Friday, September 2, 2011

Just finished this costume from a quick sketch I did a long while ago that I recently found while browsing the 'ol portable hard drive.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Need an update

This is an old spot illustration I did for my friend Fon Davis. Its apart of a cover for his MORAV graphic novel. Giant robots in an Vietnam-era alternate reality! Good stuff...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Two Things

So my friend Greg Bossert has been writing science fiction short stories for both Asimov's and Weird Tales for over a year now. One of his unpublished works that I enjoyed quite a bit is titled "Two Things About Thrand Zandy's TechnoTheque" about young tech trader dealing in Singapore in a cyber-punk not so distant future.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Christmas Carol

I should have posted this work a long time ago. Better late than never. Most of this work is years old when I first started at IMD.

Populated this keyframe painting done by my friend Emmanuel Shiu with dozens of ghosts. I had fun developing stories for these bound and shackled souls to make each one unique.

Fezzis dancing illustration. Zemekis had this "idea" that Mrs. Fezziweg would spiral up to the ceiling like a helicopter rotor and wanted a concept of it. I played up changing the dress to become rigid when spinning to mimic ceiling fan blades and would plume out like a parachute on the way back down.

These two children's concept sheets shows the contrast between the lower and upper family classes.

This appeared at the beginning of the film as a book illustration in the style of John Leech. It blended into the first frame of the film. It was done mostly traditionally to mimic the Leech method of acid engraving metal plates to ink stamp the book copies. When printed, each one was hand watercolored.

Tiny Tim's leg brace. I wanted it to feel dinged up and tathered, like it has been through years of everyday use.

Bonnet designs as well as hair changes to a horribly masculine CG render of Belle. The hair boxed her face in and the bonnet didnt sit correctly on her head. These where two redesigns with the top one being the final film version.