in general i tend to be very open…too much so. but then there are things i am pretty personal about. Goals are one of those things. but this blog is for me and for memories sake…soooo here are some very big goals for the year!
* eat more vegetables and fruit. buying it, having it rot and then throwing it away is not the same as eating it.
*a flat stomach, a reasonable request but my love of carbs and fat(flavor) will make this close to impossible!
*take a class on photography/photoshop…yep taking pics for a living and have taught myself so far…probably should find out how it all is supposed to work, i might save myself some time.
*a trip to somewhere tropical with Brandon. Aps and dustin, you still game?
*a trip with just my sis and me. Were should we go?
*try snow skiing or boarding if my lungs will permit.
*learn some new hair cuts/techniques- a girl can always learn!
*spin class- trying my first one on Monday:)
*Pilates once a week…good for the core and less ouchie for the back!
*more dates, more dates, more dates…never enough time with fun friends.
*try out new recipes and new meat. ground beef and chicken are getting boring!
* play more with londy! i mean really play, on the floor, pretending, going to the park!
*more time with my family in mesa. i love all those stapley’s and i miss you all!
* research on LAM, and teach those i love about it!
*if my lungs will cooperate- a 3 mile run or so with my loved ones and anyone who wants to help. money raised for LAM . with A tee shirt that says-“ lung disease and still runnin…what's your excuse?” too sassy?
how about “can you say…
this is a big one for me!
*a blog book
*really research adoption or surrogacy. keep feeling the nudge for this…is there a baby waiting for me somewhere. any info anyone has…send it my way PLEASE!
*pay down some bills, prepare for an emergency, a living will, what would really happen to londy should b and i die on that great trip to the Caribbean? and morbid as it sounds.. make a list of things i would want at my funeral, , JUST
PLANNING PEEPS, JUST PLANNING. this may seem very crazy to you all but i am a planner and not having thoughts on these written down seems silly. my sweet cousin sherry had it all planned out and that is how i want it too.
*Tara has to play the violin, and
his hands and Childs prayer sang.
and for the love people… don’t let some idiot give me flat hair:)
*get some office furniture, right now this place looks like the DI and that is being nice!
*i am dying to learn how to sew! i want a machine and i am just convinced that i could learn how to do it! my mother made so much for our house and for us kids growing up. i am sure i could fake it at least!
*freshen up on my grammar and spelling. blogging and texting is making me lazy and i have completely forgotten how to write a coherent sentence….sigh
*make a choice everyday to be happy and remember the good things! the last few years have been a hell of a ride and i am ready for some peace for me and for all of you.
I have a plan….
Happy new year, make goals and keep them, cherish every moment, take as many pictures as you can. make as many memories as time will permit. document it all for your children and loved ones. let your heart sing even when your lungs won’t allow you to do it through your mouth.
I am grateful for the people in my life who love me through all of my quirks, outrageous behavior and stubborn views!
SO share your goals next…if you dare….(evil laugh here)
add….get a passport
learn how to shoot a gun