Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Things Joshua has learned from watching Schreck way too many times in the car

"you stubborn jacket ass"
- after getting in trouble from mommy, he quickly ratted out Schreck for teaching it to him.

"Mommy, ogre's are like onions, but they don't rhyme. They just both have layers."
- Joshua is obsessed with rhyming words.

Luke loves princesses - and always enthusiastically proclaims "kissing!!!" at the end of the movie when Schreck and Fiona kiss.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

This kid is adorable

I am completely loving the 4 year old Joshua. He LOVES getting new chores - if you ask him to do something around the house, he complains, but if you call it a chore he gets super excited. His newest chore is giving Ruby food and water - which honestly makes me life easier. (I recently gave a friend a shower and we had a nautical theme - I purchased 4 beta fish that were used in centerpieces. So now we have 4 beta fish - that Joshua wishes I'd let him feed, but I'm too afraid he'd knock their little bowls... We are however in need of someone to put these fish on their kitchen counter and feed them while John comes up to Montana... any takers???) I just love him being a big boy.

Aunt Lori and Uncle Haws took Joshua to see UP last Saturday night - and I have to tell you my favorite story from the night. As mentioned numerous times, Joshua is a talker. Lori told me that he was asking questions the entire movie. Before the movie started they did the "In case of an emergency, please walk to the nearest exit" announcement. Joshua questions,

"what's an emergency?"
"something like a fire"
"where's there a fire"
"there's no fire, just in case there is one"
"well why's there going to be one?"

the movie starts and he continues with his 20 questions, Haws even threatens leaving the theater if he can't be quiet.

Then apparently there is an actual fire in the movie and Joshua turns to Lori and asks..
"Oh no, do we have to find the nearest exit?"

Monday, June 8, 2009

Joshua's Birthday

So this year Joshua got his first birthday party with all his little friends. He was so excited for it, and it took a while to convince him he wasn't turning 5 - seeing as we did the party almost a month after his real birthday. Lots of his little preschool friends, and some family friends came to the party. Both grandma's gave John and I tons of help. Joshua was so good at introducing every guest as they arrived - I even had mom's ask me if I worked to get him to do that - but I hadn't, it was just his own thing. We had Grammie doing face painting, pin the tie on pablo, a pinata, and an obstacle course ending with water balloons thrown at daddy!! Joshua is getting so big and I am loving it - though I'm sure his growing will happen all too quickly. It's fun letting him do special things, or letting him in on secrets, because he's a big boy. He's very physical and want to touch everything and everyone. The face he gets when he grabs Ruby's ears reminds me of myself as a kid wanting to bite Robin's nose. So I know he get it from me - but we are working on keeping our hands to ourselves, unless he asks first. This is mostly to save the dog, and strangers from unwanted 'pets' of pokes. SO here are a few pictures from the day....