Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat 2012

This year since Halloween fell on a Wednesday night,
our annual Halloween Party at our friend Nancy's house
was on Tuesday night.

Jackson and I made some Mummy cupcakes to take to the party.
He was such a good helper.  We made them together and then
he helped me decorate them, too.
A few mummy eyes never made it onto the cupcakes,
but Jackson said they tasted really good!

There were some spooky characters at Nancy's house!
Here is a picture of Jackson and Carolyn.
They are about three weeks apart in age and will be starting
Kindergarten together next year.

Finally was able to get a cute shot of some of his little friends.
Carolyn was a pirate, Kate was Little Red Riding Hood, Jackson was a fireman
and Caleb was also a Pirate.
We had so much fun at Nancy's and the kids got lots of candy
from the Mom's and Dad's at the party.

When Halloween falls on a Wednesday it always seems
so rushed and out of sorts, but we were not going to let that stop us!
The Spirit of Athens was having Trick-or-Treat on the Square
from 3 until 5 o'clock, so we picked Austin up from school
and headed up to the square.

It was so much fun!
All of the street poles were still decorated from the Storytelling Festival
that was held there last weekend so the Square was so festive!

The boys little Halloween buckets were filled with goodies and a 
minimal amount of candy!

Jackson was ready to go!
Bring on the candy!!!

We hit up Limestone Drugs, first stop!
I thought I was going to loose both of them to 
the Ice Cream Cone counter,
where you can get an ice cream cone for 92 cents.

Then they were off!
Austin was so good and walked all around the square with 
Jackson and would help him open the doors and remind him 
to say "Thank You" for is candy.

We saw Minnie Mouse in Village Pizza
and got some candy and then really wanted
some of the best pizza in town!

But we had more places to stop!
Jackson was quickly distracted by the train in the 
window at U.G. White!
This hardware store has been in business on the square
since 1917!

They had a bunch of hay bales with 
pumpkins and mums out front.
Perfect spot for a quick pic!

I couldn't resit taking his picture next to the fire hydrant
as we waited for the light to change and us 
cross the street. 

Looking pretty serious as we worked our way around the square
to trick-or-treat for some more candy.

A quick shot of the court house while we waited on the next corner...

Everyone was so excited to see the kids and had lots of 
yummy goodies for them.
Jackson had a lot of fun and was very polite and would only take 
one piece of candy, even when they told him he could take more.

It only took us about 30 minutes to buzz around the square
and we were back in the car and headed home!

The weather was just beautiful and
we had a lot of fun making a special Halloween memory!

Hope your Halloween was

Monday, October 8, 2012

Front Porch For Fall

We spent a little time on Sunday afternoon
dressing the front porch for Fall.
I had bought a few mums and some seasonal
veggies to plant on the porch 
to surround our new friend...

Take a look...

Pretty mums just ready to open fill the urns on the porch...

I filled the long box planters with a mix of 
cabbages and mums and stacked them on the 
pedestals that go under a set of urns.

and on the other side we have a new friend...
and a couple more urns of mums...

Last year, there was a store in town that sells granite and tile
that had these ADORABLE pumpkins and every time they would
get in a shipment...they would sell out almost immediately!
Well...this year I got one!
Scott said he will not look so cute on the porch in July, though...
this bad boy is HEAVY!
There will be no storing him in the attic with the
rest of the holiday stuff.

As I sit here posting these pictures...
I realized I forgot my wreath...
better go and get it!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Well, another Halloween is in the books!
Kermit the Frog gave it a thumbs up.
Austin dressed up at the green frog himself
and had fun going trick-or-treating with some of
his friends.

Jackson was ready to eat and did not have time to pose
for a picture.  He had already found the "Dirt Cake" and 
thought that he needed to take care of a gummy worm or two 
before they crawled on anyone's plate.

Every year, my friend Nancy has a big Halloween party
for all of the kids at church...and the big kids too.
Everyone brings a yummy treat to eat and Nancy provides
several pots of soup for the grown ups to eat.
We enjoy spending the evening with friends and then
all of the kids take off into her neighborhood and 
see how much candy they can haul back in.

The table was set with all kinds of yummy treats.

There were some tasty witches hats...
Jackson said they were very good...he had two.
He said he especially liked the "chaw-twit chip" on top.
I tried to tell him that was a Hershey Kiss, but he would not listen...

