
Food Inc.


I'm not one to stand on a soap box and preach my political/ethical beliefs, but Brett and I saw this movie and it literally changed the way I view our food system here in the US.  I would recommend checking it out: Food Inc..  It really opened my eyes to what our government and big companies have done to make our food unhealthy.  To them, it's all about ". . . growing it faster, fatter, bigger, & cheaper."  We have lost touch with our 'grass roots' food system and big companies have taken over.  Now we are dealing with constant e-coli breakouts with varieties of food because of the lack of responsibility from our government and those big food companies.  They only care about the money in their pockets and finding the fastest way to get it there.

At first I felt like it was pointless to try and fight something like this; I am only one person.  But they made a good point in the film, that we actually have all the power through our purchases.  We can decide if we want healthier foods in our grocery stores by buying organic or local.  I again questioned, "is it worth it to pay more for organic food?"  Yes!  Just like the fight against "Big Tobacco", we can let those companies know that we value our food quality and want the best for our families and ourselves.

Check out the preview: (sorry it's a little off)


Friends + Gingerbread Houses + Dinner = Fun

Christmas time is a great time to get friends together and enjoy the season.  We decided to enjoy the season with untraditional graham cracker gingerbread houses.  Brett went even more untraditional and made a gingerbread out-house.  Not only was it an out-house, but it was turned over and spilling its contents.

Mine was a comfortable 2 Bedroom, with a loft upstairs and a gate around a vegetable garden

Tis' the season . . . Merry Christmas!


Thanksgiving was a day filled with eating, family & Rock Band . . . it doesn't get much better.  We spent the day with the Stahl's and had the best meal I think in the history of Thanksgiving.

These were the "sweet appetizers":

This was where the great meal took place:

This was the pumpkin pie that was so delicious:

And this is how much they love Kayden at the Stahl household:

Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris has become a recent subject in our home that keeps us laughing.  It is random, yes, but very funny.  Plus, how can you not love Chuck Norris?

"Chuck Norris is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head."

"Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door."

"Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding."

Like I said, how can you not love Chuck Norris?

What I'm Thankful For

A year has passed and I never thought our lives would be so enriched in only 12 months. I am so thankful for this:

*A happy family
*A healthy baby boy
*A roof over my head
*Two jobs I love: being a mother & esthetician
*A husband who works very hard
*A baby that smiles back at me
*A husband who loves me & our son
*A husband who is such an amazing father


Firsts . . .

Having a baby provides so many opportunities for "FIRSTS": First Hat (even if it's dad's) First Sunglasses First Hike First Ski Movie Premier First trip to the lake & game of fetch with Lily First Fall and last, but not least . . . First SNOW!!


Going Home . . . Finally

After being in the hospital for almost 5 days, you are ready to get home to your own bed. I did enjoy the service for anything and everything that I needed, but home is always more comfortable. I have to say the nursing staff was great and so helpful, especially when it came to breast feeding. They were so patient with me on learning and asking so many questions. Brett was a little restless at times, but he was so supportive to get up at night and help during the day (with me being a bit of an invalid). I LOVE being a mom. He is such a sweet baby and even though sleep is something of the past, he is so worth it. Brett is a natural with the car seat. Brett's personal favorite "onesie".


I have to post how thankful I am for great family, friends, and co-workers. I had some great showers hosted by some wonderful people. Thanks to all for putting so much effort and time into celebrating our newest addition. All of the gifts we received have been so helpful thus far. Thanks again! The cutest cupcakes at my work shower. A picture of some of my oldest and dearest friends. Interesting that 3 out of the 5 of us are pregnant together!


The Journey . . . Just the Beginning

I can't believe that our baby has arrived! It's such a surreal feeling and it's so incredible to think of our journey. It's fun to see our maternity photos and know that is our Kayden in my belly! The next part of our journey is just beginning, especially with us finally going home tomorrow. Wish us luck! **Pictures were taken by my fabulous cousin Malissa Mabey. She did a great job!


