
2nd Largest city in North America

Okay, that's enough, 3 trips to Los Angeles in three weeks, this should be my fix for a couple of years. It was still exciting to to be with the family and enjoy the garment district and Universal Studios again. Bought a couple of suits in the Fashion district, nice Italian replicas half the price, I'm sure there made in China, but I want to keep things around my household consistent. The excitement of this trip was seeing all the Holly production taking place downtown, next to where we stayed (The Omni) they were shooting a Music video , closed off the street and it was live, these post production guys work there tail off, it was shot at night, well lit with colors, they washed the streets to give it a wet look, it was amazing to watch.
Slide show of some Photos - All shot with a 50mm Prime lens.

Video with Audio from Animoto. Turn it up - Go full screen