Sunday, February 6, 2011


I have finally decided that it is about time to update my blog. I think that a year plus break was long enough. For those of you who have recently stumbled upon my blog (because you wanted the link and I obliged) I help you prepare for what is to come.

FIRST...I am very random in what I post and how I say things. I apologize if my train of thought leaves you completely lost. It makes sense in my head but not always when I try explain it to others. So don't feel bad because you are probably not alone!

SECOND...I am horrible at taking pictures so many times there are very long posts with absolutely no pictures involved.

LAST...I constantly make fun of myself and the stupid things I do. If you can't laugh and make fun of yourself then what is there to do in life?Alright, to start off this post there is a warning, this isn't the happiest post ever but I wanted to write a little bit about my grandpa. My Grandpa Erickson was admitted to the hospital on New Year's Day because he was having trouble breathing. Hoping to leave the hospital by the end of the week, he wasn't thrilled by the prospects of living with oxygen the rest of his life but excited to leave. Then the doctors discovered that my grandpa had a leaky heart valve which was causing the fluid build-up in his lungs and making it difficult to breath. A little while after getting heart surgery he was sent to another place to recover. Then this past Thursday he was rushed to the hospital because he has pneumonia. Now he is still in the hospital again but doesn't seem to think he'll get better.

My Grandpa is a hilarious man because he isn't afraid to say anything and will usually say whatever comes to his mind. He has always been a big, tall man but soft and loving. He likes to tell me that he misses me coming over and having breakfast when I had school close to his house. Every morning he would call to ask when I as coming over and once I made it he had some sudoku and other puzzle ready to do with me and explain to me. Then he would make what he calls "mush" (oatmeal) and would tell me how good it was for you as he added a chunk of butter, then make some toast and add more butter to that too.Grandpa Erickson is always one to crack jokes and just make everything enjoyable. I have been lucky to have all four grandparents around while growing up and I am not ready to lose one. I hope he gets better soon and returns to being his own funny self.

Don't forget to enjoy life and find fun with the simple things in life!