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Thoughts on Voting

"The people who cast the votes don't decide an election; the people who COUNT the votes do." -- Joseph Stalin

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Game Winning Homerun Turns Tragic - Inspiring Display of Sportsmanship

Game Winning Homerun Turns Tragic - Inspiring Display of Sportsmanship

These kids got it right. Inspirational.

Copyright @ 1998-2011 All Rights Reserved

Housing market: 13% of all U.S. homes are vacant - Yahoo! Finance

Housing market: 13% of all U.S. homes are vacant - Yahoo! Finance

As a result, property values continue to plunge. Until and unless banks stop this short sale madness and adopt a sensible plan that stops the neighborhood decline, such as using a program such as HOPES, which provides equity sharing that allows the homeowner to remain in the home, this decline will continue.

Copyright @ 1998-2010 All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Event Horizon Chronicle: Sayonara, Tokyo

Event Horizon Chronicle: Sayonara, Tokyo

Tokyo is only about 160 miles from the site of the reactors that are melting down. As radiation levels rise in the region it is a firm guarantee that more and more radioactivity will fall out on Tokyo.

No doubt about it.

The inevitable consequence of that will be a dramatic withering of the cultural, social, commercial and economic life of the huge Tokyo megalopolis. As more and more people abandon Tokyo it will become a radioactive shadow of its former self. Of course the economic implications of that for global finance and commerce are immense, Tokyo is one of the three major centers of high finance in the world, along with London and New York, so its abandonment therefore has ineluctable repercussions that will rock the modern, global civilization to its core.

Do you think I'm full of it? That I don't know what I'm talking about?

Tell that to the 25 foreign governments that have already either closed their embassies in Tokyo, or have evacuated Tokyo and moved their embassies to Osaka. (5)

Tell that to the international bankers who are now fleeing Tokyo and Japan in droves. (6)

Tell that to the U.S. Navy which announced on March 17th that it was prepared to evacuate as many as 87,000 personnel if necessary. (7)

Tell that to the USO that announced two days later on March 19th that the U.S. Military has begun a voluntary evacuation of up to 200,000 military personnel and their dependents from Japan. (8, 9)

While all of this has been going on the Japanese government has also urged more evacuations and quietly widened the evacuation zone around the melting down Fukushima reactors. (10, 11)

The plain English translation of all of this activity is that the evacuation of Fukushima, of Japan, and of Tokyo, has already begun.

Copyright @ 2010All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bill Ayres Admits writing DREAMS FROM MY FATHER for OBAMA!

Wow! This will shake things up a bit.

Copyright @ 1998-2011 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tiger, Please...I can't stand it anymore.

Twenty years ago I was playing in a Senior professional team tournament with my partner, Clyde Daniels, a good friend and former great athlete from Texas.  Clyde was now a local club pro raising his kids in Sacramento, and playing for dinero on the side.  During this round he was raving about a 15-year old kid with the greatest natural talent he had ever seen.  He described how this young phenom could already outhit him by 30 yards, and Clyde was known as a very long hitter.  That was my introduction to Tiger Woods.

Over the years, I, like many American males, adopted Tiger as my own and rooted for him with zeal as he amazed us over and over again with his feats on the golf course.  Whether it was hitting shots nobody had ever dreamed of hitting, or sinking putts from amazing distances and with incredible breaks, Tiger would consistently amaze us.

Since sabotaging his own life and career, Tiger began the long climb back to what he hopes is his return to domination on the tour.  I understand his wanting to change his lifestyle and personal habits and to become a great parent.  But, in my opinion, he has taken his mantra for change too far.  It's one thing to change your personal habits, quite another to take one of the best swings ever and completely re-do it.  As I watch him continue to struggle with the robotic swing changes instituted by "guru" Sean Foley, I can only cringe.

If his dad was alive today, he would be very frustrated.  The line "beware of false prophets" comes to mind.  David Ledbetter, Butch Harmon, Hank Haney, Sean Foley, the names are well-known.  So-called swing gurus and nowadays all the pros have them.  I find it ridiculous.  The great players of yesterday never used a swing coach, other than those who relied upon the wisdom of their dads.  I can never imagine Jack Nicklaus or Sam Snead going to someone else for daily advice.  It never happened.

Tiger now calls himself Ranger Rick, because he hits the ball so well on the range, but can't bring it to the course.  Of course you can't, Tiger, and you won't.  As your dad would have told you, when you are playing under pressure, you ALWAYS return to your natural instincts and swing -- always. 

I can understand swing changes as we age and our bodies change.  In my case, I underwent multiple spinal surgeries in my early 30's.  All my childhood dreams of playing on the PGA Tour were put to rest.  Doctors said I would never play again.  So, never one to be told I can't do something, I shortened my backswing and had a 51-inch driver made to accommodate the changes.  It worked and my dream came true at age 50 when I got a win in a Senior mini-tour event and got a 292 yard hole in one on a par 4 in the same year.

Swing changes are sometimes necessary, but Tiger has taken it too far.  The greatest putter in history with the greatest short game has changed his chipping and putting styles to "alter the release point", whatever the hell that means.  His dad must be screaming at him from above, "Return to your natural swing and stroke".  Tiger's perfectly smooth stroke is now a quick jab.  He regularly misses putts from six feet and under when he used to do things like make 49 out of 50.

Here is something to remember, Tiger.  Under extreme pressure, we will always do what comes naturally.  Your guru can tell you over and over to swing a certain way or to stroke the ball a certain way, but when the tv cameras are on and the whole world is watching, your natural instincts take over.  It's why they call them "natural".  So, Tiger, after your Masters experience in a couple of weeks and I wish you the very best, my recommendation is to dump your latest guru and return home.

Immediately dump this new putting stroke.  Watch videos of your swing and stroke ten (10) years ago and get back to that fluid swing.  Dump Foley.  You are starting to look very robotic and mechanical, and that, coupled with few smiles, slammed clubs, loud profanity, and an old sourpuss, makes me long for the energetic, smiling Tiger.  It's not much fun watching you anymore, pal, and that is very sad.  Let's send Ranger Rick packing and get Tiger back.  Good luck.

Copyright @ 1998-2011 All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 21, 2011

AFP: Tiger's new blonde has sporting links: reports

AFP: Tiger's new blonde has sporting links: reports

Prediction: Now that all is right in the universe, look for Tiger to win the Masters. We're rooting for him.

Copyright @ 1998-2011 All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fire on water: Japan, world watches tsunami strike live -

Fire on water: Japan, world watches tsunami strike live -

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LIVE VIDEO: 8.9 Earthquake hits Japan; tsunami watch issued across US west coast | The Raw Story

LIVE VIDEO: 8.9 Earthquake hits Japan; tsunami watch issued across US west coast | The Raw Story

Copyright @ 1998-2011 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 10, 2011

US Declares War On Democracy!

US Declares War On Democracy!

It is time for a GENERAL STRIKE in this country.

Copyright @ 1998-2011 All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome To Perpetual Cash Leveraging

Welcome To Perpetual Cash Leveraging

Giving is the Gift of Love...

Copyright @ 1998-2011 All Rights Reserved

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