Tuesday, September 30, 2008

End of Summer

The last month or so of summer consisted of hiking, running, and riding bikes of course. We are proud to announce Camden became Fully potty-trained this summer!! Hip Hip Hooray! Way to go little Man!
Brady and the boys competed in some fun run races the month of August at a park downtown . Tayson took 4th place two out of three weeks for his age group. I ran with Camden, and Brady ran alongside Tayson, hense we have no pictures of them actually racing. Brady then ran the bigger race later on in the evening each day. The boys had a blast cheering him on.

Hiking again at some beautiful Falls. Seriously one of the most beautiful places to live by.

Tayson riding his bike. Every day he is coming up with new tricks to impress us. Riding with one hand, going off curbs and now he is trying to pop a wheely as he goes off the curbs. So far...no injuries.

Camden found an old snow beenie of his a couple weeks ago and became attached to it and wore it everywhere, no matter the temperature. So of course he still had to wear it with his helmet while riding his bike. This summer he has really figured out how to ride by himself, without needing to be pushed or get stuck. He loves riding now, and it is so fun to watch the progress he has made.

Checking the mail- a daily ritual

They say they get so tired riding their bikes so they will stop for a periodic nap on the sidewalk at times, sometimes every 20 feet.

Tayson bought a flower plant at farmers market this summer that he is SOOO proud of. He didn't want anything that produced fruit or vegetables, he just wanted flowers. On occasion he will pick one and give it to mommy. He is such a Sweetheart!

Camden being silly walking around with his t-shirt over his knees.

Camden LOVES to run, if you click the picture I think it might enlarge and you can see the pure joy on this kid's face.

Tayson loves to take pictures with his camera, especially if dad is taking pictures too. Wants to be just like dad.
Camden posing for one of Tayson's pictures.
Tayson pretending to be a pirate.

Tayson and his funny faces. He keeps us laughing!
Tayson is also playing soccer right now, though it is more of a soccer practice type thing. He doesn't play a game, he just gets to learn skills with dad by his side. Not sure just how much they expect these little kids to learn. Tayson keeps talking about how he wants to play an actual soccer game, but he has to be in kindergarten to do that. Hopefully next year.
Other updates: Brady still LOVES his job and is learning a ton, which we are very grateful for. The boys and I go to the park at least twice a week while the weather is still WONDERFUL! It hasn't rained much at all, so I'm sure I'm in for a rude awakening when winter really hits. Hopefully we'll adjust, but for now we'll enjoy the great weather. Tayson also starts preschool Oct. 14th with he is SOOO excited about it. He tells Camden all the time that he is going to learn all kinds of things, the most random things. He will even at times tell Camden he has to practice some sort of trick at home in preparation for school. I'm just hoping he isn't disappointed when he doesn't get to learn some of the things he wants to learn. He has the mindset that he will be learning everything there is to know about everything when he goes to preschool. He is SOOO ready to go, and I'm excited for him. Well, that's all for now.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Trip to Seattle last weekend

Pike's Fish Market in Seattle, also ended up being the biggest BYU tourist location on Friday afternoon. We saw SOOOO many BYU fans. Maybe it had something to do with the weekend?
Boys checking out the lobster tails, yum!
Space Needle
A fountain near the space needle that Tayson had a ball running through. Everyone was just hanging out around the fountain watching it, and then suddenly there was a four year old running through it over and over again. He even convinced daddy to run through it too, and got Camden to near the end. He had a blast, but needless to say he was SOAKED!!! Fortunately the weather was Beautiful in Seattle while we were there, so the water felt good.
We were fortunate that Brady's cousin, Sally, and her family invited us to stay with them and we had a blast. They were so generous and kind. Thank you again guys!
They have a little girl, Aubrey, who is Camden's age, and a boy Jared, who is 6. The boys needless to say had a blast and made new best friends to say the least. We've never seen Camden play SOOO well with another kid. They went into our bedroom near bedtime and told me they wanted to shut the door while they played. I went in to check on them later and found them hanging out and playing, and pretending to go to sleep in the playpen.
Tayson and Jared
And here is the main reason we chose to go the weekend that we did...... None other than
BYU vs Washington Huskies football game. Brady was ECSTATIC knowing they were coming to Seattle so he bought tickets as soon as he could. Fortunately they WON, so the trip was definitely a success! Its not as enjoyable if they lose cause then I deal with a grumpy husband the rest of the day.

Tayson and Daddy hanging out at the game.

Our family at the game. They weather was hot and sunny, not usual for Seattle of course, so we hadn't brought sunscreen and left with lovely sunburns, but it was worth it, and we had great seats.
The boys picked blackberries just outside the stadium after the game. A funny story....a couple months after we moved to Oregon, we went to a farmer's market and Brady wanted to get some berries for smoothies. Blackberries were the cheapest, so we bought some. Little did we know, blackberries grow like weeds in the Northwest. They are EVERYWHERE, why would you ever want to pay money for them, when they line the streets, parks, stadiums, etc? We even have a few across the road from our apartment. We've learned our lesson.

Tayson and Jared playing after the game in the parking lot while we waited for traffic to diminish (though it never did).

One exhausted little boy by the time we headed back to the house after the game.

Camping in Astoria

So I realize it is about time I update. Now that it has been a while, we have sooo many pictures I want to add, that it will take a while to catch everyone up. These are pics from our camping trip to Astoria the end of July/beginning of Aug. The above pic was taken in Astoria, the northwest tip of Oregon. It is gorgeous to say the least. The following pics are not in particular order.

Tayson hanging out on a rock at one of the beaches we stopped at between Astoria and home.
The boys and I at a beach in Seaside, OR

Tayson and Camden


Tayson hanging out by the campfire

Camden chillin' by the campfire while Tayson and Mommy were riding bikes around the campground.

Minigolf at the KOA.

The big "jumping pillow" at the KOA.

The boys LOVED IT!! KOA's seriously are the best!

Checking out a historic site at the Lewis and Clark Fort.

The boys at the Lewis and Clark fort.