Thursday, March 31, 2011


This was taken over thanksgiving, but it is what Tayson LOVES to do when he goes to papa's house. where we just got back from on Tuesday. The kids and I went out for a week and a half over Tayson's spring break. I just didn't take many pictures, so you get a pic from the previous trip instead.

Baylee's latest thing is begging to put on her swimsuit/s almost every day and walking around the house with them on all day, even if its freezing in the house. This time however she thought tights would be a nice addition to her head/face apparently and she got quite the kick out of it.

Tayson was awarded the Principal's/specialist award for this last term at school. He was nominated by his teacher. We were pretty proud of him and he was excited himself when he realized he was getting the award.

Cousins and best buddies! they LOVE playing together.

Tayson's skatepark birthday cake

Once again, best buddies its fun having them live so close

Tayson and Camden outside playing in water today. haha, 2nd day since we got back from Utah and the weather is beautiful (maybe 60 degrees) and they think its summer suddenly (compared to the snow we got in Utah last week and the torrential downpours we've had hear in the weeks prior. Can't blame them. They werent' so thrilled though once they got drenched. :)
Miss Baylee enjoying the great weather. She is SO READY for spring/summer! She has a love for the outdoors just like her brothers!


I'm strictly posting these photos for a cousin to take a look at for styles and colors, etc. They are a few hats I've made over the past few months. Feel free to just skip over the post anyone else who is reading (no updates on the family here).

Chloe's hat (all finished Erin, and will be yours in 3 weeks)