just to show my
awes preg belly.  (19 weeks)

it was a super successful visit.