Surprises Come in Small Packages

Almost 2 weeks before our due date, our baby decided to make his way into the world. Kayden Shane Stahl was born on September 8th, @ 3:52 pm, 20 inches long, and 6 lbs 9 oz. Contractions came strong at about 2:00 am that morning and my water later broke at 8:00 am. His arrival was via C-Section due to some complications with his breathing during each contraction. The Dr. would rather be safe than sorry. His name Kayden comes from Brett's dad who thought the name was a great fit. His middle name Shane comes from the Late Shane McConkie who tragically died in a ski accident this last season. We think they are both strong names. It's amazing how quickly you can fall in love with something you've only known for such a short amount of time.



{Thanks for the title Teigan} I have the most amazing husband in the world. I made him promise me when we were dating that he would make me laugh everyday, and he has held up to that promise. Since we found out we were pregnant, he has said some of the funniest things. Mostly questions out of pure innocence. Below, you will find a short list of "Brettisms" that are specifically tied to the pregnancy: 1. When I was about 7 weeks pregnant, Brett turns to me and says, "So when can I take the baby out in a backpack and go skiing with them?" "Well, probably when they are able to hold their head up on their own." "So, is that in a couple months?" 2. My Personal Favorite B: They have Breast Pumps? M: Yes. I'll have to use that when I go back to work. B: How is the baby going to get the milk if you're pumping at work? M: I'll store the milk in either the fridge or freezer and you'll heat it up in a bottle to feed him. B: Serious? What if I go downstairs in the middle of the night to get a drink of milk and accidentally drink your breast milk? Needless, to say he is the oldest child and I am the youngest with 11 nieces & nephews. I love him so much and I'm glad he keeps me laughing. He is so excited to be a dad. Almost every morning he will rub my belly before I leave for work; I love that he's so excited. I know he will 'catch-on' quickly and will be an amazing father.

Home Sweet Home

About one month ago we closed on a town-home in Farmington. What a trial it was to get there, but man is it worth it! We have a room for the baby, Brett has an office to work in, and I have an awesome kitchen. It's size is perfect for us right now and still leaves us room to grow. For an updated address, just post a comment and I'll e-mail you our new information.

Could I Use Anymore Pillows?

So, I'm too cheap to purchase one of those fancy maternity pillows and decided to use what we have. By "some" I mean 6. At around month 5.5, I noticed my back was needing support, so I added a pillow between my legs. At around 6 months, I felt like my shoulders were taking a beating with all this 'side' sleeping going on. So my physical therapist suggested a pillow behind me so I can lean back to take the stress off my shoulder joint. 6.5 months I was bear hugging a pillow to support my entire back. Month 7, I was all about convenience, so when I flip from side to side in my 'U' shaped fortress, I don't have to take a pillow with me; all I need is on both sides. Brett has taken the biggest beating with all this. I don't know how he sleeps on 6 inches of our queen bed, but he does it. Not to mention our 60 lb dog Lily somehow finds a place on the bed sometimes. I'm glad we aren't all too claustrophobic.


Who is Bigger?

So my sister and I are both pregnant together (I'm 7 months and she is 8 months). She is due about a month before I am and we are both having boys. I know they are going to be little buddies together as they grow up! She's not too keen on photos of when she is prego, but I had to get at least one while she was here. I think she looks great for having her 4th child! I even think that I'm bigger than she is . . . what do you think? Who is bigger?

Summer Fun

We have had some fun time with the nieces and nephews while my sister was in town. We took a few of them on a hike up the much cooler Farmington Canyon. Needless to say, they were a little dirty after Brett and I got done with them! They especially loved to watch Lily fetch for sticks into the beaver ponds. One of my nieces isn't one who likes to get dirty and she asked me in all seriousness, "why couldn't we go on a clean hike?" I just chuckled as we trudged up the muddy slope.

Wedding Fun

So my cousin got married a little while ago. I snapped some great pictures of my brothers dancing with my Grandma Kjar at the reception. I thought it was so sweet. The happy couple. Taylor with Grandma Kjar Mason with Grandma Kjar

Biking Adventures

Being pregnant has restricted me from being involved in our usual biking adventures. But what I have been able to do has been fun. Brett has taken on Dirt Jumping and loves to fly off jumps; that is where I drew the line. Maybe next year? Take notice that Dan (our cousin) looks almost like he is taking a dump into his helmet. Silly Dan. The Guys: Mike, Brett, Dan, and Steve Brett @ the I-Street Jumps