Sunday, May 27, 2012

Baby Quincy

Quincy is finally here! We couldn't be more in love:) My contractions started Wednesday night... not too bad, but definitely painful (not like Braxton Hicks at all.) With Julia, my water just broke- I never experienced a single contraction before that, so I really didn't know what to expect! After two days, I thought for sure something was starting to happen. Friday I had an appointment with my OB, and found out I wasn't even a little dilated! Nothing at all... that night, the contractions started again while I was at a sleepover with my Young Women... I ended up leaving at 1am because I was pretty uncomfortable. Saturday we cleaned the house from top to bottom for 8 hours, and that night at 2am, my contractions were out of control! They were only coming every 10 minutes, but needless to say, I got absolutely no sleep that night. The next morning they stopped around 11am, so I decided to go to church. They didn't start again until like 7 that night. I knew another sleepless night was in store for me:) Finally around 2am, they started getting closer together... like 4 minutes, then 8, then 9, then 5. They weren't constant at all, and after my Dr. appointment on Friday, I just really wasn't sure I was in labor (haha although I was in a ton of pain.) We decided to pack my bag just in case, and then we sat on the couch debating what to do. Our friends Jared and Kristi had planned on coming over when I went into labor, but I felt bad waking them up if it was just a false alarm! Which I totally thought it was.... so Brian and I decided I would drive the car myself, and just get checked out. Haha I had to pull over a few times to breathe through the contractions (good thing no one is on the road at 5am.) When I got there, I found out I was 5cm and 80% effaced. We were definitely having a baby today! I called Brian, and he hopped on my girly beach cruiser (oh but first he took off the basket:) and peddled as fast as he could to the hospital. Hahha that will be a good story to tell Quincy when he's older- how his Dad had to peddle as fast as he could to make it to his son's birth. The next time they checked me (an hour later), I was an 8. And no epidural in sight. Homeboy was still at home in his bed! I started chanting "epidural!" and Brian kept pestering the nurse, because there was no way I was having this baby without one! Finally the anesthesiologist got there, but the epidural was only working on my left side! It took 4 hours to get from an 8 to a 10, and to get my epidural right, but finally I was ready to push. It only took a couple rounds, and he was here! It was so night and day from Julia... it was so nice and easy and peaceful... and I barely even ripped. The recovery has been phenomenal! We say it's blessings from my parents being on their mission:) It is crazy how much you instantly love your baby... I just cannot get enough of little man. Having children is the most amazing thing ever, and I feel so incredibly blessed he is here and healthy. I also feel so blessed that I have such wonderful friends and family. My friends have been so incredible- taking Julia to play, feeding my family, just doing anything they can for us. I am so grateful for all of you and everything you've done for us!!! So grateful for my sister Melissa too- she got here Wednesday, and left last night, but has been spoiling us and helping out so much- it was so good to have her here- Julia was in heaven with her cousins, and it was such a great distraction for me and my psycho postpartum emotions:) I feel like the luckiest girl in the world these days, I just couldn't be more happy and grateful for everything. So glad for his safe arrival and that he is so big and healthy. He is such an amazing and sweet baby... but I need to stop talking about him or I'll probably break down into tears again haha.... ok picture time:
Right after I balled my eyes out. Nothing more amazing than your baby being born:)

Dr. Brazzel... he is the man! It's funny how you hold a special place in your heart for your OB, especially after he helped bring two of your sweet babies into the world. I will be sad when I have to deliver the next without him!

Quincy Porter Glenn- Monday May 21, 2012. 8 lbs 6 oz, 20 inches, born at 10:32am

My nurse was so sweet! She waited to bathe the baby until Julia got there, so she could help. Big sister holding his hand....

My Little Man:)

First family picture

He looks so much like Julia, but with Daddy's nose

My sweet babies

She is such a good big sister, adjusting so well to "Baby Kincy!"

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Time is Ticking

I feel like a ticking time bomb. Only 3 weeks left of freedom before this baby comes!!! We have been trying to have as much fun as humanly possible the last few months before our lives get turned upside down:).... here's a little of what I've gotten on camera:
My friends threw me and Courtney an adorable Dr. Seuss themed baby shower

Julia exploring at the museum

Making "birthday cakes" at the playground

Coloring with Mom

Playing in her ginormous tent with Dad

Eating our favorite kettle corn at a local dog show... Jules was in heaven!
Having a good time outdoors shopping, and enjoying amazing Florida weather

Julia and Dad feeding horses at the horse retirement farm

Swimming in the lazy river at the resort on our family vacation

Livin' the resort life

Needing a few moments with her blankie at the Disney waterpark

Stitch and Jules

Julsies and her BFF
Enjoying the view from our balcony
Splashing it up at the city waterpark

I planned one last Girls weekend before baby gets here making it impossible:)
Enjoying her Easter candy after she told us the "Easter bunny rabbit hopped hopped into Julsie's house"
Easter egg hunt with the Luffs
Showing off her Easter dress from Grandma Jasmine
Her loot
Picking strawberries with her boyfriends:) They couldn't wait and stopped right in the middle of the aisle to enjoy a few
Nicholas and Julia playing on the tractor (right before they almost died when they took off heading for the highway while their 2 pregnant mothers tried to catch them. Those two are trouble together!)
Playing at the beach with friends... Dad made her into a Mermaid which she thought was the coolest thing ever!

Building forts with Dad

Having bunches of fun before baby comes is tiring- hopefully we'll find some time to squeeze in some good naps before he gets here!