Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Little Man

Mister Mister has been obsessed with shaving lately.
So it came as no surprise that he absolutely adored his Spiderman Shaving Kit that Santa brought him.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow Man and Snow Cave

The kids decided that they wanted to make a snowman with Papa while he was here for Christmas. Sara pulled a stocking off of Cami's mantle and the holder hit her on the head. She chose to stay inside while Kate, Andie and Blake had a blast out in the snow.

Later that day when Bryan got home from plowing I took the kids from Cami's house to mine. Bryan had pushed much of the snow from the front yard and driveway into a huge pile. The kids had a blast with the Snow Cave.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Holiday Sweater Party

Wade and Katie planned a Sweater Party for the first time this year. We had a blast!
Who would have thought that we would end up with not 1, but 2 Cousin Eddies?
The Men
The Ladies
Kade and Watie:
complete with the pedophile stache
Bryan went all out and bought us matching sweats!
He is usually quite the Humbug when it comes to this sort of thing. I was very impressed with his festive spirit. We even had matching socks.
We definitely need to make this a tradition! We bowled, then went to Tepanyaki and ended the evening with games at the Trane's. Thanks guys. We had a blast!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hansen's Visit

Melissa, Doug, Dallin and Amos came to visit for The Twin's baptism. Poor Amos was mauled by everyone, especially Blake. He is one loved baby boy. It was so fun to meet him.Blake and Dallin were instantly best friends. They wrestled like crazy and had so much fun playing together. Unfortunately, I didn't use my camera much that weekend. We went to Temple Square to see the lights and the boys loved riding Trax.

On their last night we went to Thanksgiving Point to see the reindeer and drive through the lights. We can't wait until the next time we get together!