Friday, May 10, 2013

A Big Change

Well, as some of you know and as some of you don't know, we have moved away from Pasco, Washington, and will now be living in Twin Falls, ID. It happened quickly and unexpectedly. Jason was offered a new job in March and started his new job at the beginning of May. We are excited for this new adventure. We are especially excited about being closer to both sets of grandparents.

With this excitement comes sadness too. We are going to miss Pasco and all the wonderful people we met. We were just shy of living there for six years. Many friendships and memories were made. I'm sad to have that phase of our lives over because it has been the best phase yet. My grandma once advised me to enjoy each phase in life because they will come and they will go. The "Pasco Phase" is over for us, but we will never forget it.