Monday, September 14, 2009

Quick Road Trip

We took a quick trip this past weekend. We headed up to Cheney, WA, for the night and stayed in this Holiday Inn Express. I took a picture of the hotel because it has Oakley Stone on the outside and throughout the inside. I'm always proud to see Oakley Stone because it comes from my hometown.
The next day we drove north of Coeur d' Alene to see our nephew, Joel, run in a cross country meet for the Rocky Mountain Grizzlies.

We even got a wave and smile!

We're so glad we went up to watch. It was a great weekend. The whole time we were there Lauren didn't say hi or anything to Joel. In this picture she is holding on to me because of Joel. So on the way home, we asked Lauren why she wouldn't say hi. Her response was, "I'm too shy."

Great! My daughter is taking after me.

Hot Dog Roast

Lauren and I headed down to Oakley a few weeks ago to see my parents. One of the many fun things we did was head up to the hills to roast some hot dogs.

Back in 1991, I carved my initials in this Aspen tree. I was thirteen years old and at Girl's Camp. I can't believe it has been that long ago. It was fun to see after all these years.