My Outlet...
Growing up I always assumed my talents/gifts were sports related. I was a competitive gymnast and cheerleader for 10 years, they consumed the majority of my life. I never really tried to do other things because I was good at sports. Little did I know that years later I would find my true love. Art. I love art, all kinds. I can stare at a painting or photograph all day long. It has become my outlet. When I am frustrated, happy, fearful or sad you can see it on my canvas. I never plan what I am going to create. My mom always asks me , "Brooke are you sure you don't want to look at magazines or write down your ideas?" It doesn't work for me like that. I guess I like to do it organicly. All I have to do is look at the blank canvas and it literally shows me what to paint. Sounds crazy I KNOW! But it works. In the last couple months I have created alot. I don't want to post them all at once because I think they deserve their own monent in the spotlight.
This one I made for a friend who loves Batman. I immediatley knew I wanted it to feel raw so I didn't think, I just painted. I loved how it turned out.
This one I made for a friend who loves Batman. I immediatley knew I wanted it to feel raw so I didn't think, I just painted. I loved how it turned out.