Friday, May 10, 2013

A Big Change

Well, as some of you know and as some of you don't know, we have moved away from Pasco, Washington, and will now be living in Twin Falls, ID. It happened quickly and unexpectedly. Jason was offered a new job in March and started his new job at the beginning of May. We are excited for this new adventure. We are especially excited about being closer to both sets of grandparents.

With this excitement comes sadness too. We are going to miss Pasco and all the wonderful people we met. We were just shy of living there for six years. Many friendships and memories were made. I'm sad to have that phase of our lives over because it has been the best phase yet. My grandma once advised me to enjoy each phase in life because they will come and they will go. The "Pasco Phase" is over for us, but we will never forget it.

Friday, April 26, 2013

In the Dirt

Blake is all boy, which is just fine with me.
However, I can't ever go outside now without keeping an eye on him. He loves putting everything in his mouth. When outside, I'm usually trying my best to keep him on the grass because there typically isn't any "choking hazard" items there. Blake doesn't like being on the grass long, he'd rather be in the dirt. So the other day I said, "Fine! Go to the dirt." He could be entertained with dirt all day if I let him. I let him eat dirt too. I was hoping that one bite would let him discover that it is gross and that it wouldn't be necessary to try again. We shall see in the future whether my outlook worked. He's a boy, probably didn't work one bit.

Friday, October 19, 2012


We have been having some really nice days, so I took some pictures of Lauren and Blake outside. I'm afraid the wind has been blowing today and that means only one thing: the weather is changing. I'm going to miss the warm days.
The weather isn't the only thing that is changing. Lauren will be turning 6 years old on Sunday and Blake is almost the same weight as Lauren. Just kidding. However, he is a big boy! They are both changing so much.

These pictures are random and from our trip to Oakley in August. I've been meaning to put these on because they are hilarious. Where is Lauren? haha. I used to ride where Lauren is when I was younger. This was my mom's bike. We all had a good laugh.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Blake's Blessing

This past weekend was Blake's blessing. A lot of family came up for the occasion. We had a bbq and a party for Jason's sister, Elaine. Lauren spent a great deal with her cousins and loved every minute of it. It was a special weekend.

Lauren's in Kindergarten and More...

Lauren has started kindergarten. She was more than ready. She loves everything about it, especially riding the bus and recess. It has been so fun hearing about her day and what she has learned. Blake and I walk her to and from the bus stop.

Lauren took swimming lessons this summer. She passed Level 1 and can now swim on her own. At the beginning of her lessons she didn't have goggles, but, once she got a pair she became a new woman and passed the class. Now we will find her in the bathtub looking like this.