

6 Months.  Seriously!?  I can't believe how time flies.  Everyone seems to say that, but I'm saying it and meaning it . . . TIME FLIES!  It really makes me want to enjoy every moment that seems to pass, no matter what that "moment" is.  Some have compared that to trying to hold water in your hands, but why not enjoy that fact that your hands are even wet?

Alright, now off my crazy rants and onto a recommendation...

If you haven't heard of the group The Lower Lights you need to check them out . . . now.  Think of your favorite folk group and fuze that with your favorite hymns and you have this crazy cool group.  If you don't think you like "folk", still take the time to check these guys out . . . they aren't your typical sunday-hymn-singing-group.  If you think you don't like "hymns" . . . these aren't your typical sunday-hymns either.  It's worth a look-see.  Trust me.

In trying to stick with my nostalgia, here are 3 things I've recognized and are grateful for (whether good or not-so-good):

1. Bikes.  Especially the ones that take you up and down the mountain.  Love that freedom and getting muddy along the way.
2. Potty Training.  I'm just going to leave it at that . . .
3. My Savior.  He's my advocate and my brother.  He died for me and lives.  How can I not be grateful for that?


Halloween Party

My parents have started a tradition for getting the nieces and nephews together for a Halloween Party where they dress up and a "spooky" dinner is served.  They did a great job in putting it all together and making it a fun get-to-gether.  We got all the kids and did a costume parade around the circle.  Essentially they were just marching for "no-one" at first, but then the Mabey's came out and gave the kids a great applause that made them all feel pretty cool:

They each get their own Award.  Kayden's was "The Best Blonde Superman".  I think it was the perfect award.

 The food was spooky and delicious!

*Eyeball salad

*Cracking Fingers

*Spiderweb Soup

*Mummy Dogs

*All the "Spooky" kids

*My little vampire

Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!


St. George, The Little Mermaid, & Great Views

The Stahl Family gathered down south for a fun time and some great entertainment.  The Little Mermaid was a great production but on by the Tuachan Amphitheater.  The special effects and staging were very cool and well done.

*Yes, this says Grease, but we did see the LM :)

*View out of the Amphitheater

Brett and I got to spend some time together down in St. George while Nana J and Papa G took K.  Did you get that verb-age?  The river was nice and the weather was great.  We took the scenic route home through Cedar Breaks National Monument and got a glimpse of some great fall colors and fabulous landscape.

The State Fair in All It's Glory

We went to the State Fair back in September and what an experience it was for Kayden.  Surprisingly he was quite afraid of the animals and now we are seeing some repercussions of that experience . . . Kayden is now saying the word "scary" and seems to associate it with "cows".  Here's a little tid-bit of those animal moments:

*This is probably my favorite video - I paid $5 for K to ride the pony and he didn't even make a full circle.  We will definitely need to work on riding a horse...

The best part of the whole evening was K dancing to the beat of a Mexican band.  He is a lover of music.

Birfday Pt. 2 - In A Song . . .

Kayden loves to sing and he especially loved to sing the Birthday song around that special day.  I sure hope he keeps up this talent . . . I think he's onto something good.

Happy 'A!


Birfday, Two, Cars, and Fun! (part 1)

Kayden did upgrade his "Happy 'Ay" to "Happy Day" for his 2nd birthday.  He does like to try to sing the song as well . . . that will hopefully be in another post.

I really enjoyed planning Kayden's 2nd birthday party.  I had a fabulous friend who designed his invites and the party stuff.  That is certainly the way to do it!  She did a great job.  Thanks again, Missy!

His theme was (of course) "Trucks & Cars".  He's obsessed, to say the least, with cars, trucks, and anything that falls in those two categories.  We had some of our neighbors and family over for the festivity - Kayden loves to play with his neighbor friends!  

Thanks to all who came and helped!

*"Cars" was (of course) playing at the party


"Gettin' Cozy @ The Cone, Is We?"

If you can pick where that line comes from, you must have a toddler or a significant other who likes animated movies.  In my case, it's a toddler.

Atleast 3 times a day (if not more) he asks, "mommy, Cars?"  I honestly think that I've watched that movie 200 times now, no exaggeration!  I hear Sheryl Crowe singing "Real Gone" in my sleep along with Lightening's catch phrase: "Kachow!"

The best part of it all is that he has figured out which buttons get the moving playing . . . oh geeze!  There was a recent incident that I had to take the DVD player apart - pop off the top exposing the innards - because he forced the Cars DVD into the "slot" where the disc goes.

It's interesting to watch his face light up when the opening music starts and the cars start the race around the track.  It's even more interesting to see him quote the movie - I'm creating a monster.  Good thing we get him outdoors . . .


Escalante - Coyote Gulch

If you ever have the chance to go hike some of the slot canyons in Southern Utah . . . DO IT!  DO IT NOW!  It was the most beautiful and unexpected scenery I've ever encountered.  One moment you are in a pure desert environment with nothing but sand, sage brush and cows as far as the eye can see.  The next moment you are delved into an oasis tucked down hundreds of feet below the desert surface.  It's cooler, greener and protected from the hot sun.  

We hiked down into Coyote Gulch located just above Lake Powell.  In total it was about 12 miles.  We spent one night down in the canyon and did a "one-way-hike" up the river.  The lush vegetation, natural arches, and company made for an amazing trip.  Kayden got to stay home with Nana & Papa Stahl - but we are seriously thinking of toting him along for the ride next time we go.