I have not documented anything about my pregnancy and barely taken any photos. Here are a few pregnancy quirks I have noticed.
I am 20 WEEKS, or in other terms HALF WAY!!!
-I have gained 3 pounds thus far.
-April 28th was the first day I felt the baby move. Now, I feel her moving and kicking all the time.
-My belly looks pregnant now. I have not "popped" yet but I feel it coming on.
-I crave CHOCOLATE, soft serve custard, apple juice and fruit. I can't get enough sweets and I am trying hard not to indulge my bad habits. My efforts are not working. As I am writing this I am eating ice cream!
-I have only spent 80$ on the baby so far. Sperry's shoes, juicy bathing suit and 3 sets of onsies. I am proud of this fact!
-Bryan asks me all the time to make the baby come late so he can be at the delivery.
-All my dreams are about having a boy. I have not dreamt about a girl yet. Its making me nervous.
-I can research baby products all day long- I think every new mom can.
-I thought picking out crib and bedding would be hard but I knew exactly want I liked and invision for my baby's room. Picking out car seat, strollers, pack and play, monitor, swing, etc is beyond difficult to me!
Her name will be KENNEDY LEAH PAYNE.
Jane 14.5 months
7 years ago