Talk about double dipping...someone just left their hand
in the dip...which was very yummy.

An assortment of yummy Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
In my opinion, you can never go wrong with a doughnut!

I tried my hand at some spooky deviled eggs...
I found this idea on Pinterest and it was really easy.
Just sliced some black olives and sat them on top and 
it looked like there were little spiders running all over.

And then it was time to
Jackson had so much fun running
from house to house and ringing the doorbell.

He spent most of his trick or treat time with his
friend Carolyn.
She was dressed as Hermine from Harry Potter

He thought this looked like the best house on the block
since Jackson was "Aubie", Auburn University's mascot.
He rang the door bell and when she came to the door he 
yelled "Trick or Treat, WAR EAGLE, Thank You"
all in one breath. It was kind of funny, but the lady at the door 
thought he was precious.  She said that was the best costume she
had seen all night!  Gotta love those Auburn fans!

Here was a quick shot of Caleb and Jackson
after the night was over.
Every little trick or treater was all tuckered out.
And so were the Mommies and Daddies!

Hope everyone had a very
Happy Halloween

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Simple...but it's a Start

After spending many weeks drooling over all of the
beautiful Tablescapes that are featured over at
Between Naps on the Porch
for Tablescape Thursday
I have been wanting to run out and buy every dish I could find.
Every where I go I find myself looking at plates,
chargers, place mats and napkins...
Would this make a good centerpiece?
Looking at trays, platters and bowls...Oh My!

I bought a set of red flatware one day while
shopping with Mom and told her I could use it
for Christmas, Valentines Day...4th of July...
so many uses....
She thought I was nuts.
But, we have to eat...every day...and we have to use a fork too...
right...might as well be a pretty fork.
That's my story and I'm sticking too it.

But I have had to stop and tell myself that these beautiful collections
of dishes that I drool over and dream about did not jump into these ladies
cabinets overnight.  They are collections that have come over time,
and mine will too...
I have a good start, I just need to learn to mix and match.
Use what I have and add to it over time.


I decided that tonight I was going to set the
table for our family dinner.
For the last six weeks, Scott and Austin have been so
busy  that dinner together was only
on Wednesday night before church....and that was because we
were eating out!

But tonight I decided to try my hand at a
Candy Corn Tablescape.
It is simple...still room to add to it,
but that is fun part, right?

I removed the leaf from my kitchen table to make it
a little more know...
Make the kids talk to us!
Austin says he still feels weird eating at the
smaller table, but I think he'll get used to it.

Pull up a seat and let's see what is on the table.

I used my Phaltzgraff Heritage white dinner plates
that I have had since college.  I placed them on the orange
place-mats that I found at TJMaxx.
The black napkins came from TJMaxx as well.
The Candy Corn bowls came from Kohl's
this year in their Halloween section.
They were on sale, had an extra 20% off coupon...
and I had $20 worth of Kohl's cash,
so they were a steal.

I used the water pitcher that matches my 
white Heritage dishes and placed some 
Candy Corn colored daisies in to use
as the centerpiece.

As I looked back at these pictures, I decided I have
a lot to learn about floral arranging as well...
Should have cut the stems down just a bit so 
all you see are the flowers...

I just grabbed one of the bunches of flowers from Publix
when Jackson and I made a grocery run this afternoon...
Something about the neon orange daisy it just a little weird...

I pulled out this orange set of Cambridge Flatware
that I had found at Old Time Pottery.  I originally
bought it thinking I would use it for an
Auburn Football Tablescape,
but Halloween is a good excuse to use it, too!

The table is set and we are ready to eat...
Won't you join us?

I did not know how my three men would take
sitting down to a table set with matching
accessories and such, but I think
they enjoyed it as much as I did.

I know I have a lot to learn about properly setting a table,
and I think that is a good thing to know, and a good
thing to pass to my boys.  I want to raise them to be
fine southern gentlemen and know which fork to use for dinner.

It was a lot of fun setting the table and having a nice
dinner ready to eat when Scott was home from work.
Our lives are so hectic and we are always on the go,
but it is nice to sit and talk for a while
and enjoy a few minutes of peace with my family.

So as simple as it may be I am going to be linking up to
Tablescape Thursday at
Between Naps on the Porch

Hop on over and look at all of the beautiful
dishes, dishes and more dishes!!!

Thanks for stopping by.

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