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Showing posts with label Freaky Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freaky Friday. Show all posts

October 29, 2010

Freaky Friday #10 - Halloween

What is Freaky Friday? 
It is a linky meme party where we can share freaky, weird or odd photos/articles found around the internet but please keep the content family-friendly.  Come on, join the fun and participate in this meme party,  read further below:

Here is what I found:

These would FREAK me out walking on Halloween night.  How about you?
Let's see your Freaky Halloween stuff.

October 15, 2010

Freaky Friday #10

What is Freaky Friday? 
It is a linky meme party where we can share freaky, weird or odd photos/articles found around the internet but please keep the content family-friendly.  Come on, join the fun and participate in this meme party,  read further below:

Here is what I found:
The Bibliochaise is designed by Nobody and Co. It's for all you book lovers out there who doesn't like to get up from reading or has tight quarters.  This can also be used for CDs, DVDs too.

Go ahead and add your Freaky Friday (FF) posts by following these instructions :)
  1. You will need to post your Freaky Friday on your blog.
  2. Add the blog hop link button above to your FF blog post.  It will link to this post, so that others will navigate back here to see more FF posts.
  3. Come back over here and add your permalink for your FF post.

I look forward to seeing everyone's Freaky Friday blog posts :)

September 17, 2010

Freaky Friday #9

What is Freaky Friday? 
It is a linky meme party where we can share freaky, weird or odd photos/articles found around the internet but please keep the content family-friendly.  Come on, join the fun and participate in this meme party,  read further below:

Here is what I found:
Stacks of Suitcases

Go ahead and add your Freaky Friday (FF) posts by following these instructions :)
  1. You will need to post your Freaky Friday on your blog.
  2. Add the blog hop link button above to your FF blog post.  It will link to this post, so that others will navigate back here to see more FF posts.
  3. Come back over here and add your permalink for your FF post.

I look forward to seeing everyone's Freaky Friday blog posts :)

September 10, 2010

Freaky Friday #8

What is Freaky Friday? 
It is a linky meme party where we can share freaky, weird or odd photos/articles found around the internet but please keep the content family-friendly.  Come on, join the fun and participate in this meme party,  read further below:

Here is what I found:
Freaky Nails....these are way too long.  They would get in the way of EVERYTHING

Go ahead and add your Freaky Friday (FF) posts by following these instructions :)
  1. You will need to post your Freaky Friday on your blog.
  2. Add the blog hop link button above to your FF blog post.  It will link to this post, so that others will navigate back here to see more FF posts.
  3. Come back over here and add your permalink for your FF post.

I look forward to seeing everyone's Freaky Friday blog posts :)

September 3, 2010

Freaky Friday #7

What is Freaky Friday? 
It is a linky meme party where we can share freaky, weird or odd photos/articles found around the internet but please keep the content family-friendly.  Come on, join the fun and participate in this meme party,  read further below:

Here is what I found:
Giant Cow

August 27, 2010

Freaky Friday is BACK!!!

What is Freaky Friday? 
It is a linky meme party where we can share freaky, weird or odd photos/articles found around the internet but please keep the content family-friendly.  Come on, join the fun and participate in this meme party,  read further below:

Here is what I found:
This would freak me out every time someone would sit down on it.

May 21, 2010

Freaky Friday #5 - Let's Play Footies!

What is Freaky Friday? 
It is a linky meme party where we can share freaky, weird or odd photos/articles found around the internet but please keep the content family-friendly.  Come on, join the fun and participate in this meme party,  read further below:

Here is what I found:
Would it bother you if these were playing footsie with you at night?

May 14, 2010

Freaky Friday #4 - Vehicles

I'm still on break but I couldn't pass up Freaky Friday this week, I know I missed last weeks so I am making sure I post it this week.  Have a fun weekend :)  

What is Freaky Friday?
It is a linky meme party where we can share freaky, weird or odd photos/articles found around the internet but please keep the content family-friendly.  Come on, join the fun and participate in this meme party,  read further below:

Here is what I found:
Can you imagine seeing these vehicles on the road?

April 30, 2010

Freaky Friday - Massive Dog

What is Freaky Friday?
It is a linky meme party where we can share freaky, weird or odd photos/articles found around the internet but please keep the content family-friendly.  Come on, join the fun and participate in this meme party,  read further below:

Here is what I found:
Can you imagine having a dog bigger than you?  I would be scared to death..LOL.  You can tell this dog is a Bullmastiff.  I have a Bullmastiff named Athena, but she's not that GIGANTIC!!


April 24, 2010

Freaky Friday Meme

I am now having a weekly Freaky Friday meme party. 

What is Freaky Friday?
It is a linky meme party where we can share freaky, weird or odd photos/articles but please keep the content family-friendly.  To participate in this meme party,  read below:

  • Freaky Friday linky tool will be posted every Thursday evening..
  • You will need to post your Freaky Friday on your blog.
  • Add the Meme Link button below to your Freaky Friday blog post.  The button will link to the Freaky Friday post, so that others will navigate back here to see more freaky posts.
  • Come back over here and link up your Freaky Friday blog post to the list.

    Freaky Friday Meme Link Button

    I look forward to seeing some Freaky Friday posts :)

    Once you've linked up to the meme party, I would love for you to grab the Freaky Friday button and add it on your blog.  Spread the word to all your friends about this new meme party so we can get as many great entries as possible :)  I think it would be fun to see some freaky stuff!

    April 23, 2010

    Freaky Friday - Bubble House

    This Freaky Friday was about houses. I found one with lots of uniqueness and it's called the 'Bubble House.

    The ‘Bubble House’ of Tourrettes-sur-Loup, France, is only 35 years old and has yet to be finished, but that hasn’t stopped the French ministry of culture from listing it as a historic monument. Designed in the 70s by Hungarian architect Antti Lovag for fashion designer Pierre Cardin, the bubble house is futuristic yet organic, with lots of built-in furniture and oval, convex windows. The design is meant to take optimal advantage of the volcanic Côte d’Azur landscape, and its windows certainly provide a beautiful view of the Mediterranean.

    April 9, 2010

    Freaky Friday - Buildings

    The Tianzi Hotel, in the Chinese province of Hebei
    The hotel above holds the world record for the “biggest image building” at 10 stories

    Elephant Building, Bangkok

    April 2, 2010

    Freaky Friday

    I was inspired by Julia at Hooked on Houses weekly post of 'Freaky House Photos Friday' to start my very own 'Freaky Friday' post.  Since this was inspired by Hooked on Houses, I found a couple of freaky house photos.

    This living room photo below has some weird things in it.  It's freaky!

    I also found another freaky living room picture but it's more creepy...take a look below.

    Last but not least, here are some freaky kitchen pictures!

    To view more Blog Party Freaky House Photo Friday, click here and scroll to the permalinks.

    Also check out Hooked on Houses, Julia post the most beautiful houses on the market today.  All of them are always fabulous and I get jealous seeing them all but its always fun to see someone else's house.