Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We bought a house!

Well, actually its a condo, but it's all ours! We decided since we're going to be living out here for the next four years, it will be a good investment. We really liked this one, and decided to put a ridiculously low offer in on it, and they accepted! Plus first time homeowners get $8,000 back from all you charitable tax payers this year (thank you!) so our house payment is going to be so cheap! We'll be paying less every month than we do now for our ghetto 1 bedroom apartment! We close July 1st and have to hurry and make some repairs on it before the baby comes! Ahhh! But we couldn't be more excited! Hooray! I can't wait!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our trip to Miami, The Keys, and Orlando

Okay, so for those of you who don't know, I am completely computer illiterate. I know how to type, sort of, but after that, I always depend on Brian to help me. Brian had to move to Pensacola for the summer to work on his grad school research, so I'm trying to do this on my own. We'll see if it turns out. Mainly, I just want to prove him wrong, that I can do it.
Well a few days ago, we decided to take a little vacation to Miami and the Keys. We figured it would probably be the last vacation we took together since the baby comes in just a few months... and who knows when our next chance to take a vacation will be. We left Wednesday and got to Miami in about 5 hours... holy smokes is it beautiful down there! Our first day there, we explored the beaches, looked at all the beautiful homes, and went down to this cute outdoor mall by the beach. We walked around and ate at the Cheesecake Factory (my favorite!) After dinner, we decided to go to Miami Beach, which is this really cool part of Miami- it's a long skinny island just a short bridge drive away from the downtown area. It was so awesome! All the buildings there are built in the art deco style, and are the coolest colors at night. I've never seen anything like them before... we were loving it!
The next day, we decided to drive to the Keys and see what they were all about. From Miami, it takes 3 hours to get to Key West, which is the farthest place in the Keys. Along the way though, there are the coolest things to see. We saw Key Largo, Islamorada Key, Marathon Key, and a bunch of little other keys. I have never seen such prettier water in my entire life! I've been to several places in the Caribbean, but nothing even compares to this water. It was so neat, we wish we had more time to stay down there, especially in the Islamorada and Marathon Keys. When you got to Key West, the water wasn't as blue because the town is pretty big, and it gets a whole lot more tourism. Key West was still really pretty though, and there's tons to do there. We shopped and walked around exploring for hours. But the other places had such a kick back uninhabited feeling that was just really appealing. We were able to find this cute little state park called Bajia Honda on Big Pine Key. We spent the afternoon there in the water, laying out, and exploring. We didn't want to leave... Brian and I both thought it was one of the prettiest places we had ever seen! The Keys were amazing, my favorite part of the vacation for sure. Brian and I can't wait to go back some day when we can afford to stay for a lot longer. Trying to see everything in a day was just not enough time! That night, we decided to try to find a favorite local Miami restaurant, and ended up at this amazing pizza place called Andiamos. If you are ever in Miami, hit this place up! It was the best pizza, and the atmosphere was so cool. We really had a good time.
Friday, we spent more time exploring, and ended up taking Pup to a dog beach there. Oh, Pup came along. We didn't want to pay for a kennel, so poor guy just had to kick it in the hotel room for a few days. Okay, this was the most ghetto beach ever! The rocky beach was lined with broken glass everywhere- and there were so many bums just chillin in their canoes, and tents, and whatever they had. The water was poo colored, and for some reason there was tons of fruit on the beach! I literally could have made myself a fruit salad there were so many varieties! Pup had a blast playing in the water, that's all that matters. We kept wondering where all the nice dog beaches were- like on Marley and Me. After we got in the car, we drove a little further and saw the most beautiful beach- yep it was a dog beach. We were bummed, but Pup didn't know the difference so oh well. After that, we decided to drive to Miami beach and see what it looked like in the day, and also to see if maybe we could spot Horatio Caine and his crew or something... it was still really cool, but it didn't look as cool as it had at night-no David Caruso either:(
Later in the day, we headed to Orlando to spend a few days at Disney World. We got to finally go on the American Idol experience- it was so fun! It really felt like you were at a taping of the show, it was really cool how they set it all up. That night we went to Epcot, and played around there for a while. Brian has been dying to try the Moroccan food there again, and he finally got his chance. I have to admit, it wasn't half bad! Being married to Brian has definitely broadened my horizons when it comes to food. I used to be a lot more picky!
Saturday, we got up and went to the temple. It was really cool to finally see it crowded! Every time we go, it seems to be a weekday, and it is dead! Just us and a few old people. It was fun to finally have to wait for a session. It reminded me of Provo, when you have to wait for forever! It was neat to see that there actually are Mormons in Florida! After that, we found me and Brian's favorite Dallas based restaurant called Cantina Laredo- every time we visit his dad in Dallas, we are dying to go there! Well, they finally built one in Orlando, so we were happy as clams. We were also both shocked at how much I ate... I've never eaten so much in my life... and I'm no little girl! After, I wasn't even that full! It was weird... and ridiculous. We then spent the rest of the day in the Magic Kingdom (where we always have to go on the Country Bears... our favorite. Why they ever took this out of Disneyland I'll never know...) and just had a blast together. Of course, we had to end the day with slurpees, since Gainesville is so lame and doesn't even have a 7-11! What's up with that?
Sunday morning our vacation was over, and we were so bummed to head home. When we got home though, there was a big package full of fun baby stuff from Brian's dad and wife, we were so excited! Thanks so much Bob and Jasmin! Two days ago, Brian left for Pensacola. It was really hard to send him off, really hard. But he promised me that I would at least see him every other weekend, so we'll see. Now I'm just hanging out, and taking it easy until the baby comes- rough life I know. Yesterday I had another doctor's appointment... sad to say, I've gained 49 pounds since I got pregnant with her. Not shocking since I eat like a pig, and all of this blog entry is about my food escapades. It's my favorite pastime. I just feel so hungry all the time! The doctor says if I gain more weight, I could be at risk for a C-section because she might be too big. That to me is motivation enough, I'm terrified of a C-section! Back to the fruit and veggie diet now our vacation is over! (PS- I figured this blog all out on my own! It literally took me like 3 hours- I'm over it. It probably looks like crap, but oh well- I did it!)