Monday, July 5, 2010

Lucy at 6 months

Lucy was 6 moths old on the 4th of July. We love our little Luc!
The boys adore her (unless she's crying alot) and are actually
surprising me with how helpful they've become.

Lucy at six months old :
Loves to grab her feet
Watches our every move
Loves having people around her, talking to her, looking at her, singing to her...
Loves rolling to her tummy
Hates when she can't roll back
Trying to sit up
Loves being in her carseat and on the go
Loves Mom's voice
Loves her soft, fuzzy tiny blankies right by her face
Loves her swing
Grabs for everything!
Puts everything in her mouth and slobbers
Learning to be a good napper, already a good night sleeper
Ticklish on armpits and neck
Scared of Max (well if she's not she should be!)

First swim!

I've taken pictures at every month but not posted them, so more pics to come...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Who knew?

So did you know that June 26 is National Pudding Day? 

Well, I read it somewhere, and far be it from this family to miss out
on celebrating a day honoring pudding!!  Our friends were with
us, and how else would we celebrate but with a.....pudding eating contest!



...and in between!

The adults.
Did you seriously think we weren't gonna do it?

I was laughing so hard I thought I was gonna aspirate pudding!
Fun was had by all, the kids especially loved it.

So make a huge vat of pudding, eat your way
through it, call it a "contest", and have a
Happy National Pudding Day!!

But just a warning. 
If you liked pudding before, you may need a little break from it after.  

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Brent.  You are such an amazing dad to these kids of ours!  They adore you!  You could be lounging and having us wait on you today, but what are you doing instead?  As I'm blogging this I can hear you playing with them in the backyard.  I knew you'd be an awesome dad.  That's one of the reasons I married you!  We love you!

Happy Father's Day Dad! You have always been such an example to me of hard work, service, patience and honesty.  You are one of the most dependable people I have ever known.  I only had one grandpa and only for a few years so I wasn't quite sure what grandpas were all about.  Now I know.  I love watching you with my kids and I so appreciate  all that you do for us.  I feel like because of your example I was able to see in Brent what I knew I wanted in a husband and a future father to our kids.  I love you!!!

And Happy Father's Day to my brothers, who are great dads, and to all of the other amazing fathers in our lives!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

6 more?

We are reading the Old Testament with the kids right now and with it being summer it's not happening regularly.  We finally got to it today and were reading about Abraham and Isaac.  They both wanted children badly and prayed to the Lord to bless them with children.  I explained to the boys that their dad and I had prayed to have children also.  They thought that was pretty cool.  Well, after scriptures it was Eli's turn for prayer.  Right in the middle he threw in a "Please bless Mom to have more babies.  About 6 more would be good".  The boys were exciteds and thought that was an awesome prayer.  I guess I am going to be saying some prayers of my own!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

For you Mom...

I have been so bad about posting pictures of Lucy!  My poor mom called last week
and said she had no idea what Lucy looks like now because I haven't posted any pictures recently. 
 These are a month old but I promise I'll post more soon!

And.... here are Max's pictures.
We did retakes.