Thursday, November 25, 2010

Christmas card

Joy And Happiness Christmas 5x7 folded card
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This little girl went as Minnie mouse this year, and she makes a pretty cute one if I do say so myself. (but I'm biased) :)

Superman, Minnie Mouse, and Optimus Prime (though by the time we got to the trunk or treat, optimus primes decided he didn't really care for his costume afterall. ha! but mom forced him to wear it if he wanted treats - had to get some use out of it after he BEGGED me to buy it).

Brady's halloween costume (or part of it he did have a hat on too but not for this pic- we had to recreat this since he took it off before I ever remembered to get a pic.) He went as a movie theatre floor this year. :) It was a hit! The boys are the one's who picked what he was going to be.

Trust me it didn't take this little girl long to figure out the whole trick or treating business Saturday night. She had the phrase "tri tree" down packed by the end of the trunk or treat the ward put on. Also the pic goes to show that she is not afraid of wrappers, she KNOWS what is inside treat wrappers (learned long ago) and is more than happy to just chew right threw a wrapper (eat wrapper and all) to get to the good stuff (no patience to wait to ask mom or dad to open it, that or the fact that she knows we likely won't let her have it, so she just goes for it when she gets the chance). :)

On Halloween night we let the kids dress up to go over and visit with Brady's boss, and Tayson changed his costume to a football player (Brady had found his old 49ers jersey and Tayson thinks it is the coolest and has sort of inherited it). These are the boys pumpkins this year.

Finally caught up! Sorry, there are a LOT of posts, but I figure this way- what are the chances that I will update again within the next 3-6 months? Probably not so likely, so lets just say you have that long to catch up on all these posts. :)

Just for kicks

Can you tell I'm having fun with her?

This little girl LOVES her Grandpa

This girl cracks herself up sometimes. :)

And she has no problem crawling around where its dirty.

Boys favorite thing to do in Seattle

The boys LOVE LOVE LOVE this place when we do make it to Seattle, so we had to visit while we were there for the triathlon this summer.

Even Baylee had to get in on the action

The boys would beg me to take them to the high school track so they could practice their running this summer. How could I deny them? Especially when it would run out some of their energy. :)

They were practicing for this:

The local park races. These two love to run, particularly Tayson.

Summer Days-Swimming lessons and running

Her summer included hanging out at the pool smiling like this while her brothers did this:


Camden and his buddy Tyson waiting for Tayson and Tyson's sister to get done.


Our boys turned into fish this summer. It was fun to see them grow in their swimming abilities.

Before the start of Tayson's first triathlon
(both very excited)

Tayson getting ready to head into the water (see his excitement). Tayson's was after Brady finished his.

Tayson coming out of the water- he did AWESOME, I was so surprised at how well he handled the swim.

Coming out of transition with his bike (his favorite part).

Coming to the end of the bike part.

Finish line!

He was SO EXCITED and proud of himself and we were SO PROUD of him too. He had a blast! He's been begging the past year to do one and finally got to do it the same day dad did his first one too.

Brady before the triathlon began (his was earlier than Tayson's, but the pics were put in backwards)

End of the swimming (heading to transition)

Nearing the end of the biking

The Finish Line! We were VERY PROUD of him!!

Daddy and the kids after his triathlon, before Tayson's.

Our little bit of Hawaii here at home. :)

She loved wearing the boys swim goggles this summer after swimming each day

"give them back"

We spent some time at the coast with this sweet girl and her family. Its been SO LONG since we've seen them, especially considering we used to see them all the time (We were all at BYU together for a couple years and then on to UofU PT school together for another 3 years). This is the first time we've been able to get together with them since graduation over 2 years ago and boy have our families changed and grown. We definitely miss these awesome people and hope to make our visits a bit more frequent. The kids had a blast and became friends again instantly!

Checking out the tide pools, one of the boys' favorite things to do.
And this little cutie just gets more and more fun each day. In case you didn't hear, this little miss finally decided to walk at 16 months. She still walks with such a wide stance I'm not sure when she'll ever run, but it is so cute! She's got a very large vocabulary already (VERY different from Camden at this age, but just goes to show each child is so different- Tayson had a pretty good vocab by this age too). She has REALLY opened up to other people, its AMAZING to see the transformation and it has been a Very welcomed one. She no longer screams when anyone else comes near her or holds her that isn't mom or dad. In fact yesterday when I took her to the gym she clapped when it was time to go in and she CRIED when I came to pick her up and tried to get Ruth (the lady/friend of ours that was watching her there) to shut the kid gate so she didn't have to go home. HAHA! She used to cry everytime she saw we were going there because she didn't want to go in. Its hard to believe in a week and a half she'll be heading to nursery. I definitely have mixed feelings about it all (especially being this time of the year with sickness, ughh). But I know she'll love it there.